Bad News


A/N : double update.(I need to spilt it) I'm late than what I promised last time. sorry.@_@ warning(s)-english+grammar etc etc, now you know it, off you to read...go...



CHAPTER 4 : Bad News 


“MOVE IN TOGETHER???!!?!?!?!?!?!!”








Both of them look at each other, and then turned to look at both parents. Jinyoung feels like she going to cry any seconds now. As if that going to make both parents change their decision.

I thought this engagement supposed to be called off or something?!  Jinyoung thought.

The way Jinyoung father sit there calmly and the way Mr Tuan is the one who is speaking about this absurd idea first, it gives the initial feeling that this is all Mr Tuan’s idea. But of course, her father just sitting there agreeing and that is in no way helping right now. Jinyoung is still standing facing at her own parents as both of them just sit there quietly.

“Dad, you can’t do this!”

“Yes I can”. Jinyoung flinches when she heard Mr Tuan replies.

“but this kind of decision should be discussed first!” Mark is an octave away to shouting, but he manages to control his volume.

“I did, with your mom and Jinyoung parents-”

“I meant; with ME”. Mark face is so red right now, because he tries so hard to control his anger, well, he would have exploded if it’s only with his parents. But with Jinyoung and her parents is right here now too; his dad sure got all of this planned well. Mr tuan knows Mark too well.

“There’s nothing to be surprised about,.. you know, you two already engaged right? So it just matter of time…and it just a way for you two to communicate better and spend more time together, right my friend?” Mr Tuan turned to look at Jinyoung’s father, both of them smiles and nodded towards each other.

The way Mr Tuan said it is way too calm, but Jinyoung can noticed the stern in his voice. There’s nothing that can change the decision made by the parents now. Not even a hurricane.

Mark is still standing in front of his dad with clenched teeth. His mom can only give him apologetic look. Her husband already decided, what can she do? Besides, she agrees with this idea too. Or else, his mother would have support Mark already.

Seeing Mark expression, before the devil inside of his son let loose, Mr Tuan quickly cuts off the tense atmosphere.

“OKAY THEN~! know, dinner’s ready~! Haha. Come, let’s all go to the dining room shall we? Come my friend!”. Mr Tuan ushered both Jinyoung parents towards the dining area.

“omma..” Jinyoung held her mother’s hands with a begging tone. Her eyes already b with tears. It’s not like she can shout and shriek like a haunted banshee, here is not her house, and it’s not like her parents is the only people there.

How is she going to live with this…this Mark Tuan? A stranger, a hater, well, he so hate the idea, well Jinyoung too…but…ah this is too complicated.

Jinyoung’s mother just patted her hands in a consoling manner and stands up to left with her father. But Jinyoung don’t want a comforting gestures or anything. She doesn’t want this live together to happen at all.

Jinyoung didn’t even dare to look sideways where Mark is. She herself is too upset with this sudden news too. When she practically jumps out of surprised to a door slamming sound upstairs, she realized Mark is not in the living room anymore.

Jinyoung can only think of one person right now; Yugyeom.





It’s been a good half an hour since Jinyoung was crying and still is and Yugyeom front t-shirt already soaked wet but he just let it be and continue to hug Jinyoung and her back.

And it’s another good half an hour before, when Jinyoung had to explain to Yugyeom the whole freaking situation of having to live with “that Mark Tuan”. Yugyeom is quite surprised too since it only means that both parents really want this to work out after all.

Jinyoung did not cry out of sadness, but more of depression and anger. There’s situation when you are so angry, that you can only cry because you know you are too helpless and powerless to change anything. Jinyoung hates this type of anger.

Yugyeom nearly run downstairs to rage it all on their parents to cancel the stupid plan because it’s not the plan but he hates to see Jinyoung crying like this. Jinyoung somehow manage to stop him from doing that and the last thing she wants is yugyeom argues with their parents.

After a while, Jinyoung cries turns into sobbings. YuGyeom looked at Jinyoung face.

“feel better?”


Yugyeom sighed and continue to Jinyoung backs.

“so, when are you actually going to start living with him?”

Jinyoung keeps silent for few minutes.

“next week”

“next week?!”

“Yes, next week.” she sniffling softly.

“That’s..too early.”

“I know... But the worst part is it’s still going to happen.”

“Do you want to run away? I can pretend to kidnap you and I‘ll say to omma and appa you run away from home or something.”

Jinyoung doesn’t know if her brother is serious or joking, but if she really agrees to it, yugyeom might really bring her to some secluded island or something.

Jinyoung huffed and smile a bit, feeling grateful, “yah…do you want to go into prison? LA police might be scarier than in Seoul okay.”

“I don’t care. I’ll just use my awesome boxing skills.“ yugyeom throws some boxing punches in the air.

“You maybe a boxer, but you’re not an iron man idiot.”  Jinyoung smacked Yugyeom forehead.

“whatever that can make you happy.”

“Thank you Gyeommie, I appreciate that, but it seems like I just have to go on with this no matter what. I’ll just consider it like living at dorms during study years.. He’s just another housemate, that’s all.”

“Are sure you okay with this?” yugyeom studied jinyoung’s face

“NO, I’M NOT OKAY. I am really not okay. Okay? Just to make it clear. But I feel hopeless right now and choice less too. So, I’m just going to move and live in that house with him and we just do our own thing. It’s easier that way I guessed.”

“Good idea, yeah, just take it as you live with your colleague or something.”

“I guessed… I can at least do that.”




A/N / replies on the next part. click "next'

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Oohmaknae_ #1
Chapter 9: Hellooo authornim~ i don't know if you're still willing to continue this but i hope you would, this story is precious TT
dwiputrihandayani #2
Chapter 8: This story is very good.
Im like your story, netx author. Fighting
JinyoungsMark #3
Chapter 9: Thank u for telling us and btw i'm ur new reader..i love this concept alot!and i hope u will have time and update this fic..FIGHTING!!
Marknyoungie #4
your fiction is quite interesting, just that I don't really like that Jinyoung is a girl, for me it will be more beautiful if keep the original gender of character. anyway i resect your idea thou.
nursya_ikaa #5
Chapter 9: It's okay~~ don't stress yourself with this. I'm willing to wait. BTW, hope both of your parents will get well soon ^^
Chapter 9: Gomawo for letting us know.... No pressure, please take care of your parents.. I hope they're gonna get well woon.. Be strong
Chapter 8: And it was already end?! You will not update? Already year from your last update... I hope you're okay.. Pls, if you have a chance to update plssss continue writing
mitafishie #8
Chapter 8: Update plissss
lhieyah24 #9
Chapter 8: Next chapter will be on ...????
Me keep on waiting
angel1004bap #10
Chapter 8: Update author-nim plz