
Its Him,The One Who Broke My Heart

Five years ago.

"(y/n), I have something to tell." Jungkook seemed serious and you hated it.It's like he will tell something bad to you. "What is it?" You asked curiously. "I am accepted to BigHit." He said but he showed no expression. " Congrats! Aren't you happy?"

"I have to leave you.Im going to Seoul.I'm sorry but I promise that once I am back,I will play along with you like we used too okay?" His eyes showed that he is sad to leave you.You was speechless.Your heart felt like stop beating.Your favourite best friend will move to Seoul leaving you alone in Busan. "Erm..I-I'm okay dude! Do your best there and never forget me okayh? Well,when are you going?"


Your eyes widened in shock. "That fast?!" And he nodded."Jungkook...I will miss you!" Quickly you hugged him.You felt his hands wrapped around you and he patted your back. "I will miss you too,(y/n) " He whispered.

"Jungkook! You have to pack now! We are going to leave early in the morning to avoid traffic!" His mom yelled.He showed no response but hugged you tighter. "I'm gonna miss you.I will come back and let's hangout like we used to okay? Don't ever forget me and I will never forget you.Ever.Believe in me." That word enchoed in your ears. "H-hey you have to go now.I still can see you tomorrow.Go inside.It's going to be dark soon" You said.


The next morning you woke up from your sleep and the sunshine welcomes you to a new bad day. Wait! Sunshine?! Jungkook! 

You jolted up from your bed and peeked from your window.Your window is near to Jungkook's,so its easy for you to see him.On his window,there he left a note and its obviously for you. 

Hey..If you read this,I have already gone to Seoul.I know you are still in deep sleep so I don't want to bother you sleeping because sleeping is important.Says you. *sighs* I left at 5am and Im sorry that I can't meet you.I'm sorry for everything. Please don't cry when I'm gone because there will be no one to wipe your tears. Please don't starve when I'm gone because there is no one to feed you. I don't want to say goodbye so I will say See You Soon,(y/n)  Muah! Love you to the Moon and Back.

He's gone.Just like that.You can't even meet him before he went to Seoul.You regretted asked him to go and packed his things.But you know he will come back one day.

Few months later

"Hi Mrs Jeon!" You greeted her as you saw her watering the plants in her yards.You just arrived your home from school.Your parents of course were still at work. "Oh Hi(y/n)  ! You know that Jungkook will be back today right?" You widened your eyes in shock. "Jungkook will be back today?" You asked for confirmation. "Yes! He got two days off,so he will come home to take few things and see us." She said. Inside of your heart,you were dancing crazily with the fact Jungkook is going to be home today.

"When will he arrive?" 

"He supposed to be h-- oh! There! The taxi is here!" Excitedly,Mrs Jeon jumped out of her yard and getting ready to greet her son.You just stood there,not believing the fact that Jungkook is home.

Your heart thumps fast.You saw his leg coming out from the taxi and his black hair.After the taxi drove away,you can see the Jungkook you were waiting.Jungkook was hugging his mother while you,admiring his new image. Ahh so this is Seoul's style. You said. "Jungkook!" You called him and he turns.You waved excitedly to him but what he responded was he looked at you like a mad person.He then turns back to his mom and he excused himself to enter the house.Mrs Jeon was shocked too.She looked at you and you just smiled bitterly.

So he don't remember me.After being a popular idol,he erase me.He forgot me.

Tears streamed down your cheeks as Mrs Jeon hugged you. "Shh its okay.He will take his time to remember you." She patted your back as you cried.

Sorry, I have to do this. I broke our promise.I'm sorry.

Back In Present

You are working as usual after school.The cafe which just placed near your school is the famous in that area because students will visits here after they finished their school time.

"OMO!! BTS!" A girl shouts as she took out her handphone to snap their pictures. BTS? Why I feel like I've heard that somewhere?

"OMO! Jeon Jungkookie!!!" The other screams. Your heart drop.You loose grip on the rag and it fell on your white school shoes. Jungkook.He's back.He is here.

