One Less Sense
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Jaebum has never heard a word anyone's ever said to him. Not his mom, not his father, his little brother, the professors at school or his friends on the dance team. He's never heard his girlfriend of three years, Sohyun say anything, not that she hasn't tried.

He's never heard her whisper I love you, in between the moving of their lips as they kissed. He's never heard her say goodbye when he drops her off by her class or heard her talk about her day from the various expressions on her face.

He's never heard the ringing of the school bells; signaling for the class to be over or the squeaking of a marker as it glided across the dry erase boards. The scraping of chairs against tile when people shuffled into the cafeteria and grabbed their usual spots.

But that doesn't mean it makes life any less exciting; it's the exact opposite actually.


Jaebum threaded his fingers through the spaces of Sohyun as they walked along the sidewalk toward their apartment, already done with their last class of the day.

The wind had picked up, and it had gotten increasingly colder the longer the day rolled on. Now snow had coated the edge of the streets, the tops of buildings and fell from the sky in flurries as he pulled his girlfriend close.

Other university students walked along, burrowing their heads deep into scarves and keeping their hands tucked away in their pockets.

Sohyun breathed out a gust of smoke and tightened her gloved fingers with Jaebum's before she could see their apartment in the distance. 

The brick stone building came into view three blocks later until they were shuffling inside and taking the elevator up to the sixth floor. 

When they clambered out, Sohyun pulled out the keys and unlocked the door as they walked into their home, switching the lights on in the process. 

Turn the heater on; I'll make us some hot chocolate, Sohyun signed into her palm while pulling her coat off. 

Jaebum nodded and kissed her lips as she smiled before disappearing into the kitchen. Once the heater was on, he grabbed one of the big duvet blankets from the closet and walked back into the living room. He took a seat on the couch and turned the tv on; the subtitles were playing for 'It's Okay, That's Love', and he craned his head out to see if he could spot Sohyun.

About five minutes later, she came out of the kitchen with a warm smile on her face, and he moved the blankets aside so she could take a seat in his lap while carefully handing him the cup of hot chocolate.

Thank you, he murmured the vibration into her neck. 

And when she cuddled closer into his chest and wrapped the blanket tighter around herself, he knew he didn't need to hear her to know that she was perfectly content.


The sun peeked through the curtains of the window behind Jaebum's head as he adjusted his head on the pillow. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and let his vision adjust after a minute to all the objects around the room before he let out a yawn. He stretched his arms above his head until he felt his muscles pop in his back and settled back down in the bed when Sohyun stirred beside him.

He pulled her closer by her waist gently until she was laying aginst his side and he brought his head down to rub his nose against the soft skin behind her ear.

His hands wound around her waist, and he interlocked their fingers together while she turned her head and he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Even if he couldn't hear the alarm on the side of the bed or the sound of the ruckus outside their apartment and the fan that spun above them, he could still enjoy the few moments he had to himself when Sohyun slept.

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galaxybrooklyns #1
Chapter 1: This- it's just the epitome of a great one-shot story. Great work!
joey-mccoy #2
Chapter 1: I don't think I've ever read anything by you before (and that's a shame, because I enjoy your writing style and how you word things), but I must say that this was a beautiful one-shot. My step-dad was legally deaf — meaning he could hear, but certainly not well, and his hearing only being at a "suitable" level with hearing aid devices — and yet, he despised them because he felt the world was a perfectly suitable place to live without hearing. I've always felt that touch was one of the most powerful senses we have, both physically (obviously) and socially. Whether that's because I grew up with a dad who preferred a quieted world, I'm not sure. But, I always enjoy reading fiction (fan works or not) with characters who experience deafness and the positive sides of it. My dad was always glad that he couldn't hear the neighbor's dog yapping (who could blame him?) and I enjoyed that he was more emotionally impacted by loud noise in movies (like gunshots or slammed doors) because his attention was never focused on small sounds (like rustling paper or the tapping of impatient fingers) so I could gush about the symbolism and impact of the events with him.

That's a lot of rambling. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this (and it's in his point of view! So rare!!) and that I will definitely be reading more of your writing. Fighting~!