Chapter 24

I Fell In Love With a Little Vampire Girl

Jaemi, had lived this confusing life, surprisingly without any problems. Ever since that insident in the cafeteria, people are starting to be more carefull areound her. But of course, people still have the guts to mock her. Just not right in front of her face

"Hey are you joining again?" Tao ask as he lay on the grass

"Join what?" Jaemi ask as she drank her strawberry milk.

"You know, the annual rap battle. It's Wednesday today" Kai lay down besides Tao. Kai closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again to hit Tao's head. Tao laughed silently as he managed to annoy his friend

"Already? Wow, time does goes by fast" Chanyeol commented as he sip on his youghurt drink

"So are you really joining again? Like seriously........again?" Kyungsoo asked laying on Baekhyun's lap

"I don't know guys. It's literaly the seventh time i join" Jaemi said as she lay on Mihyun's Lap. Mihyun and Jaemi had gotten so close for the past week, that people would've thought they were sisters if it weren't the fact that Mihyun is an only child

"Well, you are pretty amazing" Baekhyun smiled

"Just pretty amazing?" Jaemi pretended to scoff and threw her empty milk towards Baekhyun, who dodged it without any problem. Everyone around her laughed

"Alright you are amazing" Suho laughed before laying on the soft grass too

"So are you joining, cause i think you should." Sehun said timidly laying against the tree. Sehun had never shown Jaemi his cheerfull side. Jaemi had herad stories from the other members that he was the craziest among them, She really want to see that kind of image.

"She will, i'm telling you" Mihyun said braiding Jaemi's hair

"Oh? How sure?" Jaemi asked in a teasing tone

"Baek Po" Everyone responded making Jaemi sigh out loud (A/N "Baek PO" "100 percent")

"You guys are no fun" Jaemi pouted while kicking Tao's thighs

"Well, even though we all know you'll win, Good luck. Remember what Kris Say" Tao said sitting up

"What did he say?" Jaemi asked

"Don't make them piss too hard" Tao responded as everyone bursted out in laughter.

"Alright Tao, i think it's time for you to make everything normal again" Suho stood up

"Aw come on, i like that it's peacefull" Chanyeol, being the gigantic baby he is whined.

"Yeah, no mockings" Sehun muttered under his breath but no one seemed to notice it

"Oh come on, you big baby. DIdin't you say you want to see me beat them all up with my raps?" Jaemi pull Chanyeol's hands, which is nearly impossible.

"Oh alright" Chanyeol rolled his eyes before getting up himself. Tao look at his surrroundings before snapping his fingers, People around them started walking again, the birds started singing again.

"Let's get you on the battle ring" Baekhyun put his arms around Jaemi's shoulder as they walk away. Baekhyun felt something weird.......




 if someone's burning him with stares.


"Hey it's Jay again" Someone in the crowd called Jaemi's nickname. Some of the people in the crowd cheered while the others groan in irritation.

"So? WHo's my apponent?" Jaemi asked while dusting her skirt with a sinister smile

"Me" Someone from the crowd said with a low voice. Jaemi looked towards he right when she saw the familliar boy

"KiBum" Jaemi glared at the boy infront of her. Kibum, one of Jaebum's minions. He and His friends has been tormenting her ever since she joined the school

"Why? You afraid?" Kibum smirked as the crown cheered. Jaemi rolled her eyes before using her fingers and curled them up and down


"es go away, It's time for the king to play

from today and onwards you are just a toy to play

Bow down to this king as he will step on your familly name

My handsome face and my tall body will make the girls all sway away

Don't be such a , even if you do have one Girly" Kibum finished as he turned his body towards the crowd, making them go wild


"Hahahaha What are you trying to show? You wannabe Hoe?

Take my advise, go fix your attitude and put on the show

Tall body, Flower face, Sport maniac Is that what you only have?

You can't even do math, you big lying

I've seen the way you walk with girls and how you talk to boysthat's in your way

Like how the Asian say:

HA GAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY" Jaemi said while jumping up and down slightly acting cute. The people who are watching all put their fists close to their mouth. They all knew she was going to win, even the peoople who mocked her before. Kibum slightly scoffed before fixing his cap


"You spent your days hanging out with those so called men

Look at them, they look like money's to spend.

