Yoo Chang Mi.


Name: Yoo Chang Mi [articuno]

­­­­­­­­­­­­­Personal Info


>Normad, Kokori.


D.O.B :

>dd/mm/1996 [16]






>Crazy. Bipolar at all times. Likes to dress as a boy and hooks girl as a boy. Prince of all trades and can learn things (except music instruments) fast. The love philosopher of her friends even when she haven’t dated a boy once. Have an unknown past that she doesn’t care.



[1] Sweet things and cheesecakes.
[2] Boy clothes.

[3] Keeping short hair.



[1] Smokers.

[2] Staying at home.

[3] Being short.



[happy] Crescent eyes, laugh uncontrollably.

[sad] Blank look and red nose.

[angry] Shoots daggers, swords, arrows, axes and any other weapons you know.

[bored] Taps shoes and sing nonsense.

[nervous] Becomes quiet and voice becomes a pitch higher.



[1] Travelling.

[2] Filming.

[3] Hooking girls. (A: This human seriously have a major problem.)

[4] Being a love philosopher.



[1] She is the so called twin of a famous teenage idol. (A: the idol ‘adopted’ her secretly.)

[2] Hates being a girl but yet she have a nice body.

[3] Travels a lot to for charity and the orphanage.

[4] Knows a lot of junk knowledge.

[5] Can handle alcohol well.  (A: Don’t ask me why.)


Family Background

[Madam Choi] Closes caretaker in the orphanage.  57 years old. (A: Doesn’t this look familiar……)

[Adoptive Brother] Famous idol. Ricky! Ricky!  17 years old.



>Shim Hyun Seong.



A’s note: Ok, Ok, Ok I’m sorry. I can’t help it….And I felt left out so I submitted my application to myself….. sorry. Really sorry. Because I love you so much so I decided to join in? Don’t glare daggers at me ok? Pwease? *revolting puppy eyes.*


Cut this thing off and let’s move on…..

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first, it's l.joe. now it's ricky. oh yeah! teen top yeah. :D

and hooking girls? oooh. xD anyways, nice character:D
Uwaaah, there's lots of characters! And yours seems pretty hot. Even though she's a girl xD Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. D: Author-nim hwaiting! :D
--nerdyexotic #3
^^ there are a lot of characters now~!
cyworld buddies, aja! xD

oh. so she's l.joe's sis? NICE! :D
Wah, so many characters. :O
articuno #6
@Piikuhh: Ah~ kamsahamnida!! *hugs*
@Kairi_Rose: more girl will be coming soon....
I like how this is going. And, what I like more is that you're updating unlike many apply fics. :) Articuno hwaiting~
articuno #8
ok, i understand...but pls keep me informed from time to time. if there is something you need to ask me just ask, i don't want someone to be lost ok? ^^ i don't bite articuno seldom bites.^^
do comment sometimes so i know you guys received my updates. its so lonely......sometimes
well, i'm thinking of something now. i'm would just like to get the opinions of my groupmates. once we've talked about it thoroughly, we will definitely tell you immediately. sorry for not being active or something. please wait for us. thank you. kamsamnida.(‐^▽^‐)