Scenario 3 - Jinhwan Pt. 2

Gidaryeo (iKON Scenarios)


You know I'm always here for you, Jinhwan. Always.

You stayed true to your word. Ever since that night, you made an extra effort to check up on Jinhwan everyday. You never failed to send him a text or call him every night, sometimes you would watch him in practice or visit their dorm. You helped him get back on his feet, basically. It has been three weeks since the break up and he was dealing with it well so far. You two have gotten so much closer than before and Jinhwan was utterly thankful to have you by his side.

"Yeoboseyo?" You finally answered your phone after several rings. You were so busy preparing lunch for Jinhwan that you forgot to call him back.

[Y/N-ah, where are you??]

"Wae? You miss me already?" You .

[I doWhy are you making me wait this long?]

You were smiling ear to ear because of his sudden confession. Oh forget the butterflies. With Jinhwan, you literally feel the whole zoo in your stomach.

"Aigoo~ when did you become this impatient? I think I'm spoiling you too much."

Jinhwan continued whining like a little kid. He may be iKON's oldest hyung but he has his childish side too. And you love it. You love every side of him. You love him.

"Nae~ arasseo~ I'm on my way."

You ended the call as a cab pulled up in front of you.

"Ahjussi, to YG building please."

Jinhwan wiped off his sweat but not the big grin plastered on his face. He has been practicing for hours now, boy was he exhausted but he didn't mind. He was going to see you today and that's all that matters.

He jumped to his feet when he heard the door opening, hoping to see your beautiful face, but his smile turned upside down when he saw his dongsaeng instead.

"Were you expecting someone else, hyung?" Bobby chuckled when he noticed Jinhwan's sudden change of expression.

Jinhwan nodded. "Y/N-ah is coming."

"Ah, got you." Bobby smiled teasingly at him. "Well, I just wanted to let you know that the boys and i are heading back to the dorm now."

"Arasseo. Tell Yunhyeong to take out the meat from the refrigerator and cut it. I'll cook dinner when I get home."

"Nae. Don't overwork yourself, hyung. The concert is in three days, you don't want to get sick."

Right, the concert. One of the reasons why Jinhwan was so eager to spend the day with you. iKON was chosen to perform at Big Bang's concert in Tokyo and he won't be able to see you for a few days.

Jinhwan went back to work as soon as Bobby left but he already lost his concentration. He kept glancing at the clock or checking his phone for any message.

What's taking her so long?

A few minutes later, the door swung open again.

"Oppa." The familiar high-pitched voice echoed throughout the room, making Jinhwan's muscle suddenly tense up. What was she doing there? Jinhwan didn't want to see her, not now, not ever.

"Oppa, we need to talk."

"I don't want anything to do with you anymore, Haerin. I thought I had made that clear."

Anger was burning up inside Jinhwan. He took several deep breaths to calm himself down but he knew he had to get out of there soon. Haerin was Jinhwan's biggest mistake and seeing her only reminded him of the pain and how stupid he was.

"Oppa, just please listen to me."

Jinhwan quickly fixed his stuff and went for the door. He completely ignored Haerin but she didn't falter. Haerin grabbed Jinhwan by the wrist and kissed him hard.

WHAT THE F-- It took seconds before Jinhwan realize what was happening. He roughly pushed Haerin off of him and she fell on the floor.  


"DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!" Haerin froze. She had never seen Jinhwan like this. He was always calm, gentle and forgiving- but not this time.

"Y/N-ah, are you okay?" Your manager asked, breaking through your train of thoughts. "You seem to be spacing out a lot lately."

It's true. Ever since the day you saw Jinhwan and Haerin together again, you just fell apart. You couldn't eat, sleep, you couldn't do anything right, like all your life got out of you. 

Things were going well between you and Jinhwan, you thought you finally had the chance, that your relationship with him would grow into something more, but when you saw Jinhwan and Haerin kissing, reality hit you hard. Jinhwan will never be yours. You set your hopes too high, only to come crashing down- shattered, just like your heart.

"See, you're doing it again." 

Your manager chuckled as she waved her hand in front your face. You mentally slapped yourself and quickly apologized to her. How could you act so rude in front of your manager? 

