Chapter 2 - Havoc For Breakfast

Curtain Call

Two man were asleep, hugging each other on the sofa while another is concentrating hard on his laptop. Once in a while he could be seen bitting his nails or scratching his head or stretching his arms. This particular man had not had any sleep for the past two days, in fact he could not remember whether he had even eaten anything at all. All he had done was perfecting his work, which was due to be released next month, in November.

He looked up and glanced at the clock across the room. He took off his headphones, which had been blasting with music for the past five hours, the same music that he was working on.

One of the sleeping man turned his body and...


Cheondung looked back up from his laptop screen and burst out laughing. The skinnier of the two man had landed himself on the floor, all confused while rubbing his aching head. The other, more fluffy man was still asleep, and having more space had spread his arms and legs all over the sofa.

“What...? How...? Where...?” he asked, still confused with his surroundings. That could happened when he had not had enough sleep and when his sleep was disturbed.

“Go back to sleep, Cheolyong ahh! Its still hours away from sunrise,” Cheondung said. The younger man named Cheolyong just closed his eyes back and slumped on the floor, pillow-less back to sleep. That always happens to all of them when they were busy with album preparations. They could be awake for days, or fall asleep in any condition.

He was still busy editing his song when he saw from the corner of his eyes of the open door. He took of his headphones again and smiled at the entering men.

“You bought breakfast!” he exclaimed.

At the sound of breakfast, the sleeping man on the sofa automatically opened his eyes and walked to the table, where GO and Joon are currently putting kimbap wraps, a packet of kimchi and bottles of juices and water on it.

“Seungho hyung will always wake up whenever food is mentioned!” Cheondung said happily.

Seungho had sat on one of the empty chairs and had started to devour the kimbap, two pieces at a time.

“Oii! Go wash your face first, or atleast brush your teeth!” GO nagged, slapping Seungho’s back and prying the chopstick away from his hand.

He turned towards Joon. “Wait at minute, have YOU brushed your teeth?” he asked. He leaned closer towards Joon who was holding a piece of kimbap ready to put into his open-mouthed.

Joon, sensing that trouble might befell him threw the kimbap away and hurriedly closed his mouth with his hands. His eyes wide with horror and he shook his head violently.

GO shook his head. “Just by looking at your reaction I knew you did not!” he said. He took his backpack by the wall and produced two new toothbrushes and a small tube of travelling toothpaste and tossed it to Seungho, who expertly caught it.

“Aiii!! Stop nagging so early in the morning, hyungggg!!” a voice complained.

All four heads, Cheondung who was busy laughing, GO who was still busy rummaging inside his bag looking for God knows what, Seungho who had continued eating with his barehands and had managed to finish eating one roll of kimbap, Joon who was trying to crawl under the table to hide, turned.

Cheolyong, the youngest of the bunch had also woken up. His forehead had traces of green pasted on, and he was chewing on something. His eyes were still closed, but nevertheless he had woken up.

“Why are you making so much noise in the morning?” he whined again. “GO hyung needs to stop nagging like a mum! And Seungho hyung needs to stop throwing food all over the place if he thinks its not good!”

Seungho stopped eating. “Yahh! When did I throw food? I only throw them into my mouth straight into my tummy!” he said, patting his slightly protruding tummy.

Cheolyong opened one eye, then quickly shut it back, trying to get use to the light. “Who threw the kimbap, then?” he asked.

The other three eyes turned back to the place where Joon had been standing only to find it empty. GO was the one who had located him first under the table.

“LEE CHANGSUN!!!” he screamed. “Get out from under the table NOW or I’ll do it for you!”

Joon hugged one of the table’s leg tight. “No! You can’t make me! And you can’t make me brush my teeth!”

GO strode towards the table and pulled Joon’s legs. “GET. OUT! BRUSH. YOUR. TEETH!!”

Cheondung had fallen to the floor laughing at his older friend. “Really, hyung! Everyone says you’re the most charismatic of all of us. If only they could see you like this!”

“Yeah, Joonie hyung! If only I could record it and send it to all your actor friends. They would not believe the charming Lee Joon the actor is actually a 180 degree different to Lee Joon the singer!” Cheolyong said. Then as if a switch had lighted up inside his head, he smirked. “Wait a minute,” he said. “I could record it, you know!” He looked around trying to find his handphone and found it under the sofa. “Found it!” He crawled towards Joon who was still struggling between hiding his face, holding on to the table’s leg and kicking GO away from him.

