Chapter 6

Will The Dreams Come True?
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“Here we are.” Nan and Hongyok arrived. He stops the car right in front of a building that looks like an office. Not really big, but has interesting architecture.


“Here?” Hongyok look out to the area around the car.


“Yes, here.”


Hongyok unbuckling the seat belt and get out of the car. She close the car’s door and stands up facing the building. She got like unbelievable feeling.


“This is the place.” Nan opened the car’s window and said that from driver seat.


“I have to go now. Good luck.. and good bye.” Nan the car’s engine and got ready to go again.


“Wait… thank you very much. What should I do to reply all of your kindness?”


“No.. it’s okay. You don’t have to think about that. I’m going now.” He wanted to close the car’s window when Hongyok stopped his action as she hold the window.


“The coffee! I haven’t pay the coffee. Wait a minute. Ah.. where is it?” She opened her light brown sling bag and looking for her wallet.


“No no… it’s okay.” Nan shake his head. “Just forget it. I’ve to go now. Good bye.” He suddenly close the car’s window and ride his car leaving Hongyok alone.


“Hey.. sir!” Hongyok tried to call Nan again.


“Thank you Sir! Thank you! Kamsahamnida!” Hongyok yelled and waved her hands happily.


“Thank you Sir. Nice to meet you.” Now she said it softly, like doing a talk with herself.


“What’s his name? Nan! Ah..yeah. I think he is older than me. So I can call him P’Nan. Thank you P’Nan. You are really an angel.” She smiled widely.


“I hope we can meet again.”




“Ahh.. pity me. Why all of sudden like this?” Nan still in his bad mood after the coffee incident. He is riding his car in crowded road.


“My shirt.. ahh, why did it happen when I using a white shirt?” He is looking at his dirty shirt. It is one of his favourite shirt. The white one with black vague vertical lines. Actually it is one of his most expensive shirt.


He stopped his car when the red traffic light is on. “Ahh..this woman. I can’t imagine another things that will be happen to me if I meet you again.” He talk to himself as he folded his long shirtsleeves.


“I hope we won’t meet again.”




Hongyok is walking out from the office with disappointed face. She never think about this kind of situation before. Now, she doesn’t know what she has to do.


“What should I do now?” Hongyok is really sad because she can’t meet her boyfriend.


“Why is really hard to meet you P’Natthew?” Her feeling became not good. She is so disappointed.


“Ah, what is this? Rain?” Hongyok said that as she felt raindrops on her head and hands. She eventually ran back to the frontage of the office which has the roof. Some people who pass near her also doing the same thing. They take shelter for a while, waiting until the rain is gone.


 “Oohh… It’s cold.” Hongyok felt cold eventhough she’s wearing Tungbeer’s thick coat. She folded her arms. The high wind blew and mix with the rain, made Hongyok got shiver. She’s been living in tropic country, so this kind of weather is really “strange”.


“I miss you P’Natthew.” She whispered.


*Thirty minutes ago


After Nan left her in front the office, she walked into the office happily. Her wide smile automatically set on her beautiful face.


“I’m coming P’.”


She opened the entrance door. The

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Jewelers #1
Chapter 16: This is the best NHY story so far.. Can you update pls
KcrezaArien #2
Chapter 16: Aww... author Update plss hahaha I'm a big fan of NHY
shelly11 #3
Chapter 16: eiii p' more update please>.<
leevaniadj10 #4
Chapter 16: Update pleaseee .....
Panhaleap #5
Chapter 16: Pls more i cant wait....
Chapter 16: Yeayyy. Update more and more. Im too excited!
Chapter 15: Please update more. Hmmmm
dany1991 #8
Chapter 15: :) Eyyyyy!!!

Poor P'Nan he didn't know anything about Hongyok's boyfriend... But as the way it seems he doesn't need to worry anymore hahaha
NHY <3 :)
I'm looking forward fot the next update :)