Prologue - September 2014

Curtain Call

Knock knock...

The lone man who was passionately dancing in the room of mirrors, panted hard. He ignored the knocking, kept on dancing.

Knock knock...

There came the knocking again. The man sighed. He stopped dancing, approached the radio blasting the song at full volume and switched it off. He slowly walked to the clothes rack and took a towel, in which he wiped of the sweat from his face.

“What took you so long?” a voice asked after the man had opened the door. He opened it wider to let the other man enter the room, while he walked towards the centre of the room, took a bottle of water and proceeded to gulp down half a bottle.

The other man approached him and sat on the floor. “We’re needed up in the President’s office,” he said.

The man ignored him.

“Joon, don’t do this. Everyone’s already upstairs, waiting for you.”

Lee Joon kept his mouth shut. He got up and switched on the radio again. “Go away, hyung,” he said, moving his body in tune to the sound.

GO got up and switched off the radio again. “We’ll be together in this, I promise!” He placed his hand on Lee Joon’s shoulders. “We started this together, remember? Everything’s going to be fine.”

Lee Joon gave up. GO’s voice sounded firm, but understanding. Demanding, yet soft. Lee Joon can never say no to GO. He sighed and nodded.

The two man exited the room and went up to floors to where the President’s office is. From the stairwell they could already see another figure leaning against the wall, shoulders sagged, hands in pockets, as if all the problems of the world belonged to him.

“Seungho!” GO called.

Seungho looked up. He smiled a little. He looked at Lee Joon. He placed a hand on Lee Joon’s shoulders and nodded. “We’ll stand with you, I promise,” he said. “Come, Cheolyong and Doong is already inside.”

Seungho knocked once on the door and opened it to reveal a mid-sized office. The three of them entered the room and no one but only the 5 young man and the President knew what happened behind those four walls.

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