A/N :  how's my poster? yeah, this author is coming out strong 하하하





They are at this beautiful exclusive restaurant. Surprisingly, all members of both families are there. In-laws meeting much?

Mark tries meditating suddenly to calm himself.

All of them are seated, which obviously both Jinyoung and Mark were made to sit beside each other.

They bow a bit towards each other and smile a bit.

And, that practically was IT.

Surprisingly again, both families blend so well together, after they introduced each other from both families, they all talk about anything and everything under the sun. Mark and Jinyoung find it…oddly interesting at some point.

But papa Tuan noticed this more than anyone else, Mark and Jinyoung barely says anything to each other except exchanging some weird gestures and simple smiles.

And believed papa Tuan, it’s not those shy smile that couples usually shares, it’s more like…………..well, it’s complicated.

“Mark, why don’t you take jinyoung for a walk outside and try to get to know more about each other okay?” papa Tuan smile.

All of them look at Mark and Jinyoung.

“Right” Mark stands up from his seat and pulls Jinyoung chairs a bit as a 'gentleman manner' while Jinyoung stands up too.

The restaurant practically situated in the middle of a large beautiful garden. Visitors can choose whether to eat inside or outside to enjoy the scenery.

Mark and Jinyoung start walking side by side but still, no words exchange between them.

This is awkward as hell mark thought.

“Let’s just sit at the bench there” Jinyoung suddenly said

“Okay”. Mark agreed. 

Both of them seated, and STILL no words exchanged. The chill air doesn’t help much either. But it’s a beautiful garden, so it’s okay they guessed.

After a good 5 suffocating minutes, Jinyoung decides to speak.

“Well, this is awkward”.

“Yeah...”. Mark exhales.

Both of them still haven’t look at each other after they seated.

To Mark, Jinyoung is quite attractive, look wise. Cute, without even trying. If it’s not because of the situation they’re in,Mark won’t have that much difficulty to be friend with Jinyoung. But then, he literally doesn’t know anything about Jinyoung. His dad said you need to know her yourself.

The point is, Mark don’t know if he’s interested  to know.

“When do you know about this?” Jinyoung break the silence again.

“Just few days back”.

“Same “

To Jinyoung, Mark is a perfect man, look wise. Maybe half of her friends drooling over mark the 1st time they see him. And background wise, he’s not bad too, come from quite wealthy family, and a doctor-to-be (jinyoung knew this because her omma practically tutoring her all about Mark background). But to jinyoung, it’s not the look, it’s what inside that matters.

“So, you are going to be a doctor right?” jinyoung look at Mark.

“Ah…yeah… you?” Mark look at jinyoung back.

A soft breeze blows and Jinyoung fringe move softly. In any other situation, Mark would think that Jinyoung got really pretty eyes.

“I’m taking finance, but I think I might continue masters or just be a lecturer”.

“I see.”


“You do know how our dads became friends right?” after a 2 minutes silent gap.

“Uh…” Wow, Mark never really asks his dad about this. What a loser Mark

Jinyoung continue knowing Mark might not know it at all and she doesn’t want to embarrass Mark any longer.

“I remember my dad having difficulties in his business back then, and at that time your dad came to Seoul to start a business too. But since your dad is a foreigner, he feels alone and at that time my father decided to be friend with your dad. They become good friends considering your dad doesn’t know anyone in Korea. But my dad doesn’t know your dad involve in business too, later only did he knows and your dad decide to help my dad’s business a bit. So they help each other kinda thing.”

“I see. So stay in LA for good?”.

“Seems like it. And your dad is ecstatic when he knows we are coming…I mean staying here…well my father is too. I can further my masters here too in a way.”

“Hmm”. Mark nods.

Silence again.

Mark is not much of a talker Jinyoung found out. OR maybe he’s just not interested.  

Well, it’s not that I’m thrilled about this whole thing either. Jinyoung huffs mentally.

“I assume your learn foreign language in uni right?”. Jinyoung try to break the ice again.

“Uh, yes.”

“Me too. So for me, it’s Korean,English, Japanese. You?”

“English, Chinese and French. I know very little Korean” Mark add.

“Korean…..your dad taught you?”


“So it’s English for us then”. Jinyoung smile a bit.

“Yep.” Mark agrees, it’s an agreement to use English as their formal and  informal language for that matter for their conversation later.

Mark contemplating whether he should ask this or not, but he might not have a chance after this or he might totally forgot so he thought he should just ask.

“You agree……to this?” Mark look to the front again.

“Well, …..” Jinyoung try to figure it herself too. Well, she definitely do not agree, but what can she do since her parents are so into it?

“…I don’t ‘support’ it. But I don’t plan to hate my parents anyway..” Jinyoung sigh “how about you?”

“I don’t. I don’t agree to this at all.” Mark closes his eyes for a while and exhales silently. Well, he doesn’t plan to give false hope to Jinyoung anyways. He believes he should make himself clear.

Straightforward. Jinyoung thought.