You don't know whether you are happy or not because the last time you saw him,he broke your heart and of course you don't want it to happen again.Then,you saw them entered the cafe and the girls crowding around them. "What is happening?" Your manager asked and he saw those popular boys.He quickly called his male workers to shooed the girls.So the male workers asked the girls to exited the cafe and surprisingly,they did.

" (y/n) Can you take orders for them?" Your manager asked and your heart beating fast again. "Y-yeah." You answered."Don't do anything stupid" The manager warned. You walked to their table and you lowered your head.Your long hair covered your face.

"M-May I take your order?" You said."Oh hey! Can we have pancakes,coffee,tea---" and bla bla bla.He ordered too much.As you acknowledge,the one who ordered is Jin.Their mummy. "Ah yes.Your order will arrive soon." You were about to walk away but a hand stopped you.You quickly avoided the skinship and you looked at him. "Do I know you?" Its him.Jeon Jungkook. You look down and shook your head. "N-no..You don't know me.Sorry but I have to go now." You were about to walk away but he stopped you again as he grab your wrist.Like the first time,you avoided his hand.He reads your nametag.

"(y/n)  ...I think I have heard your name before." He said. "O-of course you have.There's a lot of people with this name." You said and quickly you walked away.

I'm sure that's her but why is she hiding?



Seven  minutes passed and BTS are eating their meals while they did fanservice to the A.R.M.Y outside of the cafe. Suddenly


The cafe's door has been kicked. BY 3 MASKED GUYS!! All the fans run away as they saw the gun that they are holding.The workers including you stood froze there same goes as BTS.

"Take out all your money right now or she--" A man took a grip of your wrist and pulled you closer to him. "She'll die" He places the gun next to your head and your hands are shaking.That time,your hair didn't cover your face,so Jungkook recognised you.

" (y/n)…" 

"FASTER!" The other man said.BTS member and the manager did as told.You struggled. "No! Don't listen to them! Ergh Let me go!" You shouts and struggled.Jungkook was panicked.He was afraid that the guy will shoot you. "(y/n)!STOP MOVING! OR YOU'LL DIE! PLEASE..I REMEMBER YOU..I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO AWAY THIS TIME!" Jungkook shouts.You were surprised.You stopped but you saw the other man aim the gun to Jungkook.

"NO!" You pushed the man who was holding you and quickly run to Jungkook and pushed him.You stood there and


The man shoots and it hit you.You fell on the ground and blood coming out from your stomach. The thieves run away with the money they collected.Your vision started to become blur.

"NONONONO (y/n)!!" You heard Jungkook shouts and he quickly comes to you and he puts your head on his lap.He took off his jacket and covered your wound but blood still coming out. "Hyung! Call the ambulance!" As quick as possible,Jimin called the ambulance.

"Stay..stay I know I did wrong..please..I know you please...Stay" He cried and he holds your hands.You could feel his hands again and you are happy.But you know its going to end.Your vision becomes black. 

Bye Jungkook

How you want the ending? Please tell me and comment k? I have to go hostel tomorrow evening so *sighs* i dun know whether i can update for He Melts My Heart or not.But at least I did this rite? Comment pwease! And please subscribe so when I update the last chappie,you will know! Thanks for reading!


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Chapter 3: your cheek scenes really lives up.
Chapter 3: Aww happy ending!! ♥ thank u author nim!!! thank u!! now jungkook and i are so happy lol and cupping cheeks lol all cheeks!
snsd_yoonsic4ever #3
Chapter 3: Cheecks . xD lmaoo ! Happy ending ! Finally !!
Megummy #4
thank you so much authornim,you know a young handsome cute y hot gorgeous talented like jungkook deserve the best,isn't it?
avisdawn #5
make a miracle please TT.TT
Chapter 2: TT_TT why you die~~ this is not happiness (not even a little). author-nim how could you. (clutching my chest-) aaahhh~~
snsd_yoonsic4ever #7
Chapter 2: Im crying . :'( .
ayuzawarei #8
Chapter 2: I want a happy ending, please! TT.TT
Kimjinchan #9
Chapter 2: T.T kookie dont cry cause author-nim gonna make it happy ending right author-nim??...