The Reason Why She Won't Give Up

I'm Just A High School Junior and I'm Married!


kamiru_kpoplover19: More Namu love! <3






Woohyun’s POV:


Aish, that stubborn midget…

If she wants to get sick, she can get sick by herself…


What if she REALLY gets sick…



I turned around, expecting her to be at least following me somehow but she was nowhere to be found. I was already in front of the house and the rain was still pouring but there seemed to be no sign of her anywhere.


Why is she troublesome?!

Why can't she just be like other girls and stay still for crying out loud?!



I ran towards the direction I came from, hoping to catch some sign of her small, frail figure along the way.


“Yuri!! Lee Yuri!! Yah, where the hell are you?! …Lee Yuri!”


I looked around each block but she was still nowhere in sight.


Did she take shelter somewhere perhaps to avoid the rain…?

Yeah, that’s probably it…

She’d be stupid to walk around in the rain all this time…


I bought an umbrella from a nearby store and looked into the cafes and stores around the area…she wasn’t answering her phone and there was still no sign of her.


Aish…why are you always causing trouble for me, Lee Yuri??

I swear if I catch you walking in the rain, I’ll---…


Is that---…is that her??


I suddenly caught a glimpse of long brown hair and our school uniform and headed towards the bridge where she’d been standing all by herself.


“Yu--….” I started to say as I got nearer when I suddenly saw, or rather HEARD, what she’d been doing.



Why are you all like this??! Why are you making my life so difficult??! Who do you think I am???!


She was shouting to no one in particular, her anger increasing her voice by octaves.


“Appa, you idiot! Nam Woohyun, you erted pabo! Kim Myungsoo, you idiot! Stop messing with meeeee!!” She continued, not noticing that I was standing right beside her with an umbrella over her head and chuckling softly at her antics.


Aigoo, she should’ve just told me she was in a lot of stress…

This girl really…

She never relies on anybody…

Never tells her true feelings…

Always keeps things to herself…

And when she DOES say her feelings, she chooses a place where no one can hear her…


Aigoo, I’ll never understand her…


“Lee Yuri, you’re a pabo too!!” I shouted towards the river, copying her action.

“Y-yah…what are you---…” She glanced at me, eyes widening with surprise at my sudden arrival.

“Listen, my wife Lee Yuri is a pabo!!! A big pabo!!” I shouted, ignoring her then chuckling at the exhilarating feeling.


I should do this more often...

Venting it out like this feels awesome...


“Nam Woohyun is a bigger paboooo!!"

“Lee Yuri is a clumsy midgeeet!”

“Nam Woohyun doesn’t know how to wash dishes!!”

“Lee Yuri nags a lot!!”

“Nam Woohyun is a lazy piiiiig!!”

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” We shouted together, screaming our lungs out before bursting into raucous laughter.


“That--…that felt awesome…” She said, her laughter finally dying down, catching her breath in between words.

“Everything I said was true ya know…” I said, glancing to the side and giving her a self-satisfied smirk.

“I know, I AM a pabo…a big, hopeless---…pabo…” She said, leaning her head against my back.


Omo...what's this?

She's not acting like herself somehow...

Aish, she's making me nervous somehow...


“Y-yah…what’s wrong with you---…” I said, mentally kicking myself for stuttering like a pabo.

“Let me---…let me stay like this first.” I heard say against my back, her voice laced with some kind of rough emotion.

“Aish, you--…” I started to say when my words were suddenly halted when I felt her shoulders shaking slightly, a warm, wet sensation spreading across my back. It felt even warmer since I was already drenched with the cold rain earlier.


She--…she’s crying?

Is it about...about what happened earlier...

She must be feeling worse than I'd originally thought...

But damn, she's really good at hiding it...


This is why getting serious with a person is so troublesome…


“Yuri-ah, how about you just forget about that guy and I’ll help you find someone else…arasso? Anybody else would be--…” I said but stopped when I felt her head moving to and fro against my back, telling me silently that she didn’t want that.

“Aish…why are you so stubborn… I’m telling you, you should just give up on him, okay??” I said, frustrated, wanting only to knock some sense into that stubborn head of hers.


I spun around when I felt her lifting her head from my back and caught her wiping her tear-stained cheeks.


