A Deal With The Devil

I'm Just A High School Junior and I'm Married!


kamiru_kpoplover19: Can't get enough of Namstar! <3<3<3



Yuri’s POV:



Aish…this ert…

I knew I should’ve grabbed the frying pan when I had the chance…

Now I don’t have anything to hit him with!

Tsk…I should’ve taken up martial arts to beat the crap out of him every time this happens…


“Arasso, arasso, I understand but I have a proposition to make first, so don’t leave and hear me out first, ‘kay?” He said almost excitedly, while he continued to take hold of my wrists.




It must be about something erted again….andweeeeee!


“What are you talking about? I don’t need anything from the likes of YOU!” I spat out, narrowing my eyes at him but he only chuckled, looking amused.

“Oh but you do my dear wifey…you can’t get that pretty-faced president to like you back AT ALL now, can you?”

“B-b-bwoh?? I---I---…aish, what does that have to do with you??”


Where is he going with this??

Aish…ever since he found out about that, he just won’t stop teasing me about it…

Lord, what if he REALLY tells oppa…


“Well, my lovely Yuri, I, Nam Woohyun will gladly teach you all I know from my years of love experience and get you your pretty-faced prince IF….you’ll agree to a few conditions.” He said, the smile on his face cunning and devilish.

“W-what did you say? T-teach me…? I don’t ne---…”

“Babe, you’re so hung up on him you even joined the student council and archery club for him…I THINK that’s a pretty good sign you’re desperate.” He said, nodding his head knowingly then giving me a pitying look.



No one---...I haven't told ANYONE about that...

How did he--...

Wait, he could've---...

No way!


“Oh my freaking God…you read my journal, didn’t you??!” I said, pointing accusingly at him, my expression probably expression my indignance and irritation.

“Ani, I just guessed. You’ve just confirmed those facts by yourself.” He said, a self-satisfied smirk on his face.



I AM a pabo…


“Whatever…-I…I don’t need you to teach me anything! I’m perfectly fine on my own!” I said, turning around and heading towards the kitchen, not wanting to be dragged along his pace anymore.

“Oka~~ay…if you’re fine being a FRIEND and DONGSAENG for the rest of your life then suit yourself…” He answered from behind me, his voice light and teasing, making me turn around to face him.


That’s right…I don’t need his help…

I can get oppa to like me, maybe…someday…probably…

Crap...I don’t know…

But I’ll die before asking any help from him!


Aish, Lee Yuri, you don’t even know the first thing about guys!

How are you going to get your first love to like you back??

He has tons of girlfriends, he MUST know what he’s talking about…right??

Get off your stupid high horse and fight for your love!


“W-w-wait!” I said, grabbing the back of his shirt before he could move away.

“……….yes?” He said, his expression innocent.

“I-if….if I agree to this, what’s in it for you?”

“A little thing I like to call, freedom.”

“B-bwoh?! You don’t mean…divorce??”

“Why not? It benefits both of us right? I want freedom, you like someone else…does it sound unreasonable to you?” He said, raising an eyebrow at him while his hands remained folded in front of him.


No, it doesn't sound unreasonable...

In fact, it's what I've been wanting all along for these past months...



“B-but our families…they’ll---…they’ll never agree to this!”

“That’s why we’re gonna divorce when we turn 18…that way, they won’t have any say on the matter…”



Aish, my parents will probably go ballistic when that happens…

But they’re not the ones living MY life…

Plus, THEY were the ones who forced me to marry this ert…

But…oh God…

Married at 16…divorced at 18…


Well this is at least better than spending the rest of my life with this pabo and pining for someone else…


“Fine then…I---…I agree to the deal…” I said, almost reluctantly.

“Omo, chinja??! You’re REALLY agreeing to divorce me??!” He answered, his face breaking into a huge grin and lighting up.


He must want to get divorced SO badly…

Well it’s the same with me…

I don’t think I can last another ten years taking care of this idiot and trying to suppress the urge to poison his meals or hit him while he’s sleeping…


“ONLY if you help me get oppa’s heart…otherwise, I’m not risking appa’s wrath on me.” I said, emphasizing every word and meaning it.


If I somehow succeed with this, then I could probably stomach having appa and umma on my case for the rest of my life...

But if he can't, well...he'll just have to spend the rest of this living hell of a life with me...

Aish, the thought is making me shudder inwardly...


“Aish, don’t worry about that! I’m Nam Woohyun after all…trust me, with my help, in a few months, HE’LL be the one chasing after YOU.” He said, a self-satisfied smirk on his face.


That really sounds too good to be true…

I’ve almost given up hope of ever being oppa’s girlfriend…

Being attractive, rich or talented doesn’t seem to move his heart at all, although I'm not attractive to begin with…


Maybe this is the last chance I’ll ever get before oppa graduates and goes to college…


Wait…maybe I can use this “proposition” of his to my advantage as well…


“Wait…I want to add to those conditions of yours.” I said, halting his little funny victory dance.

“W-w-what?? Andwe!” He said, shaking his hand in front of my face in opposition before I swatted it away.

