Chapter 3.5: Go,go cyworld buddies. (Part 2)


*3rd person P.O.V*        

“You call this dancing?!” HyunAe sighed and slumped on the ground. She messed up her hair in frustration but it fell back to place again. Her face is faintly pink from the fading afternoon heat and all those dancing in slow motion. SunHee patted HyeJin’s back comfortingly and shot a warning look at HyunAe.

                HyeJin fell for the umpteenth time in two hours, according to HyunAe her dancing is a total disaster. Although they tried to make HyeJin understand the theory and the steps, she can’t even make it to the first minute. Seeing her friends caring for her so much she broke into tears.

                At least that caught their attention for a while.  But before HyunAe could ask HyeJin the reason, she took off like a rocket, crossing the road home. HyunAe and SunHee followed suit worrying about their friend.

*HyeJin’s P.O.V*

                I’m really useless……I can’t even get something right…

                Locking myself inside my room, I pulled out a mystery book and start reading it. HyunAe is currently trying to knock down my door and SunHee is probably trying to pull her back. The constant ponding on the door is making me feel worse. Words in front of my eyes seem to swim, before I knew it I was crying again.

                I hate myself, hate myself for being weak, for crying over small matters. A glint of shiny material below my window caught my eyes. There leaned my saxophone bathing in the evening orange light that streamed through the window. It looked so majestic.

                I picked it up and put the mouthpiece in my mouth. I started playing my new song, I haven’t figure out the title yet but it sounds ok at this stage. The name doesn’t really matters. The melody floated around my room calming my nerves like some sort of medicine.

                In no time I felt relaxed but I need a drink. I opened my door and two bodies collide with me forming a heap with me at the bottom. Indeed it was the two devils, HyunAe Unnie and the evil bear with a stupid smile slapped on their face. I should have known…Figures…


*Few weeks later*


“Ok, let’s do this! Go HyeJin go!” SunHee cheered then continued her ice-cream earning a head-slap from HyunAe.


                “We perform together you lazy bum. Come on let’s go. Don’t forget your saxophone, and wipe that poker face off. I know you are scared.” HyunAe said while loading combing her hair…again.

                They are all at a shopping complex’s entrance in the midst of the bustling crowd. With HyeJin finally able to do all the steps correctly (A: A Massive improvement which worked when they threatened to cut off her computer access.) and they even make a new style of “Don’t Touch My Girl.” The sole reason why they are at a shopping complex on a picked hour packed with people is to try out the public reaction on the new style of “Don’t touch my girl”.

                  HyunAe pressed play on her i-Phone and threw away SunHee’s ice-cream making the younger whine and stomp her feet. HyeJin Took a deep breath and started the “renewed” version. A stream of saxophone notes flowed through the crowd. Some people stopped and listen to the soft notes paying attention to the young girl.

                “You my lady~ your my lady~” HyunAe comes to sight and stood by HyeJin. SunHee came in last while belting the rap lyrics cutely. HyeJin put her saxophone down and continued the rest part. They sang with expressions, with gestures adding a pinch of personality once in a while. They collaborated nicely till the song reaches the end.

The crowd applauded and cheered giving support. When SunHee’s tear slid down her face, she portrayed Kwangmin’s happy-sad face perfectly earning another round of applause and cheers.  Hand in hand they bowed to the crowd and shouting a big “THANK YOU!”

“Wow, that was nerve wrecking...” SunHee exclaimed aloud and plopped down to the floor.

“Now we go home to see some results for the “MV” and the “live performance”, shall we?”HyeJin packed up their stuff and dragged whining SunHee by her necklace. HyunAe shock her head at the childish pair.

*Present Time*

“Hey, get off the computer will you?” SunHee flicked HyeJin’s forehead.

“Hey, stop bugging me will you?” HyeJin imitated the younger’s tone making a comeback.

“Hey, stop bickering and see check the postbox for any news will you?” HyunAe knock their heads together lightly.

Few minutes later whoops and cheers are heard few streets away from the particular house. Inside the house was nothing near to quiet and peaceful. Three particular girls are jumping and shouting random things at each other. For a moment you might think that that house is an asylum.

Cut long and unreasonable shouting and it will leave you with the main point.

“Congratulations! Your dance cover had been selected among the winner of the contest! You will be staying at XXXXX apartment sponsored by our shareholders with other winners. For more information, please dial xxx-xxxx-xxxx or log on to

Have a nice day, Kim HyunAe, Kang HyeJin, and


XXX Secretary.”

“Hey, guys! There is another paper here. See, see, see!” SunHee tore the letter into pieces finding a P.S. note.

“P.S : The MV version you did on Youtube is very good. But you do know there is copyright reserve right? Anyways its good and we, Starship Entertainment acknowledge it.” HyunAe read out aloud.

Everyone have a 0_o face on.

“Since when official letter has P.S-es?” SunHee wondered aloud.

“WE ARE GOING TO STARSHIP ENTERTAINMENT!” HyeJin shouted out suddenly. A few more shouts echoed through the neighborhood. It is not going to be peaceful tonight…



A’s Note: Sorry, for not updating! *sobs* I know I’m terrible…*sobs* but hey, try having my schedule, ok? With my curfew still on I’m lack of computer time…and yet I have time to read fanfics. Ok,I admit. I’m lazy and have writers block. You happy now?

But where is all the lovely and motivating comments, huh? *sobs*

Just ignore me I had too much sugar and cheese today….*bows* SORRY!

By articuno <3.

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first, it's l.joe. now it's ricky. oh yeah! teen top yeah. :D

and hooking girls? oooh. xD anyways, nice character:D
Uwaaah, there's lots of characters! And yours seems pretty hot. Even though she's a girl xD Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. D: Author-nim hwaiting! :D
--nerdyexotic #3
^^ there are a lot of characters now~!
cyworld buddies, aja! xD

oh. so she's l.joe's sis? NICE! :D
Wah, so many characters. :O
articuno #6
@Piikuhh: Ah~ kamsahamnida!! *hugs*
@Kairi_Rose: more girl will be coming soon....
I like how this is going. And, what I like more is that you're updating unlike many apply fics. :) Articuno hwaiting~
articuno #8
ok, i understand...but pls keep me informed from time to time. if there is something you need to ask me just ask, i don't want someone to be lost ok? ^^ i don't bite articuno seldom bites.^^
do comment sometimes so i know you guys received my updates. its so lonely......sometimes
well, i'm thinking of something now. i'm would just like to get the opinions of my groupmates. once we've talked about it thoroughly, we will definitely tell you immediately. sorry for not being active or something. please wait for us. thank you. kamsamnida.(‐^▽^‐)