Is it fun, being with them? Is it fun being mocked because of them

get your head straight

Even your body smell like in the air"


"What is it with people sending ual remarks?

You wan't be to do dirty? Oh I'll show you dirty

Baby boy stop going to hub and .

IF you keep on doing that, Your big boss won't be able to your

You hear that little boy? Dirty words don't fit my mouth

Are you abused as a child and sold to many old man?

From today to onwards, i won't go easy on you

So get off mother er" Jaemi for the first time ever showed her middle finger towards her apponent. In history of battles she joined, she learnt to stay calm and only curse through but remembering everything that Kibum and his friends had done, she was starting to get angry


"Oh how silly me, i angered the wannabe hero.

get the out of this school cause you don't belong here

can't you see you're hanging out with stupid losers?

They should just kneel down and ask the king to---------"

" off you crazy mutt" Jaemi cuts him off by pushing her fingers to his chest

"You and your friends act more like losers than my friends

You bully people, mock them and their familly name

You are the one who will bring shame upon our names

Get your head straight in the game and play fair

DOn't act like this is your love affair

Small foul words will only come out of my mouth

But for you, i will even eat trash to make it dirtier" Jaemi pulled Kibum's collar close to her face while glaring hard


"So go run away with your car

Before i cut your tounge off and put it in my jar" Jaemi pushed Kibum away before going back to her original spot. The crown who are clueless to the thick tenshion around them kept on chanting Jaemi's name. Kibum seemed bubbling in anger, but Jaemi couldn't help but notice the small smirk hanging on his lips. Jaemi made eye contact with Kibum. Once their eyes met each others, Kibum sliced his own neck with his fingers with a smirk. Jaemi rolled her eyes and gives him her foul finger.


"That was really intense" Kyungsoo commented as he walked alone with Jaemi in the school halls. Nothing interesting seemed to happend today. Everything goes on normally for Jaemi. Only today, she and Kyungsoo have to stay a bit later and help Mr Go.

"Well i guess i'll be going now. By Jaemi" Kyungsoo waved before leaving Jaemi alone. Jaemi waved back with a smile before going to her locker to pack her things up. When she closed the door she yelped in shock

"Huang ZiTao you freaking scared me" Jaemi slapped his arms. Tao laughed before helping Jaemi picking up her books

"So are you ready to go?" Tao ask as Jaemi nods her head. They both walk towards the exit while chatting. Something seems odd about Tao but Jaemi didn't know what it was.

"Today you did great" Tao pats Jaemi's back a bit too hard. Jaemi looked at Tao a bit before brushing it off, thinking he was a bit too hyper today

"Hey" Tao stopped walking suddenly and turned his body towards Jaemi

"What?" Jaemi asked suspicious. SOmething is definetly not right

"Do you remember the way Kibum sliced his neck with his fingers?" Tao asked with a sickening smile

"What about it?" Jaemi asked slowly.

"It gives off an angry kind of feeling don't you think?" Tao said suddenly. His smile was turn into a serious look before he covered Jaemi's mouth with cloth. Jaemi trashed hard, but it doesn't seemed to work as she felt her eyes got heavier

"It goes a little like this" Was the last thing she heard before everything goes black



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Chapter 33: I found this story again. am happy
Chapter 32: this is good. please update
Merooh #4
Chapter 32: Update please it's been along time
Prancis #5
Chapter 32: Update please , it's been so longgggggg OMGGGG
fayepopper #6
Chapter 32: The you're a man part got me. I was laughing so hard, tears were coming out. Anyways, I hope you update really soon. I love this story
Chapter 32: Woah it was good
But what's going to happen now
It's just gonna get more intense
Anyways update soon
Ok,bye now
sebaek_0391 #8
Chapter 32: Omg Omg Omg!!! This story is sooooo good!! I want to have a mind like yours!! Its amazing!! xD.... Pls update soon Author-nim!!
(I have read more than 100 story but this is my first time commenting on a story! hehehe)
Chapter 32: That's a LOT for one chapter... So is Jaemi ending up with all of them? >.< I'm not a big fan of Rosa...
Update soon!!