“I understand.” Jinyoung stands up. She thought it’s better to leave their introduction up to this point only.

“Let’s go back, they probably looking for us already”.


When they arrived, both families already outside and smiling at them.

Jinyoung smile back. She turns towards mark

“Well, nice meeting you, Mark” Jinyoung pulls out her hand

“oh… too”. Mark thought jinyoung was sulking after what he said earlier, well maybe she’s not.

Both of them shake hands. Jinyoung thought how different it is that her hands are so cold but Mark’s hands are so warm.

Maybe they’re that different after all?


Jinyoung joins her family but not before she notices Yugyeom doing a fist bump with Joey. Jinyoung raised an eyebrow.

“uhuh?” Jinyoung stand beside Yugyeom.

“What??” Yugyeom asked back

“So, you’re on Mark’s side now?” Jinyoung crossed her arms.

“NO, I’m not on mark’s side, or YOUR side..” Jinyoung furrows her eyebrows at Yugyeom.

“I’m on Joey’s side” Yugyeom laughs.

Jinyoung punch yugyeom shoulder. “But you are my twin brother~!” Jinyoung whines

“ouch!...yes I am, forever. Cool down.. noona~..hehe. Well, he’s cool. Besides, he plays starcraft and you don’t” Yugyeom smile his bright smile.

“I can’t believe you, so now you’re bff with Joey, and I’m alone!....and to think just yesterday you said you got my back and all” Jinyoung pouts.

“Relax jinyoung ah,but… you …got mark”. Yugyeom laughs again…loudly.

Jinyoung pinch yugyeom cheeks..hard.

“oww! Now that’s hurt!” rubbing his now redden cheeks. “Wait, forgot to ask, how is he? Stories, now. He looks okay to me,..quite good looking..and all”.

“He……I don’t know, why dont you fill in the blanks for me Gyeom”. Jinyoung sighs

“Come on kids, get into the car, we’re going home.” Their father calls out.

“You must tell me,.. All of it… at home later.” Yugyeom said entering the car after Jinyoung.




A/N :  oh no, ottokae? seems like both of them not attract to each other? or is it some sparks there? do you think mark hates it that much? please tell me what do you think in the comment below :)

** oh yeayyyy my child baby gyeom making an entrance finally! 하하하 ...yeap, he is jinyoung twin brother in this. Maybe I'll explain later in next chapter. 

*** oh gosh..editing,punctuation..bla really tiring *_* ...why did I start writing again =-=..I already stop a year back. hhufhhhh. 

*** oh, MY POSTER , UP THERE, HOW IS IT? ROFL...I LOVE IT. yep, that's jinyoung alright. I only edit it , but I purposedly left the original owner signature there, so you guys know where it come from. I'm a bit particular in this credit thing. cuz all things in this world, even if it's free, it do not come easy. It takes hard work. a friend of mine who do got7 artworks is very sad that her works been posted at fb but none of it credit back to her or mention her name. it's sad really. For the jinyoung pic... ㅋㅋ no, that person didnt do it for me..i come across it by accident online, and i personally ask the owner if i can post it somewhere else. So she said ok as long as I give credit to her, so i decide not to crop away her tag there. the edits is so beautiful right? XD 

** the rest of the members will come out in later chapters. I hope I can write the next one as fast as I can. I love to see my readers happy. :) do leave comments if you are reading / enjoy reading this :) . Crazy comments, spazz comments, prediction what happen next comments. Anything, I would love to read them but NO rudeness allowed. Thank you. And yeah, thank YOU for reading!

** if anyone is curious / or want to know, you can call me huggy unnie/noona or just huggy. I'm older than any of 2PM/beast/TVXQ members even. rofl. 

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Oohmaknae_ #1
Chapter 9: Hellooo authornim~ i don't know if you're still willing to continue this but i hope you would, this story is precious TT
dwiputrihandayani #2
Chapter 8: This story is very good.
Im like your story, netx author. Fighting
JinyoungsMark #3
Chapter 9: Thank u for telling us and btw i'm ur new reader..i love this concept alot!and i hope u will have time and update this fic..FIGHTING!!
Marknyoungie #4
your fiction is quite interesting, just that I don't really like that Jinyoung is a girl, for me it will be more beautiful if keep the original gender of character. anyway i resect your idea thou.
nursya_ikaa #5
Chapter 9: It's okay~~ don't stress yourself with this. I'm willing to wait. BTW, hope both of your parents will get well soon ^^
Chapter 9: Gomawo for letting us know.... No pressure, please take care of your parents.. I hope they're gonna get well woon.. Be strong
Chapter 8: And it was already end?! You will not update? Already year from your last update... I hope you're okay.. Pls, if you have a chance to update plssss continue writing
mitafishie #8
Chapter 8: Update plissss
lhieyah24 #9
Chapter 8: Next chapter will be on ...????
Me keep on waiting
angel1004bap #10
Chapter 8: Update author-nim plz