“A-ani…I won’t give up.” She said, facing me with a slight smile on her lips but her eyes looking serious and determined.

"Are you an idiot, Lee Yuri?" I said, my frustration obvious in my tone.

"Nam Woohyun, if you could only feel what I feel you wouldn't be calling me an idiot..." She said, sighing with resignation at the end.

"Still! It's not right to be so hung up on one person!"

"You think I want to be?!" She said in frustration before turning towards the river and leaning her arms on the bridge. "I---...I won't give up because I can't give up..."

“Wae? Why are you being so stubborn??! What’s so good about him anyways?!”

“Oppa is--…oppa is the reason why I learned to love and trust people again." 


"He--…he taught me that putting your trust on people could--…would definitely be rewarded. He saved m-me you know. That’s why--…that’s why I won’t give up on him...CAN'T give up on him.” She said, smiling with a bittersweet emotion, even though tears were running down her face, a mark of her heart swelling with emotion and breaking into pieces with pain at the same time.


I don't know...

Maybe it was because of the rain...

Or because I'm feeling very frustrated and mad right now but...

For some reason, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite as beautiful as watching Lee Yuri’s bittersweet smile and painful tears.



Why…do I feel really envious of Kim Myungsoo right now? I feel like I want someone to cry for me like this too?

This is so strange....


I’ve never given love much thought, falling truly in love with a girl seemed like a giant waste of time to me. I’ve always thought that I’d never feel so strongly about a person like those actors in the movies and I’d never wished I could since it would produce all sorts of heartaches and trouble.

Yet, watching her work hard and cry by herself for someone who doesn’t even appreciate her existence…for the first time in my life, I actually thought that love was a beautiful thing.

I don’t know if it’ll ever happen to me but right now, I want more than anything for her love to come true.


Maybe…maybe if it would--…

Then maybe I’ll start believing in it too…


“I---…I’m sorry…” I said suddenly, not really understanding the reason why myself.

“P-pabo, why are you suddenly saying--…saying sorry…” She said, tilting her head slightly to the side, a confused expression on her face.

B-because I just am, okay?”

“I---…I’m sorry for being like this too…aish I’m a pabo…” She said, smiling hitting her own head lightly with her palm.


Aish, she’s so hopeless…

What’ll she ever do without me…


“Lee Yuri!” I said, putting both hands on her shoulders, surprising her and making her jump a little.

“W-what---…?” She stammered, confused by my sudden action.

“I’ll seriously help you make your love happen arasso?”

“A-aren’t you already helping me…?” She asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“I’m serious this time…trust me, okay? I’ll REALLY make it real for you.” I said, meaning every word.


She looked at me with a half-confused, half-amused expression before rolling her eyes and chuckling.


“Okay…I trust you Nam Woohyun.” She said, smiling slightly while looking at me straight in the eyes with an expression that tells me she meant every word.

“So you must work hard, arasso? And no more crying by yourself like this okay?”

“Y-y-you’re acting weird Nam Woohyun…why are you being like this....?” She said, chuckling slightly at my expression.

“Aish, just promise me already!”

“Arasso, arasso…I-I promise.” She said, giggling at my expression.

“Okay…Lee Yuri, hwaiting!” I said looking at her directly, making a gesture with both hands.

“Lee Yuri, hwaiting!” She said, copying my action, making her laugh out loud afterwards.


That’s right, just stay happy like this, Yuri.

I’ll make sure your love happens and you won’t have to cry like this anymore…

For some reason, I don't really wanna see you cry like this ever again...

And if I can, I'll make sure you won't ever have a reason to do so again...

Even for someone you really like, once is more than enough...


A loud car siren suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts, making me realize that it was already night time and cars were already rushing past us who were still standing by the side of the bridge.


“Yah, k-kwenchana? Y-y-you’re all wet…” I heard Yuri say, looking me up and down.

“Whose fault do you think this is? I had to look for you all over the place!”

“A-a-aigoo, p-p-putting the blame all on me wh-when I didn’t e-even tell you to do that…” She said, rubbing her arms with her hands.

“Aish, stop minding me, you’re even more drenched than I am!” I exclaimed when I suddenly noticed she was shivering slightly but was trying to ignore it. “Aish, I knew this was gonna happen…you’re gonna get a cold after th---…achooo!”

