Drinks and Meetings

Innocently Guilty
Sungyeol and Myungsoo were both on the couch watching a movie when Sungyeol's phone rang. Unknown number? "Hello?", the taller answered. "Hey, Sungyeol?", the voice was familiar. "Yes, who is this?", he couldn't figure out who it was though. 
"It's Sungjong, was I that terrible that you've forgotten me already?", Sungjong chuckled. Upon hearing the name, Sungyeol sat straight up right away, shocking Myungsoo a little who was leaning against his shoulder. "N-No. Of course not!", despite the light tone of the other, Sungyeol still panicked. 
"Who's that?", Myungsoo whispered and in return Sungyeol just shook his head. "I was just joking, no need to worry.", Sungjong let out another chuckled, "So, did you want to hang out later? Or are you going to reject me?".
Sungyeol looked at his boyfriend in front  of him before answering "Of course not, what time did you have in mind?".
"Hmmmm...", Sunjong thought "in half an hour?". Sungyeol nodded to himself, "Okay, where'd you want to meet?". 
"Coffee shop?".
"The same one as last time?".
"Okay, I'll see you then.", with that, Sungyeol hung up. "Who was that?", the brunette next to him inquired. "A friend came into town and he wants to meet up.", Sungyeol answered. Technically, he didn't lie. Sungjong was a friend and he wanted to meet up. "You have to go right now?", Myungsoo blinked. "Yeah, is that okay?", Sungyeol bit his lip and who could resist that? "Of course, go. I'll see you later.", Myungsoo gave his boyfriend a chaste kiss before the latter left. Guess it was just him and the Tv now. 
"Sungyeol!", Sungjong called, seeing the tall lad entering the shop. All eyes that were on the cute brunette switched to the tall lanky male taking long strides to the cute brunette. Both looked too good to not stare at. 
Sungyeol sat down in front of Sungjong. "H-Hi.", and there was the cute stutter Sungjong remembered. "Did you order yet?", Sungyeol asked "Or did you want me to order?". "I'll just go order us something.", Sungyeol got up, but before he could leave, Songjong caught his wrist, "What's the rush? You want to leave me already?". 
"What? No! I mean, of course not. I umm I...".
"I was kidding. You really need to know how to take a joke.", the younger chuckled. "Your still just as cute as I remembered.". A blush took over the taller male's cheeks at the compliment. 
"So, drinks?", Sungyeol coughed out. "Okay!", the younger chirped, "Order me anything.". 
Meanwhile, as Sungyeol went to order, Sungjong took out his phone to make a call. "Who is this?", the voice on the other line spoke. "You owe me a drink remember?", Sungjong smiled. 
"Y-You're?", Myungsoo sat up from the couch. "The person you spilled coffee over? Yes.", Sungjong replied. An instant grin took over Myungsoo's face. And here he thought he was never going to get the call. "So you buying me a cup of coffee or what?", of course Myungsoo would. "Yes, you want to meet up now?", the elder was already putting on his jacket.
Sungjong looked at the taller male who was ordering their drinks before he replied, "In half an hour.". "Okay!", Myungsoo said. Maybe he sounded to happy, but he was. The two hung up just in time for Sungyeol to return back with 2 drinks in his hands. 
"Who was that?", Sungyeol questioned. His gums could be seen as he gave a smile. "A friend.", Sungjong shrugged. 
The two started talking and became quite friendly. Sungjong would occasionally flirt every now and then and Sungyeol wouldn't hesitate to give the younger a nice sweet compliment. 
"I had a good time, you want to do this again?", Sungjong scooted in closer towards the other. "Yeah, absolutely.", Sungyeol nodded. "I'll get going.", Sungyeol got up, but before he fully got out of his seat, the younger have a peck on his pale cheek. "Bye~", and cue the pink shade decorating Sungyeol's face for the 100th time that day. 
A couple minutes later, Myungsoo entered the shop. "Myungsoo!", Sungjong shouted, catching the boy's attention. "Can I have your name first?", Myungsoo questioned as he stood in front of the other. "Sungjong.", the younger replied. 
If there were eyes on Sungyeol before, there was no doubt people were drooling over Myungsoo. Indeed, Sungjong has exceptionally fine taste. 
"You already have a drink, why'd you want me to buy you one?", Myungsoo gestured to the drink Sungyrol had bought Sungjong that Sungjong had barely finished half. "Then buy me one another one.", Myungsoo nodded. "If that's it, then I'll go. Call me up when you want me to buy you a drink.", Myungsoo smirked to himself. 
In a way he thought that Sungjong would stop him from leaving, but the latter just nodded and waved goodbye. He was pretty sure he was handsome as hell seeing as how he receives compliments endlessly about his superior looks, but the younger's seems not to be affected by it. Let's see if the younger will stop him if he really walks away. "Bye.", Myungsoo turned around. 
A couple steps later and he was close got the coffee shop's entrance. When's Sungjong going to stop him?! Myungsoo turned around to look at the other brunette and turns out, Sungjong was talking with some guy. It didn't look like he was just talking though. Casual touches on the random unknown guy's arm every few seconds. A giant smile spread across his face. Sungjong looked like he didn't even remember Myungsoo was there a moment ago!
