Again at the Park

makes me feel uncomfortable

After thinking for quite a while, you've decided that today will definitely be the day that you end everything with jung daehyun, your beloved boyfriend who doesn't feel the same way. Just a few months more and they'll officially debut as rookie group. Because you love daehyun so much although you don't really show it, you'll end it before their debut so he won't be bugged by it then.


        Today, you asked daehyun to meet you at the park. The same place where you last dated. You sit on a bench under a tree, enjoying the breeze and calming yourself before everything ends. The view was so calming. There weren't many people at that time and you liked it. Waiting for daehyun was nerve wrecking. What to do? What to do? What will happen to you and the members once everything ends? While you were busy thinking about all the possibilities, your sunshine was blocked. You looked up to see who it was and to your surprise, daehyun was there, standing infront of you. His hair was so fine so was his outfit. Everything was perfect. 


       "What's up?" He greets you short. So simple as if he's been neglecting to come there.


      "What's with that attitude? Can't you treat your girlfriend better?" His expression changed as soon as you said that. You wanted to say that to him since long ago but you don't have the guts. But at least, you now have enough courage to say it as you're no longer legit to say it soon.


       " wh..what? When did I treat you bad? Th..This is jung daehyun you know." He was totally stuttering. It's so obvious that he's guilty. You can only smile. He was about to sit next to you but you stood up so suddenly and took his hand.


       "C'mon, the ice cream stand is open now. Let's grab some, i've been craving for it for quite a while now." He was totally confused as you run to the stand, still hand in hand. 'Just for today, let me take the lead.' You thought. you ordered two ice cream. One for each of you. Seeing daehyun still has the same expression made you laugh.


       "Hahaha! Jung Daehyun. Do you know what you look like now? You're so hillarious. Stop making that face already." He stared at you still confused.


       "I mean, what's with you so suddenly? You've never been like this before." You keep eating your ice cream while your eyes on him.


         "What do you mean? I'm always like this." Lie. You weren't this type of person. Honestly you were overreacting because it'll end soon.


       "No you're not. You a quiet girl and you don't even dare to touch any guy. This isn't like you." He has this worried face. What he said really struck you like your heart was pricked by a needle. Somehow you felt really happy because at least he knows a side of you. 


       "I've always been like this. You just didn't realize it yet. Anyway, there's some things I want to do. Accompany me okay?" Without waiting for his answer you grabbed his hand and start running. You dis ao many things today, things you've always wanted to do with him but was never given the chance. You took him for a walk, eat at a cafe nearby and lastly, you sat under a tree feeling really tired of all the walk. He was tired as well. You two just sit there with an awkward silence. 


        "Hey, you know, this is the exact same spot where sora and I sit together when we came here." You heart stopa for a second.


       "Ahh. So you've been on a date with her before? And rest right here at the exact same spot where we're sitting right now?" You look down on the ground not wanting daehyun to see your hurt expression. Tears was about to gather in your eyes but you won't let them. The atmosphere was really awkward and you know this is the time to end everything.


       "Daehyun ah, what's my name?" He looked at you puzzled.


       "Son Min Ji. Why do you ask?" He scratched his unitchy head. You had to admit he looks cute.


       "And what do you call me?" Your heart hurts. It's going to end soon so you're taking it slow so the pain would come little by little and not all at once as you won't be able to take it.


       "Ehh? Minji of course. Look here minji. Can you just get to the point, I don't really have time now. I have to go practice soon." He looks pretty annoyed now but at the same time, kind of pale.


       "Then answer this daehyun. What do you and sora call each other?" It's out. Your dissatisfaction is out. He on the other hand looks completely dumbfounded.


       "I don't know where you're going with this minji. Why suddenly mention sora? If you're accusing sora of anything then you're completely wrong. You know sora as well and if you don't like her then...." he's overreacting so you cut him.


       "Relax daehyun. I know what you call each other anyway. Okay, let me say something first. First of all, if you're saying that you two are just friends, friends don't call each other like that. Second, friends don't show excessive affection. Third, you're always all about sora. Do you know what I realize now?" He was shocked and pale. Then, his face shows rage.


       "Sora! Sora! Sora! Are you blaming her for something huh? She's not a bad girl I can assure you for as many times as you want. She has ellegance and the aura of a pure hearted girl. Are you somehow jealous minji? You know what? I think...." he's solely protecting sora. Looks like Sora really means so much to him. So much that he's now accusing you of something the complete opposite. He's mad and seeing him protecting her with all his might, your heart was shredded to thousand of pieces.


        "Let's just end this daehyun. So you love her that much huh? You and sora are a perfect two and as for me, tsk.. I'm just in your way aren't I?" Daehyun stops and was completely speechless. His eyes widen in shock.


       "*sigh* daehyun ah.. I know you don't love me. You love sora but you're my boyfriend. It must've been hard for you and her huh. So, as an appology, let's break up. Our not so relationship-like relationship ends here, now." You stand up getting ready to leave while daehyun was still on the ground with his head down low..


       "I'm sorry for being in the way of your love. But hey, lets still be friends. Ah, one last word, I'm not jealous of sora. Bye daehyun." With that last word, you walk away leaving daehyun completely speechless. As you walk away, you want to cry so badly. The tears in your eyes are becoming a pool already but you're not going to cry. You're not a crybaby anymore.

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I got a fever butI'll update.. tonight or tomorrow


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Chapter 22: Uwa... Finally you update, authornim! Thanks :D
Yes, it's been a while. Minji is slowly getting confidence! There you are girl..
And what's that Youngjae? Being nice so sudden?
Author-nim where are you?
It's been one year u didn't update this story TT.
Please comeback.. I really like this story.
I'm dying to know the next chapter. It seems Daehyun just realized who Minji really is. I think he regreted their broke up (you should Daehyun!)
NamDaeDae #3
Chapter 21: Can't wait to see her and daehyun together again :'D Plzzzzzz update soonnnnnn.
NamDaeDae #4
Chapter 19: Here a new reader!!! I really like your fanfic ! Keep On !!! Fighting
Rasheeka #5
Chapter 19: It would get dangerous if youngjae starter liking her i smell a love triangle^ Thanks for updating❤
LovelyLadyEm #6
Chapter 19: This is a really great story and your English is really good~ I can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 19: Ahhh I found this today and read all of it! It's so good! Your English is good, so don't worry about it. English is just so hard haha. FIGHTINGGG!!!! ^.^
haha..i wonder if youngjae like minji~
Chapter 8: Can't wait for the future chapter <3
Chapter 7: Update soon~