"I think you need a day off. Chanmi and I will handle everything here tomorrow."

"Oh no, I'm fine, I don't-"

"I'm being nice here, Y/N-ah, you should take advantage of it." She winked and you sighed in defeat. You don't want to be rude again. I'll just clean my apartment tomorrow to keep myself distracted.

"Okay." You gave her a small smile. "Thank you. I'll be leaving now."

As soon as you got out of the cafe, you noticed that the sky was darker than you had ever seen before and there wasn't even a single star in sight. Well, that's depressing.


You almost jumped when Jinhwan suddenly appeared out of nowhere. You clutched your chest, trying to calm yourself down. He was completely covered up and you thought he was some guy trying to mug you.

"Did I scare you? I'm sorry."

You looked around before pulling him to a dark spot beside the cafe where no one could see you two. 

"What are you doing here? The concert is tomorrow, why are you-" 

"Y/N-ah, we need to talk." He cuts you off and took a step forward. Jinhwan felt a pinch in his heart when you stepped back. I can't be too close to him anymore, you reminded yourself.

"You're not supposed to be here, Jinhwan."

"I know, I just.." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. Even though you know you shouldn't be having this conversation, you waited for him to continue. Jinhwan stayed silent and you grew irritated.

"I'm going."

"No, Y/N-ah, wait!" He grabbed your hand, turning you around to face him. Maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you, but you saw sadness in his eyes. 

"You didn't contact me for a few days.. I was so worried. Practice was a little bit tougher this time so I didn't have the time to see you. But I'm here now. I wanted to know why.." He lets out heavy sigh. "Did I do something wrong, Y/N-ah?"

"Why are you doing this to me, Jinhwan?" You muttered. You could feel tears forming in your eyes. Tears of sadness, pain and anger.


"You got back with Haerin, didn't you?" 

Jinhwan's eyebrows creased. "What?"

"I can't do this anymore, Jinhwan. It hurts too much. I love you, but-"

"I love you too, Y/N-ah."

"No, you don't understand. We're best friends but I wanted something more, Jinhwan! I kept telling myself that maybe someday you would feel the same way, if i just keep trying.. But I guess, someday will never happen."

Jinhwan pulled you into a hug as you let all your tears fall. You finally confessed what you have been hiding these past years. 

"Y/N-ah, thank you for everything you have done for me." 

Is this it? Is he rejecting me? You thought, and you wanted to cry even more.

"I want to start over again." Jinhwan tightened the hug and buried his face on your neck. "I want to start over again Y/N-ah, with you."


You heard every word that he said but you just couldn't believe it. You pulled away from him and stared at him in confusion. Jinhwan smiled and wiped your tear stained cheeks.

"When I get back, I promise I will fix everything."

A million thoughts ran through your head, trying to process what was happening. Jinhwan noticed you were still in a daze and he found it cute. Too cute that he couldn't control himself and kissed your forehead. 

It finally dawned on you. Jinhwan and I.. We're.. He's..

"I'm going to make things right, Y/N-ah. Can you wait for me?"

Another bucket of tears was ready to fall. "I've waited two and a half years for this moment, I'm pretty sure I could handle 3 more days."

Jinhwan chuckled and gave you another kiss on the forehead. "Come on, let's get you home."




I finally finished it! /claps for myself

Its 4 in the morning but heyy, it was worth it.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much I did writing it. Kamsahamnida~!

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Caramel42 #1
you did a great job with this stories <high five^.^>
Can't wwait for more :-)
mizz14 #2
Chapter 6: Plezz update soon author nim... U did a great job... <3<3<3 hope u do for chanwoo later..
Chapter 4: Its good !!! please update soon authornim ;))))
DarkMornings #4
Chapter 4: Part 2 of jinhwans scenario plsss c:
MissElle2 #5
Chapter 3: WAAHHH you shouldn't listen to those people and I hope you don't talk to them anymore.
btw good luck on writing the one shot for jinhwan he's my bias ahah^^
Chapter 2: Eeeeeeeek Junhoe's my faveeeeee. At first I was like "this little b----," but I mean I guess I would melt if someone did that for me too. <3
Chapter 1: Omg you had me bawling my eyes out, but I'm excited for Junhoe's.