"The ?!", Myungsoo scoffed. 
Sungjong could practically feel the glare Myungsoo had on him and this guy in front of him. Sungjong didn't even know his name, but he didn't need too. He knew soon enough Myungsoo would come over and jack him away. Sungjong wasn't stupid, he knew what Myungsoo was up to, but he wasn't going to play along. Hell no. 
"Excuse me.", and the handsome flower boy finally made his appearance. "You are?", the unknown guy asked. "Sungjong-ah, who's this guy?", Myungsoo pouted. "Is he your boyfriend?", the unknown male questioned. Sungjong just shrugged. "Yes, I am. Do you have a problem?", clearly from his tone, Myungsoo was getting a bit irritated. And the guy disappeared. 
"Your my boyfriend now?", the younger lifted up an eyebrow. "You want me to be?", Myungsoo grinned. Sungjong shrugged. Myungsoo claimed that as a victory, kid didn't say no. 
Finally, he could see those big brown eyes that's been haunting his memories for days again. Oh how he's missed them. "Hello?", Sungjong snapped his fingers. "S-Sorry.", Myungsoo rubbed the back of his neck, "Can I ask you something?". The younger nodded. "Why did you punch me?", Myungsoo had to know. Normal people don't do that. They'd probably yell or curse, not use violence for a cup of coffee though. 
"You ruined my favorite shirt.", Sungjong gritted his teeth, anger boiling just at the memory. "Oh, I didn't know.", of course he didn't. An idea popped up in the older'a mind, "How about, instead of a cup of coffee, I take you shopping next time.". Sungjong liked that idea and he said it, "I like that.".
"Okay, consider it my apology.", Myungsoo smiled. 
"You're handsome, you know?", Sungjong smiled, carefully observing the other's features. 
"I've been told.", so Myungsoo was a bit confident. He didn't deny it. 
"You also look like a dork.", Sungjong was sorta blunt at times. 
"Dork? Me?!", the older brunette pointed to himself. 
"Yep,", Sungjong nodded "you really look like a dork. You're lucky you're handsome at the same time so it covers your dorkiness overview.". Myungsoo laughed, "Is dorkiness even a word?". "In my dictionary it is.", Sungjong nodded. "Okay then, I'm a handsome dork.", and that brought a smile to the younger's face. "You have a beautiful smile.", Myungsoo couldn't help, but say. "I know.", so that kid was full of himself? No, Sungjong wouldn't think of it as that way, but he would say he was a bit confident, just as Myungsoo, and maybe even a bit more. 
The two males were chatting and Myungsoo took all the chances he got to scoot closer to the younger and look into those brown orbs when Myungsoo's phone rang. 
"Hey.", he answered. 
"Hey~When's my cute boyfriend going to be home?".
Oh , Sungyeol. Myungsoo's eyes widened for a second, "I'm on my way.". 
"Okay, come home fast. I miss you.".
"Mhmm.", Myungsoo nodded as Sungjong looked at him curiously. 
"Bye, I love you~", Sungyeol slurred over the phone as he jumped on their shared bed. 
"I love you too.", with that, Sungjong furrowed his eyebrows as Myungsoo hung up. Myungsoo read his expression, "Mom.". "Oh, you have to go then?", Sungjong pouted. Awwww, he looked so cute Myungsoo wanted to squish him in his arms.
"Okay,", and a smile appeared so quick, Myungsoo wondered if he saw wrong before, "I'll see you next time!". Same with Sungyeol before, Sungjong gave Myungsoo a peck on the cheek. The same thing happened to Myungsoo too, a blush took over his cheeks. 
What a nice day, Sungjong thought on his way home after bidding the other goodbye. 
"Yeolie~I'm home.", the brunette entered the bedroom. His heart bloomed like it did whenever he saw his beloved. "Hey, where were you?", Sungyeol pouted as he pulled the other onto the bed with him. "I got bored, so I went out.", Myungsoo shrugged. One day with Sungjong, and he's already being affected. Though he admits, shrugging comes in handy sometimes. 
"So, how was your day with your friend? He likes the city so far?", Myungsoo laid his head on the taller'a stomach. "It was very fun. He said that he really seems to like this place.", Sungyeol played with the other's hair. 
"I'm tired.", Sungyeol yawned. "Me too.", Myungsoo followed. "Well then go take a shower, then you can go to sleep.", Sungyeol pushed the brunette off the bed. "Tomorrow, I'm too tired.", Myungsoo gave the puppy eyes. Sungyeol wasn't falling for it this time, no. He refused. "You said that yesterday. Take a shower or you're sleeping on the couch.". 
"There's no buts this time, go!".
"Fine.", Myungsoo pouted as he dragged his feet to the bathroom. Ugh, what a long day. A fun day, he finally got to see those big brown eyes again, and the person who they belonged to were truly intriguing. He couldn't wait to see him again. 
When he got done showering, he slid under the covers with his beloved boyfriend. Today must've been a good day for Sungyeol too seeing as how Sungyeol was even smiling in his sleep. He should Sungyeol's friend one day? Seems like a nice lad to managed to get Sungyeol in such a cheery mood. 





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