“CHEOLYONG!!! Don’t you dare!!” Joon warned, his eyes burning, his lips trembling.

Cheolyong just smiled cheekily, held up his handphone at Joon’s face and pressed the record button. “I could make millions selling this to Dispatch!”

“Get away, Cheolyong!!” Joon shouted at the same time as GO shouted, “BRUSH. YOUR. TEETH!”

Seungho, who had had enough to fill his tummy got up from the table and walked back across the room and laid back down on the sofa. He took a cushion which had fallen on the floor, hugged it tight and closed his eyes. Within two seconds, snores could be heard coming out from his mouth.

Cheondung, who was still rolling around on the floor laughing like crazy at the situation, suddenly got up, poker faced and sat back at his desk, covering his ears with his headphones, drowning out the chaos.

While GO had resorted to smacking Joon’s hands to let go of the table’s leg and of Cheolyong who is still recording the whole event on his iphone.

Anyone who poked his head inside the room could see that these group of 5 men are one disfunctional group men.

One who is sound asleep, no one would have thought that he had eaten four rolls of tuna kimbap and a packet of kimchi as well as downing three bottles of orang juice by himself.

One man is hiding himself away from the chaos behind extra-large headphones, looking all serious, and no one would have believed that he had rolled around the whole room on the floor laughing his head off.

One man, handsome looking, with neat jet black hair, shouting curses and hugging tightly onto a now-loose-ready-to-tumble table leg, no one who have guessed that he is a charismatic actor who had been nominated as Best New Actor is the upcoming Film Awards.

One man, cheekily aiming his handphone, recording the chaos while shouting “I’ll be rich! Rich! Rich!” is actually the youngest of the bunch, and when on stage could rap and spew words here and there and looking all chic with his eye glare.

And lastly, the man who was nagging like an old woman, shouting with all the chaos, is actually a versatile vocalist who could sing melodious ballads, popping along with rock songs and had won the hearts of all woman.

All these while, the two innocent toothbrushes lie on the table, abandoned, ignored, the victim and subject of all the chaos, and if it has a life would probably be thinking, “This is how MBLAQ starts their morning, every single day!”


Author's Note : Hello, everyone! Its been awhile since I've written anything. Wait! Scratch that. I HAVE been writing, but its just that I've no time to upload it up on here. So here goes nothing, three chapters at once, yeayyy!! And I hope I can finish this with less than 30 chapters, and pray hard that I WILL finish writing this sotry instead off ended up being on hiatus again... *cries* Anyway, this story will begin with some light-hearted chapters, all happy and at a time where THIS IS the MBLAQ that we know, and if you guys actually noticed, the time line starts in 2013, when Joonie got recognised as one of the BEST IDOL ACTOR *clap clap clap* in the market, to just before Doongie's single release (Monssstahhhh... Imma Monsssstahhh!!) to how I imagine the situation is during their recording of the Broken album. And then situation became a bit grim, when Joonie starts missing shows, and... you get the idea. I would probably end the story to the current news we had recently, of Doong's success in signing with A Pop *claps claps claps*, or if any other news comes up in the near future, I would probably incorporate it in the story as well.

I am also trying to keep the timeline as near to real events as possible, though keep note that the storyline itself is fictional, and does not have anything to do with how the MBLAQ members may be acting at the time. And since I also am a bit lacking in being up-to-date with news (working full time with no access to SNS *cries*) and having short-to-medium term memory loss, it would be very much appreciated if you absolutely adorable readers could enlighten me of any events which may be a wrong or might have been missed out. Please and thank yous... *throws hearts*

Please do also note I might not be able to update daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, half yearly, or even yearly (just look at my two (or is it three?) unfinished stories), but I will will will try to finish this story coz you know, half of it has actually been written on my personal Word, just to get it imported here and a bit of tweaking here and there, as well as doing some subbing work for Shinhwa (YAYYY!!! SHINHWA"S COMING BACKKK!!!!) and going to Korean Language classes every week and trying to live life...

*ehem* So, yes. Please do leave your footprints down on the comment section, and yes, I have probably written an Author's Note worthy of a chapter itself and I am going to stop. Right. Here. Okay.

And ohh, one more thing, I hope you enjoy my story, and let's continue on this journey together, no matter how long it takes for me to finish. 


Okay, I'll stop now. Promise... *winks*

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