“Yah, you wanna divorce me DESPERATELY right…? I want to add some things to our contract.”

“What things? You’re not going to---…”

“Hmmm…lemme see…”




(2 agonizingly long hours later…)


“W-w-w-w-waaaaait! Isn’t this part a little too----…”

“Aish, I already put in what you told me! It’s fine this way!” Woohyun said, frustrated since he'd been spending the last half hour convincing me to sign already.

“But why do I feel like I’m getting the shorter end of the stick here?!” I complained, reluctant to sign the dubious contract.


Aish, maybe I should hire a lawyer or a pro to look this over...

But if that happens there's a bigger chance our parents would find out...

Aish, them and their unbelievable connections...


“You’re just imagining things! Now sign it, quickly! No backing out now…” He said, holding his fountain pen in front me, indicating the piece of paper we'd hastily scribbled on.

“Aish…I already said I’d agree…”



I stared and reread the contract we spent the past 2 hours fighting over while we ate a late dinner, before finally signing it and sealing my fate.




Nam and Lee Marriage and Divorce Contract


I, Nam Woohyun/Lee Yuri, will agree to divorce my wife/husband and will not in any way get involved with her/him thereafter after the divorce has been finalized if and only if Nam Woohyun assists Lee Yuri and she successfully attains her love interest.

If the condition is met, both parties will agree to divorce after October 24th2012, Lee’s Yuri’s 18th birthday.


As part of this agreement, the following conditions must be met both parties during the period of the marriage until the day the divorce is finalized:

  1. Both parties are not allowed to meddle in the other’s personal affairs (e.g. dates, journals/diaries)
  2. Both parties must split the household chores evenly and fairly (Nam Woohyun – Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Lee Yuri – Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; Both – Sunday). Schedules are subject to change for any unforeseen school, family and work obligations.
  3. Both parties are required not to tell anyone about their marriage, especially people in Seoul High School.
  4. Both parties are required to keep this contract and plan for divorce a secret from everyone (families, friends and everybody else).


If these conditions are violated by Lee Yuri, the divorce will pull through with/without the fulfillment of her love.

If these conditions are violated by Nam Woohyun, Lee Yuri can punish him as she sees fit and he will accept it peacefully without any complaints (except when it involves throwing away Namstar).



Signed,                                                                 Signed,


Nam Woohyun                                                        Lee Yuri





Is this really the right thing to do…?


I looked at my supposed “husband” who was looking at me with an expectant expression on his face, waiting for me to sign the piece of paper that would later on make me one of the youngest divorced people in the count---…no, in the WORLD.

But this marriage was a BIG mistake…staying married to a person other than the one I like is an even BIGGER mistake. And it’s probably the same for him.


“Yah…no regrets later, arasso?” I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Aish, just sign the damn contract already…”


I rolled my eyes at him then reread everything for the nth time. I took a deep breath before raising the pen and putting it on the paper.


Well…here goes nothing…


“YEEEEEES!! I’m a FREE MAAAAAAAAN!!” He immediately shouted the moment I finished signing the contract, jumping up and down with extreme joy.


This guy really---... 

He hasn't even done anything yet and he's already celebrating... 


“Yah, we’re not divorced…yet.” I said, folding my arms in front of me while narrowing my eyes at him.

“Aish, this is as good as done! Trust me Yuri-ah…” He said, before throwing himself on the couch like the lazy bum he was. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him before going into the kitchen to get a late-night snack.




Nam Woohyun…?

It's funny how those two words don't seem to belong in the same sentence together...





Aish…exactly WHY I think this is gonna be a…Complete. And. Utter. Disaster.

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ClaireWillows #1
Chapter 15: Please update !!!!!!
I want to know what happens at the date !!!!!!!!!
ilovekorea37 #2
Please Update
thirteendevils13 #3
Chapter 15: please update, I like this story alot :)
I was thinking the same thing as Chooky :| I mean c'mon, like Woohyun said if he was too dense to figure out himself that Yuri liked him what makes him want to go out with her so suddenly?? Aish, I bet she's gonna be heartbroken of some sort then Woohyun's gonna have to break his face :/<br />
<br />
And Woohyun's love confusion for her is quite evident now... Js
I was thinking the same thing as Chooky :| I mean c'mon, like Woohyun said if he was too dense to figure out himself that Yuri liked him what makes him want to go out with her so suddenly?? Aish, I bet she's gonna be heartbroken of some sort then Woohyun's gonna have to break his face :/<br />
<br />
And Woohyun's love confusion for her is quite evident now... Js
Omo! I just has this really bad thought... What if like Myunsoo asking her out wasn't so because he liked her but because he had to tell her something else!!!!!<br />
No that probably won't happen I'm just being a pabo *facepalm* <br />
I hope that does happen though coz what if something good comes out of something bad??? Ok now I'm just going on<br />
<br />
Great fanfic update as soon as you can~
SeoSparklez #7
new reader~~hehe~~<br />
i love u're story~~ehehehehe~<br />
update soon???<br />
asiandinosaur #8
awww! woohyun is starting to like her!!!
UPDATE!!! seriously, this is like top 1 story!!! >.<