Round Nine; A Little Thought To Calm The Soul #2

Accidental Love

Tiffany It has been a long day for her, waking up at 5.30am, going to the salon, filming variety shows, listening to demo tapes, eventually going home, gave Stephie a bath, tucked her into bed and told her a bedtime story. At last, she had time for herself. After a good hot bath, she made herself some hot chocolate- for comfort- as she sat on her bedroom floor, looking out of the huge window showing her the perfect Han River view.

Tucking her knees close to her, she heaved a sigh. This just seemed a little too much for her to handle. Being a mother at the age of 20 was no simple feat, let alone the fact that she was a well known singer. Juggling irregular sleeping hours, her young daughter, the pain of the only other person in the world who shared a part of Stephie not giving her the support and help she needed, she lived a tough life. She herself was nowhere near growing up, what a joke it would seem to others when she tells them she is taking care of a child. Don't get her wrong, she loved Stephie, she was heaven sent, the bundle of joy that brightens her darkest days. At that thought, she broke out into a smile - a genuine smile, not those she flashes in front of Seunghyun. Not those.

There were days where she just wants someone to listen to her. Let her rant about her day, about how she got the wrong coffee order, about how she was made fun of by her members for using the wrong Korean expressions. She wanted her share of childish tantrums. She always imagined how after marriage her husband would be around to listen to those. Instead, she got herself a daughter, whose father had no interest in. She would have blamed Jessica for it. She would have. But going through all that, she was just too tired to try and blame anyone. She had no desire, no strength to find someone to pin all of her lethargy on. She knew, deep down, it wouldn't erase any of this. And she wouldn't give up Stephie for anything in the world anyway. It was one of those rare things that could bring her the smile she much needed.

She let her thoughts flow. Until it halted at the thought of Seunghyun. She gave a soft laughter. That man. The one that could make her mood change with a snap of his fingers. She wanted to hate him. She really wanted to. Wouldn't it make her feel better? Having someone, something to hate. But she couldn't. His presence denies her that. And his presence was all around. On the TV, his voice on the Radio, his picture with Stephie on her phone's lock screen, his face when she closes her eye. All of that denies her, denies her the right to hate him. Heck, even the sight of him and Sunmi all over each other doesn't cut it. He wasn't interested in her. She knows it. She wasn't Sunmi. She was envious of her.

As ridiculous as it sounds, she wanted him to just pay her a little more attention. But what position is she in to ask for that? She wasn't anyone to him. She was just someone that barged in and ruined his life. She was no one. Or maybe that was wishful thinking. Maybe, a little more attention for Stephie? Is that too much to ask of him?

She was tired. She doesn't want anymore of these ambiguous feelings she had towards him to hinder herself from getting on with life.

She was just too tired.

She needed closure.

She needed rest.


Author's A/N: Sorry for the short update! I hope this is of expectation... As I have said before, I'm not really good with emotional chapters... But I tried... Please please please leave some comments! I see that a few of ya'll don't quite like the idea of Seunghyun giving up and I'm guessing that you wouldn't quite like this chapter with Tiffany giving up... but well, feelings can't just disappear so easily. I'm sure there'll be some moments that will spark some tingly feelings! *wink wink* ㅋㅋㅋ ^^

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I can't format chapt 19 properly... ): It makes me upset.


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Chapter 29: I miss this story so much..
Please...continue this amazing story....
trisha_ss23 #2
Chapter 29: Author nim I miss you already
babybelle #3
Chapter 29: Hi author, will you update this story? Please... I miss them :) thank you. xoxo
Chapter 29: Looking forward the next update author! :)
Chapter 26: TopFany here is in a push-pull situation... and I can't help but root for JiFany now, but I think I'd still choose GTae and TopFany in the end. Hahaha!
fawbnerdy05 #6
Chapter 29: TOPFANY
dadecer101 #7
and the longer fanfic still don't have an update... I also love that story.. it gives us such an cliffhanger update... i hope it will update soon
dadecer101 #8
waaahhh... I'll read this one... totally interesting story..
and btw I've read that story(Longer) many times...
dadecer101 #9
Chapter 28: T O P F A N Y
Chapter 29: can't w8 for the nxt chapter ...go top win ur wife and daughter back show them how much you love both of them