Chapter 34



"Kku ju," (Get lost) CAP said gently. Jihee pouted. She turned back to Chunji.

"Sa-Sa--" She broke out in laughter, as did everyone else. The tension was too much for her to bear.

"Ppo bo! (Kiss) Ppo bo! Ppo bo!" Everyone, except Ricky chanted. Jihee hesitated, then leaned over slowly to Chunji, who had stiffened up. Then, she leaned over and whispered something so quiet no one else could have heard. She said in the midst of their chants,

"Saranghae, my 2nd target," She smirked, then kissed him. Everyone cheered, except for Ricky, who kicked Chunji again, Chunji, who glared at Ricky, and Jihee, who blushed ever so girlly and looked down.

Soon, the game was over. Jihee must've 'messed up' with Ricky a bunch of times.


The next night as Chunji was changing, he heard a light knock on his door. Guessing it was Jihee since a guy doesn't knock that lightly, he quickly put on a shirt and said, "Come in." She popped her head in and smiled.

"Annyeong, oppa! We're having fruit! You want some?" She held out a plate of sliced apples and oranges. He smiled as he put his clothes away. "Anni, gwenchana!" However, when he turned, she was right behind him. He jumped, then laughed awkwardly.

"Ah, you scared me--"

"I told you you were my second target. Are you still trying to understand something?" She tilted her head curiously. "L. Joe wasn't like this. He avoided me until he got used to the idea. He's trying to just stay friends, but that won't happen. You'll both fall for me, as Ricky has." She smiled evilly. Chunji dropped his smile then snapped,

Yah, Jihee, you shouldn't break Ricky's heart like this--"

"Ricky? That monkey? He's not a potential threat." She giggled. "He's too deep in love with me to understand the situation." Chunji sighed.

"Are you planning on making us all fall for you?" She shook her head.

"Anni. At first, I liked L. Joe and was using Ricky to get close to you guys, but I realized he was falling in love with me." She smirked. "I enjoyed playing with his heart. It was fun. L. Joe was going to be my only target, except you figured it out. So, I decided to make you fall in love with me too." Chunji sighed again.


"Sh." She put a finger to his soft lips. He furrowed his eyebrows as they just stared at each other. Chunji realized how close she was and how much he was sitting on his dresser. He took her hand away from his face and lightly pushed her back, taking an orange.

"I'm going to bed." He led her to the door. "You shouldn't do this, Jihee--"

"That's what L. Joe said too. Except he's beyond trying to reason with me." She smirked. "Annyeong~ For now." She winked and left. Chunji sighed.

What just happened?


Thunder crackled in the air as the storm was brewing. They sat around, trying to think up of something to do.

Soon, Chunji pulled out a piece of paper. "Confession time!" He said cheeifully. Jihee looked at him suspiciously as the others smirked.

"LOL hyung, let's begin~" Chunji decided to scare Jihee for a few days. Chunji wrote on a slip of paper:

I won't tell. For now. -Chunji.<3

To Ricky, he wrote,

I ate the last apple candy. Mian. ^^;;; -Chunji.

To L. Joe, he wrote.

She tried attacking me too. Talk to me later. -Chunji.

To CAP, he wrote.

Something fishy's goin on. I feel awkward. -Chunji.

To Niel, he wrote:

I mistook you for a girl. -Chunji

To Changjo, he wrote:

Hyung acually dances. I'm way better than you.

Thunder cracked in the air, getting the lights.

"Ah!" Jihee innocently jumped into Ricky's lap. Ricky smirked. They began a short corny love session until Changjo snapped, "Hyung, noona, we're playing a game!"

Chunji decided not to sign the last one in fear of being attacked. Soon, they passed their notes around.

I know your plan, and it won't work. Oppa will fall for me soon. -Jihee

He smirked. Trying to scare me?

I watched you eat the last candy. Was it good? Ricky will found out soon. -CAP

Chunji snorted. Obviously he'll know by now.

When you cross-dress, I secretly throw up.

He furrowed his eyebrows. Niel's handwriting.  I'm y when I crossdress. He angrily threw it away.

Hyung is horrible at dancing.

Obviously Changjo's.

I saw her approach you. Be careful. -L. Joe

I know what you did last summer. -Ricky

Chunji rolled his eyes. Of course, we were good friends last summer. Ricky was never good at confessions.

Soon, after talking about the confessions, they all went to bed.

Only Jihee, Chunji, and L. Joe stayed behind. Chunji turned to her. Rain pelted the silence.

"Just stop it now. Don't you care about his heart at all? Don't you know how devastated and crushed he'll be when you break the news to him?" Chunji furrowed his eyebrows.

She scoffed. "Didn't you hear your spy? My heart won't hurt. I've done this too many times to feel anything for that little boy. Callous, hyper, 'cute'--- Not my type." She smirked. L. Joe sighed.

"What do you see in me? I can only see you as a dongsaeng.." L. Joe tried reasoning. She scoffed. 

"Oppa, you too?! How could you--" Ricky walked up into the room. The three froze.

"Is-- Is this true?" His eyes were red and puffy. If they were outside, Chunji could have mistaken the tears for rain, with the exception of the red puffiness. Jihee ran to him and tried putting her arms around him.


"Stop!" He pulled away, then he looked at L  Joe and Chunji, eyes glowing with hatred, betrayal, devestation,... and hurt. Soon, he ran out. Jihee, devastated-- most likely because her plan is failing, Chunji bitterly thought-- ran out. Chunji growled, then ran out as well, foillowed by L. Joe shortly, who went to get the rest. They soon found Jihee and Ricky fighting outside.

"Just go!" He screamed. "Your plan has failed! I know of your trickery!" She sobbed. Crocidile tears.

"R-Ricky--- Please, its true, in the beginning, I was using you, but Ricky-ah, I've been-- I've been--" She sniffed. CAP snorted as everyone guessed what she was going to say. Chunji felt the rain pummel down onto his shoudler and onto the now-mushy earth. He realized he had ran out of the beach house without sandals or sneakers. It didn't matter now. He looked back at the drama. "I-- I love you!" Chunji was scared Ricky's heart was going to melt, but he suddenly, sarcastically- snorted.

"Love me?! Love me?!?! If you loved me, you would have stopped. You wouldn't have gone after my hyungs! Lee Jihee, get out of my life!" With that, Jihee wearily left. Ricky started sobbing.

Thunder crackled as the silence grew.


For the next few weeks, Ricky was always silent, expressionless... never hyper. Soon, however, he came out of his shell.

Chunji realized that if the rest of TEEN TOP wanted Ricky to stay his happy, bubbly self, they would need to keep him away from Jihee as far as possilbe-- even if it meant making L. Joe do what she wanted.

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jmm_012 #1
Chapter 44: Such a sad ending!!!! But the story is very nice!
Chapter 44: GAHHHHHHHH~
Good story tho^^
Bye bye!
new reader here love the story feeling sad that she died:( good job on it:)
blackroseofdeath97 #4
Amazing story!!! Can't believe she died T.T *crying*
ThePowerChaserToYou #5
Chapter 44: T_T
KPOP_survivor #6
omg she died im crying i love this fic great job authornim=^^= daebak
oh. thats so depressing. ; ^ ; she died. AHHHHHHHHH /sobs good fanfic.
Inspi2uty #8
Ahhdhhduwjeeudi so interesting!!! Please~ Update soon~~~ >~<
Cliffhanger Noooo!!!
Really curious about Berrygooddays' identity, and Bongcha's reaction to L.Joe's return!!!
Really nice updateee, can't wait for more :)