Scenario 1 - Hanbin

Gidaryeo (iKON Scenarios)

He's here!

You thought to yourself when you heard the doorknob turning. You set aside the photo album you were just looking at and quickly stood up to open the door.

"Welcome home!"

You happily greeted your boyfriend, Kim Hanbin. You haven't seen him or talked to him in a week and you missed him so much. You gave him a hug but your smile soon vanished when he didn't hug you back. He didn't even say a word to you and just continued to the bedroom.

Did something happen?

It was unusual for Hanbin to act that way but you know he has been working really hard for his debut and you figured he was just stressed out. Being the loving and understanding girlfriend you are, you decided to let this one pass.

When you entered the bedroom, you saw Hanbin taking out a few clothes from the closet.

He's leaving again..?

You felt your heart sank. Today was a special day for you and you wanted to spend the rest of it with Hanbin, but it seems like you're gonna be alone again tonight.

You sat down at the edge of the bed and started playing with your fingers.

"Hanbin-ah, i have something to tell you.."

The silence in the room and the coldness of Hanbin made you nervous that you can actually hear the sound of your own heartbeat.

"Can't you tell me next time? I have to get back to the studio." He said sternly.

You hesitated at first but you thought he might not be home for another week or two. You have been waiting for this moment, you have been itching to tell him. Its now or never.

"This is really important, Hanbin. Can't you stay a little longer?"

Hanbin slung his bag over his shoulder, completely ignoring you. He was headed for the door so you grabbed his wrist but he quickly slapped your hand away.

"I don't have time for this!" 

You flinched when Hanbin raised his voice. He had never yelled at you before and for a moment there, you thought he was going to hit you. You felt angry and afraid at the same time. Tears were already trickling down your face when Hanbin realized what he had done. He wanted to hug you but you took a step back.

"Y/N.. I.. I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to-"

You wiped your tears as you turn your back on him. "Go."

"I'm sorry, Y/N.."

You wanted him to stay and you expected him to, but you felt his presence slowly dissipate. You heard the door closed and the room fell silent once again. Hanbin just left and you were alone again. 

"I can't believe this.." You flopped down on your bed and you bursted out in tears again.

"I'm sorry, baby.. Your mommy is weak.."

You said as you held your tummy. Today was supposed to be special for the both of you. You just found out you are 2 months pregnant. You were so excited to tell Hanbin but now, you don't even know anymore. You cried yourself to sleep that night.


The next few days were depressing. You still can't get over at what happened between you and Hanbin. He didn't even bother to check on you. No texts, no calls.

Stupid Kim Hanbin, you thought to yourself.

You were planning to stay in bed all day today since you weren't feeling well. The morning sickness was getting worse. But you know you have to eat. You're eating for two now. For you and your precious baby.

You went to the kitchen, only to find out you were running out of food. You cursed under your breath. You don't want to eat a cup of noodles or sardines. You want something healthy for your baby. So you decided to go out and buy groceries.

The trip to the supermarket wasn't that long. It was 15 minutes away from your apartment. You could actually walk if you wanted to but you took a cab this time.

You were about to get off when you suddenly felt a throbbing pain in your stomach.

"Is there something wrong, agassi?"

"Aniyo. Kamsahamnida, ahjussi."

You took a deep breath and quickly got off the cab.

Once you were inside the supermarket, you took out your what-to-buy list, got a cart and started shopping.

You were passing by the ice cream section and remembered Hanbin. Even though you're mad at him, you still got him his favorite choco cones.

I'm such a good girlfriend. You chuckled and continued shopping.

You're almost done and there is only one thing left on your list when your stomach started hurting again.


You caressed your stomach hoping the pain would go away. You struggled to keep your balance but the pain was unbearable. You collapsed to the ground.


"Noona? Is that you?"

You saw a familiar figure walking towards you.

"Help.." you whimpered before you lost consciousness.


Donghyuk was able to catch you before your head completely hit the hard floor. He immediately lifted you up. He felt something wet from your legs and his eyes widened when he saw blood dripping down between your legs.

Noona is pregnant? Donghyuk thought as he hurriedly carried you out of the supermarket.



Hanbin was busy working in the studio as usual. He had no idea what was happening to his girlfriend until Jinhwan suddenly bursted into the room.


