Day 1

Let Me Love You

"There’s a boy
Lost his way
Looking for someone to play

There’s a girl
In the window
Tears running down her face

We’re only lost children
Trying to find a friend
Trying to find our way back home”

- Demi Lovato Two pieces


As always you were lying still in your bed as you looked up to the ceiling and tried to find something to do without needing to get up from your spot. It was hard for you, an active teenager to le still for such a long time just because you had to and not because you wanted to. Actually, not one had ever forbidden you to move, they had just told you that it’d be better if you didn’t move and that was actually the same as if ‘you may not…’ But by now you could say that you had grown used to it, because it wasn’t like you did much more on a daily bases. Your father always complained about it to everyone, telling that his energetic daughter was slowly dripping away from him, and it was their fault. Actually that wasn’t completely true, it wasn’t their fault at all because once again they had never forced you to become like this. It had just seemed to be easier this way, because otherwise it would just be too hard and this way you could handle it a bit better.

If you’d only have someone to communicate with or someone to have some fun with in this building. But your parents were out, working or doing their grocery shopping, or other important stuff they had to do. They couldn’t let their whole life get messed up because their daughter had to stay here and had to lie still. It wouldn’t be fair to them if you made them stay all day long just because you wanted some company and you didn’t want to be alone. You weren’t able to keep your own life normal, but you could try to make the once of others as normal as possible. You stared at the weird brown spot on the wall across of you and it made you frown. It had been there ever since you had gotten here, you had never known any better than that that spot was just there but you had no idea what it was. It looked like food or something, maybe of someone who had come here before you and who hadn’t liked the food, which you completely understood.


You turned your head to the left, seeing the big window that had a view at the corridor where all people were rushing around like chickens with their heads cut off. That was the only reason why you were happy to be at this side of the glass and not on the other side, here it was peaceful and quiet, there it was noisy and loud. Everyone who was on that side was hysterical and panicked, while here there was nothing to be like that about and you could all man up. Of course you did feel sorry for those other people, not to forget that you had been just like them not so long ago and that you had been at the other side of the glass, but that was the past now. They had given you the advice to not look back anymore, to not worry about everything that had been done and that couldn’t be changed anymore but to look ahead and to make the best of things that you could still change.


But already from the very beginning you hadn’t been a very positive and optimistic person and they hadn’t been able to fool you by saying ‘Everything’s going to be okay.’ And ‘One day it’ll all be better.’ You weren’t a child anymore and you also knew very well what all of this meant, you weren’t retarded or stupid, you were wise and you knew something about this world. You knew more than other people of your age did, just because of experience and no, you weren’t this stupid to believe the first thing that someone told you. The ticking second hand of the clock against the wall caught your attention and you groaned as you realized that only thirty minutes had passed, lying here was like the hell for you. Of course you had book and crossword puzzles on the small night stand beside you, but you had already read them and filled them in for over hundreds of times and you had grown tired of them. 


It was time for some changes, time for something new that could replace the old things that you now found that were boring. Everyday your life was just the same, as if there was some kind of routine on it and you wanted to break that, you wanted to have something new to do instead of being able to say right now what you’d be doing next week, or next month. It wasn’t such a big thing to ask for right, something new, something fun, it wasn’t like you asked for much these days. While sighing you swung your feet over the edge of your bed and tried to sit up, feeling a wave of dizziness and tiredness hit you, one that you had gotten used to by now but that was still able to surprise you sometimes. As you closed your eyes and relaxed your body you took three deep breaths, feeling how the world stopped turning and everything stood back on its usual place.


A sudden sound caught your attention and made you look up at the window in front of you, because it had sounded as if someone had been knocking against the glass to get your attention. Your eyes met with the ones of a boy who looked as if he was around your age and who stared right back at you with a slight smile playing around his lips, his eyes looking friendly and inviting. The warmth you got from his expression hit you like a tsunami of emotions and almost you had stood up to meet him, but that made you remember that you shouldn’t be moving. He brought up his hand slowly before moving it from left to right, waving at you as if he was trying to greet you in a clear and nice way. Instead of waving back at him you nodded your head carefully, hoping that your dizziness of earlier wouldn’t return by this.


He seemed happy with your reply, even though it wasn’t as good as his, but at least you hadn’t ignored him right? You could stop staring at him as he didn’t let go of your glance, the window separating your two world from each other. What was he doing here? Normally people weren’t here for a good reason and usually the people who did came here never stopped by your window just to wave at you and to stare at you. The two of you were strangers to another and you had never seen each other before, what made him want to search contact with you? Before anything else could happen the guy looked to the side, as if someone else was asking for his attention. Then he looked back at you, waving one more and mounding a ‘bye’ before turning around and walking away in the directions he had turned his head to not so long ago.


When he was gone you sat back onto your bed and leaned against your pillow that was standing up straight against the head board. You were definitely sure that you had never met him before, and that he wasn’t one of your friends. You were even convinced that you had never seen this guy before and that he and you had nothing that could make the two of you related to each other. His image appeared onto your eyelids again, his friendly face that had somehow looked very funny because he looked like he was someone who would rather be serious. His brown hair that had been combed slightly in front of his eyes but hadn’t hidden them from shining happily. His corners of his lips that had been pulled up into a light and cute smile that had seemed more warming and true than any other smile you had ever received. It was something you’d probably still be thinking of for a while now and maybe that wasn’t a bad thing. At least it was different than your crossword puzzles and books right? 

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