Kang Hye Jin


Name: Kang Hye Jin [ janlauricebautista ]

Personal Info



> E.Jin, Poker Jin.



>dd/mm/1994 [18]






>Acts boyish but will always be a girl in heart. Definitely hates super cute things. She won't talk or say anything unless she's required to. Don't like it when people consider or treat her like a kid. She doesn't like being taken pictures too.



[1] Bronze/wood braclets.

[2] Reading mystery books.

[3] Coffee.



[1] Smokers.

[2] Hot weather.

[3] Cute/ girly stuff.



[happy] Pokes her cheeks nonstop.

[sad] Reads her book while crying quietly.

[bored] Style with her hair.

[angry] Suddenly become quite and listen to music full blast.

[nervous] Tap anything she can reach.



[1] Blogging.

[2] Watching mystery movies.

[3] Listening classical music.

[4] Observing people. (A: creepy…)



[1] She dreamed to be an astronaut but found out that it is too expensive to learn.

[2] Doesn’t celebrate her birthday, because her mother died on her 5th birthday.

[3] Likes composing sad songs.

[4] Can play the drums and saxophone.

[5] Committed suicide when she was younger but saved by her father.


Family background

[Father] Hotel manager, 48 years old.

[Mother] Former hotel singer [before giving marriage], deceased at the age of 33.



>Shim Hyun Seong.

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first, it's l.joe. now it's ricky. oh yeah! teen top yeah. :D

and hooking girls? oooh. xD anyways, nice character:D
Uwaaah, there's lots of characters! And yours seems pretty hot. Even though she's a girl xD Sorry I haven't been commenting lately. D: Author-nim hwaiting! :D
--nerdyexotic #3
^^ there are a lot of characters now~!
cyworld buddies, aja! xD

oh. so she's l.joe's sis? NICE! :D
Wah, so many characters. :O
articuno #6
@Piikuhh: Ah~ kamsahamnida!! *hugs*
@Kairi_Rose: more girl will be coming soon....
I like how this is going. And, what I like more is that you're updating unlike many apply fics. :) Articuno hwaiting~
articuno #8
ok, i understand...but pls keep me informed from time to time. if there is something you need to ask me just ask, i don't want someone to be lost ok? ^^ i don't bite articuno seldom bites.^^
do comment sometimes so i know you guys received my updates. its so lonely......sometimes
well, i'm thinking of something now. i'm would just like to get the opinions of my groupmates. once we've talked about it thoroughly, we will definitely tell you immediately. sorry for not being active or something. please wait for us. thank you. kamsamnida.(‐^▽^‐)