The Bestriend Love

The two students came out of the principal's office with a sigh. 

"Woah. Principal's eyes got me almost killed!"

Jira snorted. "What the heck is with your english? It's 'The principal's eyes almost got me killed!'. Didn't you learn that?"

Kris looked away, embarrassed. "Chinese, it's the only language I have had spoken in my life. I-I've reads much books about English, but the accent and stuff..."

"There you go again, it's 'Chinese is the only language I've spoken'." This time, Kris remained silent and Jira realized how offensive she sounded. "Do you want me to teach you? My mom goes to America for business trips alot of times so she teaches me English alot." Kris' eyes shot up at Jira in excitement. "You'll really do that for me?" Kris was looking up at Jira in anticipation. "Well I guess it's the least I can do since you saved me from those boys." Kris did a little jump which earned a weird look from Jira. "Are you gay or something?" Kris looked at her. "Of course I'm gay!" He did one more jump, "So when do we start?" Jira who was still looking at him with a shocked look replied, "A-Afterschool? You can come to my house. About 30 minutes each day? Sound good?" Kris smiled brightly, his gummy smile showing. "Sure! I'll ask my dad."





Next Day

Kris ran up to Jira, "My dad said yes!" Jira kept walking, "Okay. Let's go." They walked to Jira's house neither saying a word.

When they arrived, Jira took off her shoes and Kris followed her as she went up to her room. "Where are your parents?" Kris asked. "Work." She simply replied. Everytime someone mentioned her parents, she would reply a simple 'Work' with as less enthusiasm as she could and no one would question her any further. Including Kris.

"Okay, just put your backpack over there. We're gonna learn about expressions today!" Kris looked around the room, a simple white wall surrounded a black bed, a desk, and a closet. She didn't have clutter and unnecessary stuff around and her room screamed classy. He put his backpack down and sat beside Jira on the desk. Jira started explaining some expressions and using them in sentences.


"Happy, it means you like something. do I explain this..." Her eyebrows furrowed for a while until she clasped her hands together. "Ah! I know! It's that feeling you got when I told you I'll teach you english! And then you told me you wer.." She was cut off by Kris, "Wait, I-I thought gay meant that." Jira froze, "So... when you said you were g-gay, you meant the happy kind of gay?!" Kris jumped back a bit, startled by her raise of voice. "Y-yeah, what elese would it mean?" Jira slapped her forehead. "Gay means another thing! It also means your a..." She leaned towards Kris and looked side-to-side, as if someone else would hear her. "...homoual" Kris looked at her, confused. "What does homoual mean?" Jira slapped her forehead again. "Homoual meansthat if your a boy, you like boys instead of girls. Same with girls." Kris snapped his head at her."W-What?! Oh no." Jira grabbed his arm. "What? Is there something wrong? Do you have a headache?" Kris shook his head. "I-I told my mom I was g-gay!! I went home from school yesterday when you told me you were going to teach English to me. An-" Jira put her hand up as a signal for him to stop, "It's 'Teach me English'. Continue."  *Okayyy. That was rude to interrupt* Kris thought. "-And then my mom asked why I was smiling so widely and I told her it's because someone made me gay. She dropped her knife and didn't talk to me again." 


Jira burst into laughter. "W-What?! You told your mom you were gay?! Oh my, we need to learn alot of english!" 


Their day was filled with laughter and excitement, and for the first time in a while, Jira didn't think of negative things. She had a friend now, and she was thankful.


Krystal's gonna come up soon you guys :D.

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Great story author-nim :) Can't wait for the next chapter :D