The Dead Leader

Sugoi! Anata wa sugoi!
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A/N: Hi, guys!

Here's the next chapter! Lol, actually, I wasn't planning to post this until tomorrow at least. But I can't make any progress with my thesis right now, no matter how much I try to force my brain to work. So, I'm just going to put this up instead. Hehe. XD (But this is just our secret, okay? Don't tell anyone, especially my adviser! jk)


“Ah, it’s good to be home,” Yunho groaned, stretching happily across his sofa.

He and Changmin had just gotten back to Korea from Japan earlier that day. They had to drop by their company to flesh out some plans for their upcoming schedules for a while, but now they had the rest of the day off. And Yunho couldn’t wait to catch up on some much needed rest.

Little did he know that the rest of his day would soon turn out to be anything but restful.

Yunho had just been dozing peacefully on the sofa for a few short minutes when he was startled awake by someone knocking- no, banging- forcefully at his front door.

He was confused and a little bit worried, because his place was in a very exclusive building, and no one except a fair few number of people was to be let up to his apartment without the security at the lobby calling him first before allowing guests to proceed. And Yunho had no clue on who it might be. It can’t be his manager- he had just seen him a couple of hours ago. It can’t be Changmin- because his maknae was also eager for some time off and already had plans with his evil maknae counterpart from Super Junior. It can’t be any of Yunho’s family or some of his other friends- they would let him know first that they would be visiting him.

Praying it wasn’t some sasaeng or paparazzi with astonishingly good sneaking skills to bypass the building’s security, Yunho opened the door.

And he had to blink hard a few times to make sure that he was already properly awake and not hallucinating, because what waited for him was the last sight he ever expected to see.

Jaejoong was standing at his front door.

His ex-bandmate.

His ex-best friend.

His ex-boyfriend.

His ex-other half of his heart.

His ex-… ex-everything. You get the picture.

That Jaejoong.

Kim Jaejoong.

It’s been years since Yunho had last seen any members of JYJ. Not since the three of them had last been in their old dorm, packing their belongings. He and Changmin hadn’t even had any kind of contact or communication with any of the three all these years. Years filled with silence and pain and hurt and bitterness between the two sides. And now Jaejoong was just suddenly standing right in front of him.

But honestly, Yunho couldn’t bring himself to care for any of those things at moment.

Not when Jaejoong was looking at him that way.

Years of separation be damned, Yunho had had enough experiences in the past to know what that look meant. He still remembered well enough. Unfortunately.

It was the look that said that his death was about to come.

Kim Jaejoong was standing outside his door… and looking as furious as hell, glaring daggers at Yunho as though wishing he could burn Yunho’s very soul itself to cinders.

“J-Jaejoong?” Yunho managed to stutter out.

“Yunho,” Jaejoong growled out, sending a chill up Yunho’s spine.

“W-what can I do for you?” Yunho gulped, pulling a bit at the neck of his shirt nervously. Never mind that this was their first encounter since the lawsuit issue and it should be awkward and all that . Yunho thought that maybe being polite and casual might just be the best way to save his life!

Jaejoong’s eyes narrowed even more, if possible. “You can die for me, for starters,” the older man replied in a cold and deadly voice.

It took all of Yunho’s strength not cower at those words. Yep, he was definitely dead. D-E-A-D. Dead. And he didn’t even know what he had done so bad that Jaejoong showed up himself to make Yunho pay for it.

“W-what did I do, Jae?” Yunho all but squeaked.

“What did you?” Jaejoong repeated with a snarl. “What did you do?! I’ll tell you what you just did, Jung Yunho! You hurt and abused my baby! Nobody abuses my baby!”

Now Yunho was just goddamned even more confused. “Your baby? Wha-?”

“Changmin, you goddamn idiot! I meant Changmin! My baby!”

And that still didn’t even clarify anything for

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Chapter 4: Love it crazy Jae is just so cute, I miss them together
Chapter 4: Re-reading this!!!!!

Chapter 4: WAIT
Chapter 4: Ok after reading about 500000 reunion fanfics where at least one of the members die a tragic death, I am all healed and hyper now!! Yay!! ^_^ so cuuute
dee_9576 #5
Chapter 4: It's been so long.. they have splitted for about as long as ot5 time..
Thanks for the sharing the story
Reading your stories during my break from studying is so refreshing! :)
Chapter 4: This made my crappy day much better!!!!!
tsubakisworld #7
Chapter 4: I miss ot5 so much TwT
Chapter 4: hahaha jaejoong is really weird he have a soft spot for the evil maknae
Chapter 4: I miss them so much...
Chapter 4: i hope it is real...
hahaha...miss my DB5K..
love ur story ..thanks for made this...
and good luck for ur thesis