Chapter 43


Jihee cried into his arms, hitting him with her fists. "Why would you stop me?! You don't know anything! You hate me! Stop trying to make me more guilty than I already am! I hate you! You can't do this! Why-- Why--" She eventually stopped talking and just sobbed, her poundings gradually getting softer and slower. Ricky hugged her. "You idiot! I'll break your heart again! Stop doing this to yourself! You hate me, remember? You! Hate! Me! I'm Jihee! The you got backstabbed by, who broke your heart--" He shushed her.

"But your the girl who I lost everything to. My first girl, my first love, my first kiss." He looked her straight in the eyes. "Lee Jihee. If you don't believe that I haven't stopped loving you, then I guess I haven't proven it enough." She sobbed.


"No butts." He smiled. "I'm still the naiive, innocent boy you ran into a couple of years ago. That boy still loves you. But do you love him?" She smiled.

"I do--"

"Then, your my new girlfriend." He hugged her tightly.

"But, what about your friends?"

"If they really cared, they'd understand. They'd understand that if you could, you would have stopped L. Joe from leaving New York. But you didn't come here to do that, right?" She shook her head, then remembered the real reason why she came to Korea.

"No, but oppa--" She cried into his shoulders. He shushed her.

"It's alright. We can talk." He picked her up and started to go back to the sidewalk. The rain was still pouring heavily.

"Ricky, you got stronger," She smiled.

"Only for you, Jihee." He smiled down on her and picked up the bag. He walked into a random bookstore nearby and she went to the bathroom. He called Chunji. "Hyung! I got a surprise!  I'm in love again! With someone who loves me!"


Bongcha cried, running down the street. L. Joe started running after her, getting frustrated and scared. Last time she ran off on a street, she got hit. I can't let that happen again. I just got to her. Please don't let her get hurt. Just God, I will go to church every Sunday. Just please. Do. Not. Get. Her. Hurt. He started running faster and faster, almost hitting everyone in his path. However, Bongcha was faster.

Much faster.

She was out of his sight in a few seconds. She had entered a bookstore, filled with people. She groaned, her tears threatening to come out. Of course, no one noticed her.

Because of her invisible complex.

She ran straight to the bathroom and into a stall. Her tears started to come out more rapidly, her sobs covering up any other noise in the bathroom.

"Excuse me, are you crying?" The girl next door said. Bongcha sniffed.

"Yeah, um, sorry for disturbing you."

"It's fine. What happened?"

"My ex just..." She paused. "'Cheated' on me and now he wants to get back together. I could tell that he loves me, but I'm not so sure. What if it's all fake? What will I do then?! I can't do this! I don't even know if I love him or hate him! He just came back from overseas and he's trying to make it work, but I can't do this." She sniffed.

"Don't worry, I mean, I just lost my parents a week ago." Bongcha gasped.

"I'm sorry! That must be more terrible, I mean--"

"It's fine. We both lost someone we loved. I can understand. I mean, I don't even have a job yet and I'm scared of what's going to happen. But I'm a , I mean, I cheated on my boyfriend a couple years back, but  I love him. I just met him today, and he wants to get back together. And you know what I'm going to do?"


"I'm going to date him again. Because I know that no matter what happens, I love that boy mor e than anything. I don't have anyone but him left. I need someone to love, and I love him. He's not going to be a rebound-- I'm going to make it work. Because I love him. And he loves me. You should give him another chance too. If you know that you love him and he loves you, you have to try to make it work. He's gone back for you. He wants to be with you. So you should be with him." Bongcha smiled.

"T-Thanks. Will I ever see you again?"

"I don't know," She laughed. Bongcha laughed with her.

"Well, I have to go. He's ran after me and I have to go to him. Thanks." She left the stall. "And,  I hope it works out with you." The other girl laughed.

"Thanks. Good luck!" Bongcha left, feeling more better. She didn't realize who that was, but she knew that that girl was her first ever friend. She left the bookstore and looked around. She saw L. Joe at the corner. She smiled, took a deep breath and ran. 

"Byunghun!" He turned and saw her, relief in his veins. She didn't see anything else but him. She didn't see the people walking by, she didn't see the stoplight turn green, or the car racing by. She just saw him.


And that's when the car hit her.

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jmm_012 #1
Chapter 44: Such a sad ending!!!! But the story is very nice!
Chapter 44: GAHHHHHHHH~
Good story tho^^
Bye bye!
new reader here love the story feeling sad that she died:( good job on it:)
blackroseofdeath97 #4
Amazing story!!! Can't believe she died T.T *crying*
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Chapter 44: T_T
KPOP_survivor #6
omg she died im crying i love this fic great job authornim=^^= daebak
oh. thats so depressing. ; ^ ; she died. AHHHHHHHHH /sobs good fanfic.
Inspi2uty #8
Ahhdhhduwjeeudi so interesting!!! Please~ Update soon~~~ >~<
Cliffhanger Noooo!!!
Really curious about Berrygooddays' identity, and Bongcha's reaction to L.Joe's return!!!
Really nice updateee, can't wait for more :)