Asylum 448: The Biter


Son Heeyeon was one of the new employees tasked in the asylum located far from the city. Much to her misfortune, her first patient was sanctioned in the Level 5B, one of the worst floors in the building. And this patient is no breezy ride, no, he fights and he bites.



Heeyeon's body trembled as she distanced herself as much as she could from the man before her.

"S-s-stop moving closer. S-stop!"

She began to feel smaller and smaller under his calculated stare, unwavering and amused. When did she start losing control?

"My dear, I can't help it if you make things so easy. 


...Did I mention how ravishing you look today?"


I stumbled upon a story some time ago with Baekhyun in a mental instituation with a tendency to bite people, but I can't remember what the title was. It inspired me to take a new twist and plot to a situation sort of similar. 

A combination of vampire au and asylum au?



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Hm, the plot sounds interesting, unique, I've never read something similar. I can't wait for you to update!

Take your time! ^^

Hwaiting~!! ^^
Chapter 1: Very interesting!!!
na181198 #3
Sounds interesting.