Chapter 23

I Fell In Love With a Little Vampire Girl

The bell rang when Jaemi closed her lockers. She turned her head to the left when she heard those noisy kids talking abput the boring lesson. She slightly smiled when she saw the familliar girl and Baekhyun walking together

"Hey Jaemi" The girl smiled at Jaemi as Jaemi smiled back

"Hi Mihyun, Hi Baekhyun" Jaemi smiled tiredly

"Are you okay now? You look dead tired" Mihyun asked worried

"Nah, don't worry about me. I'm fine" Jaemi waved it off

"By the way, this is the bell for lunch time right? I'm starving" Jaemi hold her stomach while slightly smiling. Baekhyun nods

"Let's have our lunch then, i'll sit with you guys" Jaemi stated before walking away towards the cafeteria. Baekhyun and Mihyun eyed each other, their smiles falling a bit before walking behind Jaemi.


Jaemi stood in a line, waiting for her turn. Wuthout knowing, her vision was starting to blur yet she shook her head and closed her eyes for a bit. Jaemi felt her body went forward when someone pushed her hard. The boy infront of her turned back and glared hard

"Hey, lookie here. It's The SINT" Jaebum mocked when slapping Jaemi's cheeks slightly. JAemi, who's too tired to deal with Jaebum's , stayed quiet. With Jaemi staying quiet, it irritates Jaebum more

" i'm talking to you" Jaebum pushed Jaemi hard, but she closed her eyes and only went back a few steps. The student's in the cafeteria stopped talking as they watch the scene infront of them, slightly sorry for Jaemi

"Are you mute because the boys banged you too hard?" Jaebum started using ual remarks. Jaemi still had her eyes shut, her head is starting to throab again. Jaebum was about to hit Jaemi once again, but someone hold his wrists

"Yah, stop it" Chanyeol stood between Jaemi and Jaebum. Jaebum scoffed before punching Chanyeol hard in the guts. Chanyeol who didn't expect that, fell down on the floor. The students there scoffed and started whispering bad stuff about him. Jaebum's back was facing Jaemi as he looks down on Chanyeol. Kai was about to step up but once he saw Jaemi's hands shaking, he knew he shouldn't do anything but help Chanyeol up.

"Yah . Are you afraid of me now?" Jaebum continued to taunt the still silent Jaemi. Jaebum clicked his tounge in annoyance when Jaemi still haven't respond to him. Without anyone expecting, he pulled Jaemi's brown hair back hard, making some of the students gasp as they knew how hard Jaebum had gripped Jaemi's hair.

"You should bow down to me and apolagize " Jaebum smirked before tightening his grip on Jaemi's hair, JAemi is on her toes now. Yet she didn't let out any noise. In fact, she couldn't feel anything, the only thing she saw is black at the moment

"Open your eyes . WAKE UP!!" Jaebum yelled. His angry eyes turned wider. He was about to punch Jaemi when Jaemi suddenly opened her eyes. Jaebum's fists stopped midway as he stared at those red shiny eyes

"Back off" Jaemi said coldly, showing two sharp fangs. Jaebum suddenly felt some force pushing him away. The students all looked at Jaemi wide eyes when Jaebum's back hits the wall.

"She has powers"

"Is she a vampire?"

"Her powers came"

Whispers are everywhere as Jaemi calmly shurgs and went to take her tray of food. When Jaemi turned around the students are astonished when they saw the familliar choco brown eyes again. Without any words, she took large steps towards Exo's table. The whispers are getting louder and louder, and surprisingly Jaemi can hear every little thing. People calling her names, gossiping about that she is one of the Exo members. But did Jaemi care? No

"That was pretty cool" D.O broke the silence with a smile. With that one statement, everyone relaxed

"Yeah. I guess you finally have powers" Kai spoke with a thumbs up

"What?" Jaemi asked confused while cleaning her chopsticks with tissue

"What you did just now. Still, he punched me so a push to the wall was still isn't enough" Chanyeol clicked his tounge while touching his lips.

"You were punched??" Jaemi asked in shock stopping her actions. The people at the table stared at her confused

"Yeah, you were actually infront of that bastard. You saw what happend" Kai said while pointing at Jaebum's way. Jaemi turned her head and widend her eyes, when she saw Jaebum limping towards the hallway

"What happend to him? And why is Chanyeol punched? What happend while I was taking my food?" Jaemi ranted suddenly while the members all look at each other

"You don't remember anything?" Suho asked as Jaemi shook her head slowly

"We should inform it to Tao" Mihyun suggest as Baekhyun nods his head

"This could be serious, we shouldn't be secretive about this to Exo-M members now" Baekhyun said as Jaemi stared at him with confusion on her face

"You don't have to think much Jaemi, it's just something new we discovered about you" Suho assured with a smile as Jaemi scratches her head. 

"Where's Sehun by the way?" Jaemi asked 

"He's still in the infarmary. I don't know if he's awake or not yet." Kai shrugged as he ate his lunch

"Can i see him?" Jaemi asked as she took a bite of her lunch

"Well, if time's enough. You can see him for a bit" Mihyun answered

"Well, i'll be going then" Jaemi suddenly got up and and dusted her skirt. The members all look at her with a confused expression

" only had a bite" Baekhyun spoke 

"Take it all you want. I'm not hungry anymore" Jaemi smiled as she went away. leaving the dumbfounded EXO members and Mihyun.