"Ya! Why.. aren't you.. answering your phone!" Jinhwan said, trying to catch his breath.

"My phone's battery died. What's wrong, hyung?"

"Y/N is in the hospital!"

"What... what do you mean?"

Hanbin tried to keep calm but he was starting to get nervous.

"I don't know what exactly happened. Donghyuk just called me and-- why am i even explaining here! Just go to *insert hospital name here*!"

Hanbin ran out of the studio as fast as he can and hailed a cab. Thankfully there was no traffic and he reached the hospital in no time. He saw Donghyuk waiting for him at the entrance.


"Where is she..?"

"Room 214."

Hanbin nodded and quickly made his way to your room.


Hanbin felt his heart shatter into pieces when he saw you lying on the hospital bed. He slowly walked to you and took your hand. He kissed your forehead as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Y/N.. I'm here now.."

You were fast asleep but pain was clearly written on your face. You look so frail and fragile.

"I'm sorry I took so long, jagiya.. I'm sorry.." Hanbin cried softly.

A few minutes later, a doctor entered the room.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you related to the patient?"

Hanbin nodded. "I'm her boyfriend."

"I'm sorry to say but Ms. Y/N had a miscarriage.."

Hanbin's eyes widened in shock. He turned to look at you and remembered that day. That day when you were going to tell him the good news, that day when you two had a fight, that day when he walked away from you, that day when you were left alone crying, that day..

"She was two months pregnant.." The doctor noticed how clueless Hanbin was. "She didn't tell you, did she?"

Hanbin shook his head.

"I'm sorry about that. Your girlfriend had a hormonal imbalance. Sometimes a woman's body doesn't produce enough of the hormone progesterone, which is necessary to help the uterine lining to support the fetus and help the placenta take hold. That's what caused the miscarriage."

Hanbin didn't need to know those stuff. Because he already know he's the one to blame. He's the reason why you had the miscarriage. He failed to be a good boyfriend. He failed to be a good father. He wasn't there for you when you needed him the most. He wasn't able protect you. He wasn't able to save his child.

Hanbin fell to his knees and started crying again.

"I'm sorry, jagiya.."

His heart felt like it was being stabbed multiple times. He was sad-- no, he was depressed. He was guilty and mad at himself. He was in pain but the pain he was feeling was incomparable to yours. He lost his child and he might lose you too.


Hanbin ran back to your side when he heard your soft voice.

"Hanbin-ah.. Why are you crying?"

Hanbin remained silent.

"What happened..?"

You tried to sit but even a small movement was painful for you. You placed your hand on your stomach and started to panic.

"My baby.."

You looked at Hanbin and he cupped your face in his hands. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you finally understood the situation.

"Oh my God.."

"I'm sorry, Y/N.. I'm really sorry.."

"My baby.. Our baby.. i-is gone.." You said between your sobs.

"Its all my fault, Y/N.. I'm sorry.. You had to go through everything alone.."

A flashback of all your moments with Hanbin played in your mind. From the day you first met him, when he asked you out, the first time he held your hand, your first kiss, your first s*x, the dates, the fights, everything up to this moment..

"I love you so much, Y/N.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.."

You wanted to tell him how much you love him too and that you don't blame him for what happened but no words came out from your mouth.

You know things will never be the same again.




Sorry guys, if this story is a bit  depressing.

The next chapter will be Junhoe's and i promise its gonna be a happy ending.

Stay tuned!


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Caramel42 #1
you did a great job with this stories <high five^.^>
Can't wwait for more :-)
mizz14 #2
Chapter 6: Plezz update soon author nim... U did a great job... <3<3<3 hope u do for chanwoo later..
Chapter 4: Its good !!! please update soon authornim ;))))
DarkMornings #4
Chapter 4: Part 2 of jinhwans scenario plsss c:
MissElle2 #5
Chapter 3: WAAHHH you shouldn't listen to those people and I hope you don't talk to them anymore.
btw good luck on writing the one shot for jinhwan he's my bias ahah^^
Chapter 2: Eeeeeeeek Junhoe's my faveeeeee. At first I was like "this little b----," but I mean I guess I would melt if someone did that for me too. <3
Chapter 1: Omg you had me bawling my eyes out, but I'm excited for Junhoe's.