First Day

I Fell In Love With You, Buddy

"RINGGGGGG!" Its 7.30 am and its time for Kim Eunmi to wake up. "Miss, wake up!" Her maid shook her and then roll her curtains open. "Ughh but I was having a good dream" she complained. "Miss Kim, its your first day of high school! You cannot be late" Eunmi then woke up and sat abruptly.  "Oh ya how can I forget! Aish!!"

She then rushed to her large bathroom to take a refreshing morning shower before coming down to the dining room for breakfast.

"Good morning appa! umma!" she greeted her parents with a bright smile and kiss their cheeks.

"mmm, my beautiful princess! you look happy today! Is it because of your first day in high school?" her dad commented.

"of course!" she said while muching on her cereals

"Aigoo, dont talk when you're chewing, you look horrible" her mum laughed.

Kim Eunmi is the second child of the Kim family. She has an older brother, Kim Myungsoo who is only one year older. Mr Kim, their father owns The Kim Hospital not only in Seoul, but in China, Singapore and some other parts of the world. All her life, she has never experienced the world on her own. Everywhere she go, she'll be sent and picked up by her driver. The only reason why she is now excited is because she will have more freedom now, since she's already in High School.

After breakfast, she got in her car with her brother and enjoyed the ride to school. The journey was neither long nor short, it was acceptable. Her brother is in 2nd year of high school, Eunmi attends the same high school as her brother. Just as she reached Seoul High School, she saw eyes looking at her direction from her tinted window. Her heart was beating fast. Not that she's not used to this situation, but she's afraid of how the situation in high school will be like comparing to middle school. Everyone loves Kim Eunmi. Besides being the 'Princess Of Seoul"(well that's what people call her), she's ravishing. Elegant, beautiful. She has everything a man needs. She's used to the attention from middle school, but this time, she isn't sure how its going to be like. Will the students hate her if she gets all the attention? You see, sometimes you dont intentionally wants the attention. Plus, Kim Myungsoo, her brother is also the 'Prince Of Seoul'. Which she is very sure that her brother is the popular kid in school.

Myungsoo's POV

Looking at how my sister stare at the crowds surrounding our car as our driver is going to drop us, I can see that she's nervous. I'm sure that the students are waiting for our arrival. News on Eunmi got posted to Seoul High went viral on the net, especially because they know that Eunmi is my sister. I'm quite worried. What if they threatened my sister? What if they bully her? Eunmi is a very soft hearted girl that couldn't even say 'no' or reject other's offers.

"Everything will go well, don't worry too much, it'll make you ugly" I held her hand.

Although we fight sometimes, I mean that's what siblings do right? I still have this soft spot for her as she is my little sister that i adore and care for eversince young. She's still my sister that I need to protect. I hope that nothing bad will happen to her in high school. Its sad that her middle school bestfriend got into other school. She had many friendship problems in her middle school days. Yuna was the only one who stayed with her because Eunmi is Eunmi, While the rest actually only wants fame and money from Eunmi. She is so naive to see such situations coming.

As we got out of the car, I led my sister out and continued holding her hand.





I heard them screaming. I cleared my throat and put my arms around Eunmi.

"Hi guys, listen up. I'm sure you know my sister, Kim Eunmi," I looked at her nervous face before continuing. "Don't take an advantage of her or do something bad to her etc. Or you shall be facing me." i finished.

They then made way for me and Eunmi to walk into the school.

Eunmi's POV

 "Don't take an advantage of her or do something bad to her etc. Or you shall be facing me." my brother told everyone.

Ugh why is he doing this? It's making me embarrassed! Ah, he didnt need to do this, it makes me feel like a small kid.

"Ahhhh Oppa!! Why did you do that?" I said when we went into an empty classroom, away from the students.

"What? I was trying to help you. Can't you see? What if they want you just for fame and money? It'll hurt you again like in middle school. Of course as a brother I have to protect you."

He's right. But also, won't it make them, especially the girls to dislike me more? Seeing how oppa actually protected me like that? I mean of course I am only his sister. But to them crazy fangirls, what do they care?

"You dont have to worry anymore, at least they won't touch you for now. If they dare to do anything to my one and ony sister, you have to tell me! Alright?" Myungsoo ask while holding both of his sister's shoulders.


Both of them went out from the empty classroom and make their way to their class. Myungsoo sent his sister to her class to make sure nothing happens. When they reached outside Eunmi's class, they met Sungyeol and Dongwoo, Myungsoo's best friends.

"Myungsoo! Oh hi Eunmi! It has been awhile since we met," Sungyeol winked

"Yah! Are you trying to flirt with my sister right now?" Myungsoo scolded.

"Oops, sorry! She's too beautiful to resist" Dongwoo said and both of them laughed.

Myungsoo held Eunmi closer, "Yah yah yah, what did you guys say?"

"Cmon bro, we've known your sister since forever. So protective. Tsk" Sungyeol rolled his eyes.

"Oppa, I'll be going in my class now! Bye!!" Eunmi waved and rushed into her class.

Honestly, she felt a little awkward with her brother and his friends.

The moment she stepped into the classroom, everyone turned their attention to her. She stopped her tracks and couldn't continue walking. She felt so scared of everyone. Suddenly, most of them ran towards her and started bombarding her with questions. Too much questions, the class became rowdy and noisy, everyone surrounded her and started taking selfies or asking for autographs. Boys were asking her out one by one, while she just stood there and couldn't even move her tongue. Her heart was beating so hard against her rib cage. Just then, two boys came into the room.


The class was quiet you can even hear a pin drop. Eunmi turned around and saw 2 guys infront of the classroom shooting lasers through their eyes.

She can even hear girls squealing & whispering that they're hot, cute, y and everything.

“OMO its baekhyun and sehun oppa!”

“They’re in our class!”

A few seconds later, a teacher walked in and asked everyone to choose a seat. Everyone was shouting out for Eunmi's name. They wanted to sit with her. Eunmi was confused, she didn't know where to sit.

"Quiet class! I will decide where to put Eunmi," the tall and lanky teacher leaned against the whiteboard and gazed at the rows of neatly scrubbed students before him.

"Eunmi, you can sit beside Bae Ahri, 5th row." he smiled.

She smiled back and bowed at the teacher while making her way to her seat. While walking, Baekhyun purposely stretched his feet outwards and Eunmi nearly tripped over his leg.

"Opps, my bad, I'm sorry princess" he showed a sarcastic smile.

Eunmi was burning inside. She don’t even know who he is. She was so embarrassed. As she sat down, her partner beside her asked if she was okay. She just nodded and smiled. Eunmi was annoyed at his behaviour. "Okay class, I am Mr Lim. Your form teacher for this year."

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