Jaemi knocked on the door to the infarmary before went inside. She bowed to the doctor inside before asking him questions

"Sir, did you see student Oh Sehun?" Jaemi asked with a smile

"Oh Sehun? Yeah he's inside" The doctor said with a slight tone. A bit irritated at the doctor, Jaemi still bowed her respect before going into the room. Her eyes roamed inside the room before discovering a black bag. She walked towards it and took a look inside, guessing it was Sehun's bag. Her thought was right when she saw a red book with his name on it. Jaemi went out and saw the same doctor again

"Sir, he isn't here" Jaemi spoke queitly

"Well how was i suppose to know?" The doctor grunted before going out the door, leaving Jaemi alone. Jaemi shook her head in dissapointment before going out the infarmary too.

Since i have nothing to do, i''ll walk around then Jaemi thought as she touched the lockers. Her mind drifted off to her family on earth. How are they doing? Is Taemin being silly again? Are dad and Mom alright?.........................Is Myungsoo alright? Jaemi heaved a sigh before walking up the stairs

Jaemi slightly smiled as she saw the word "Rooftop Garden" On the door. She and Myungsoo would always meet up there and have ice cream together. Her smile turned bitter as she herself know how much she missed them. Jaemi opens the door slowly and gasped slightly at the beauty infront of her.

The garden is beautiful. It's not humanly possible to have a graden like this. Well......she's not in the human world anyway. Jaemi walked towards the end and looked down, smiling at the beautiful sight. Jaemi turned her body in alarm when she heard a sound. Her eyes stopped at a giant tree, For unknown reason, the tree attract her so much. As if something's pulling her,

"S..Sehun?" The name slipped off her tounge when she saw Sehun sitting there with his head between his knees, 

"A..are you alright?" Jaemi asked carefully, not wanting to scare the traumatised teen. When Sehun lifts his head up to see Jaemi, Jaemi felt her heart ache as she saw dried tears on his cheeks. Jaemi sat besides Sehun and leaned against the giant tree

"Want to tell me your problems?" Jaemi asked with a sigh. She smiled softly when she saw Sehun stayed queit

"Then i guess i'll tell you mine. Wether you want to listen to it or nut" Jaemi slightly chuckled as Sehun lifts up his head and stared blankkly infront

"I don't know who am I or what am i now. The first minute i thought i was normal, but the next second i'm not normal. People thought iw as stupid but i know it myself. I have powers, I know i have powers. But i don't know what those are. Your brother's helped me alot. Yet i could only see fear and sadness in their eyes. It shouldn't be my problem, but i feel like it was. I must be so confusing right now am i?" Jaemi laughed bitterly and stayed quiet, hoping Sehun would say something

"I guess, you're not ready yet. If you're can tell me. You can trust me Sehun" Jaemi smiled and stood up, but she stumbled forward when she felt long arms hugged her waist hard. She could feel Sehun shaking behind her

"I.........i'm not pure. I lost everything. My body is tainted. I lost it. I lost it a long time ago, yet i stayed quiet. B...but my brothers saw it. They saw it. They k..knew. They knew i was dirty. What would they think of me now?? I was weak but now i'm weaker. People spit at me, They called me a toy. They all knew. They.........knew" Sehun sobbed as he tigthen his hug.

Jaemi had wide open before closing it with her hands, She never knew Sehun felt this way. She pulls Sehun off of her before facing the crying Boy. She lifts Sehun's chin before hugging him. Sehun's voice cracked as he put his arms around her once again.

"Sehun, your brothers will never think like that. They would never think your dirty. You are still the same Oh Sehun they had known. You are not dirty Sehun, you are just confused. You're confused becasue people had been giving you names. shouldn't think that way Sehun. Imagine how sad your brothers would feel if they knew you thought about them that way. Do you know how much they care about you? You are like their hearts. Without the ehart, they won't be able to live or function properly, Sehun you are not dirty, you should never listen to those people words. It's not worth it. I was never worth it" Jaemi said as she hugged him tigther

"You can cry Sehun. Everyone needs it. Crying doesen't mean you're weak. It means you're being too strong" Jaemi said softly as she closed her own eyes. After a few moments of hugging, Sehun's arms fell to his sides, Jaemi opens her eyes and let go of Sehun's neck. 

"Are you ready to see your brothers now?" Jaemi asked while wiping away Sehun's cheeks. Sehun nods with a slight smile before taking Jaemi's hands and walked towards the door.














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Chapter 33: I found this story again. am happy
Chapter 32: this is good. please update
Merooh #4
Chapter 32: Update please it's been along time
Prancis #5
Chapter 32: Update please , it's been so longgggggg OMGGGG
fayepopper #6
Chapter 32: The you're a man part got me. I was laughing so hard, tears were coming out. Anyways, I hope you update really soon. I love this story
Chapter 32: Woah it was good
But what's going to happen now
It's just gonna get more intense
Anyways update soon
Ok,bye now
sebaek_0391 #8
Chapter 32: Omg Omg Omg!!! This story is sooooo good!! I want to have a mind like yours!! Its amazing!! xD.... Pls update soon Author-nim!!
(I have read more than 100 story but this is my first time commenting on a story! hehehe)
Chapter 32: That's a LOT for one chapter... So is Jaemi ending up with all of them? >.< I'm not a big fan of Rosa...
Update soon!!