“Y-yah aren’t y-you the one g-getting sick?” She said, laughing at me.


I felt my own body shivering then, my head feeling slightly dizzy. I had no idea how long we’d stayed there and how long I’d been drenched by the rain but I could feel a cold starting to creep up and invading my senses.


Aish, we're both idiots to have stood in the rain for so long...

I didn't even notice I was wet until now...

Stupid Yuri...


“Let’s go home already…BEFORE it starts raining again…” I said, dropping on one knee and motioning her to get on my back.

“A-a-arasso…k-kaja…--…what are you--…”

“You're sick and weak and I'll carry you home so get on already… Hurry up!”

“N-n-no, it’s fine…I can walk--…seriously…”

“Get on my back Lee Yuri before I carry you in my arms all the way home!”

“You—y-you wouldn’t!”

“Yes I would, now hurry up!”



I held her securely as she climbed on my back and leaned against me. I could smell her scent, which reminded me of autumn for some reason and feel her warm breath against my neck. She’s wrapped her arms tightly around me, probably afraid I might suddenly drop her, while she pressed her chest against me.


Aish, if I’m suddenly thinking of Yuri’s body in this kind of situation, I must be REALLY sick…


“Kwenchana? Not tired?” She asked softly, while I continued to carry her on my back on the way back to our house.

“Yah, you think your husband’s weak or somethin’??” I said with a mock angry tone but smiling the whole time.

“Well…yeah…” She said sheepishly, giggling a little at the end.

“Bwoh??!” I exclaimed, shocked that she was actually serious.

“You never lift anything in the house so I thought you were…”

“Aish, I’m carrying your elephant-like weight right now, aren’t I?” I said with a taunting voice, especially since she was extremely light and easy to carry.

“B-bwoh?! I’m not THAT heavy!”

“Aigoo, my back’s aching so much…you weigh a ton, seriously…” I said, acting tired and exhausted and attempting to drop her in pretense.

“Ha-ha, very funny…you want me to poison your food later?”

“I’m kidding, I’m kidding, sheesh…it’s creepy if you say like that because I can’t resist the food you cook…”

“If you want to live, be nicer to me arasso?”

“Arasso, arasso…stubborn midget.”

“erted pabo.”

“Horse-like strength girl.”

“Whatever--…” She said, her voice faltering while she leaned her head more unto my shoulder, her entire body snuggling closer into me.


Aish, I can feel her breas----…andwe!

I should think about something else, like…the weather?

The weather’s depressing…something else…


Wait, wasn’t there something I was supposed to do right now?

Something that involved Yuri…?


Aish, I can’t remember what but we’ll probably figure it out when we get home…

For now, I should think about what I should do next week...



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ClaireWillows #1
Chapter 15: Please update !!!!!!
I want to know what happens at the date !!!!!!!!!
ilovekorea37 #2
Please Update
thirteendevils13 #3
Chapter 15: please update, I like this story alot :)
I was thinking the same thing as Chooky :| I mean c'mon, like Woohyun said if he was too dense to figure out himself that Yuri liked him what makes him want to go out with her so suddenly?? Aish, I bet she's gonna be heartbroken of some sort then Woohyun's gonna have to break his face :/<br />
<br />
And Woohyun's love confusion for her is quite evident now... Js
I was thinking the same thing as Chooky :| I mean c'mon, like Woohyun said if he was too dense to figure out himself that Yuri liked him what makes him want to go out with her so suddenly?? Aish, I bet she's gonna be heartbroken of some sort then Woohyun's gonna have to break his face :/<br />
<br />
And Woohyun's love confusion for her is quite evident now... Js
Omo! I just has this really bad thought... What if like Myunsoo asking her out wasn't so because he liked her but because he had to tell her something else!!!!!<br />
No that probably won't happen I'm just being a pabo *facepalm* <br />
I hope that does happen though coz what if something good comes out of something bad??? Ok now I'm just going on<br />
<br />
Great fanfic update as soon as you can~
SeoSparklez #7
new reader~~hehe~~<br />
i love u're story~~ehehehehe~<br />
update soon???<br />
asiandinosaur #8
awww! woohyun is starting to like her!!!
UPDATE!!! seriously, this is like top 1 story!!! >.<