Day 100

Let Me Love You

"Let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself

Let me love you
I know you're trouble
Don't be afraid
Let me help"

- Neyo let me love you


There you were again, lying in the green grass while looking up at the sky that seemed so much brighter today than it had been yesterday, but it was still just as beautiful. Nothing could reach this limits of beauty, this was the only way that you could shut up for hours and lie still without even moving a single possible. The sky could show anything, it had no limits and it was timeless. Someone could be doing exactly the same thing right now and would be looking at the exact same sky, even though you were at a complete different place. The sky made you feel small and it made you feel as if you were unimportant, and sometimes it was nice to feel that way.

It was impossible to count all the stars that were shining down on you tonight, reflecting in your eyes which made them twinkle. There were big once, the once that everyone would mostly admire the most and would always see first, just because they were the biggest once and because of that seemed more important than the other, small once. But it were the smile once, that would most of the time be forgotten that gave the most light and that were actually the once that made the sky so pretty. Without all those little small stars, the big stars wouldn’t have any meaning because then people wouldn’t find the sky so attractive to look at. The made this beautiful scenery together, two parts of one entire. They couldn’t exist without each other and they wouldn’t be able to be separated.


The moon was standing a bit further ahead, standing away from everything, looking good enough by itself. It didn’t need anyone so make it look prettier than it already was, but that was only if the clouds didn’t disturb his wonderful light of course. There would always be something that was able to bring the darkness back into something that had looked the superlative at first, but there was always something that could make It look as it if wasn’t as valuable. That was how life was, when things seemed to go just fine and nothing seemed to stand in the way, that was when something evil or bad would be send your way, just to bring back some darkness in your life, because a life couldn’t all be about happiness after all.


Today it seemed different than the day before, the sky was clear and there was no cloud near to ruin your sight. Why was today so much different that yesterday? What did today have that yesterday didn’t and why would tomorrow everything change again as if today has never been this wonderful? Life was something strange, something unpredictable and that was exactly what made it this excited to sit back and watch what would happen. To not stop halfway because you wanted to know how everything would end and what happened in between. It was that little bit of not knowing that was still left that made you curious and that made you want to see all of it just the way it was planned for you, even though it was not all planned as well as you had hoped for. Life consisted of ups and down and would never be a very pleasant journey but you could only make the best of it and take it the way it was.


When your phone buzzed on top of your stomach you frowned at the weird and unknown feeling before grabbing it and holding it in front of your face, seeing that you had received a text from a very well-known person who usually texted you around this hour because he knew exactly what you were doing at this moment of the evening. It made you happy each time to see his name on your lit up screen because it made you realize that his thoughts were with you right now. That he could be staring at his phone right now, waiting for you to answer at what he had just told or asked you. Slowly you unlocked your phone and read the words that were written in the text, it was a short message and it wasn’t one you had never answered before. It was a question you hot a lot these days, and even more of him because he asked it more than once a day, just to be sure.


Quickly you let your fingers fly over the screen, typing your answer before sending it back to him, knowing that what he’d read wouldn’t convince him. “I’m fine…” That was how you had answered his question, “How are you?” You waited for his reply, wondering if your conversation would stop here of if he still had something else to say to you. Talking to him was what kept you going and something that would always make you happy, it could make a smile appear on your face instantly.

A small ringing sound caught your attention and you noticed you had received another text which made you turn your attention back to your phone immediately. “I love you…” It said and hundreds of butterflies seemed to explode inside of your stomach while reading that message. What those three words could do to you, especially if they came from him, it was a feeling you had never experienced before. “I love you too…” You answered before sitting up and hugging the phone closely against your chest, wishing you’d be able to feel his warmth and he could be here in person.


It wasn’t like you didn’t see him often, you went to school together and you had the same group of friends. Each day you would at least catch a glance of him, but sometimes that didn’t feel like it was enough. You wanted to be in his arms, the only place where you still felt safe in this much too big and dangerous world. A big sigh escaped your lips as you stood up carefully, trying not to make any too quick or unexpected movements so that you would get dizzy. While walking back inside you could only think of him, it was a wonder that the two of you were still together today after all you had been through together, but nothing could tear you apart. Oh Sehun, the man of your dreams and the only one who would ever be able to make you happy and feel loved.


The two of you had been together for a year and a half now and it hadn’t been the easiest relationship. Others thought that it was a miracle that the two of you were still together, never had they thought that you’d still be a couple today but they were all happy for you. You meant a lot to each other, you were each other’s support in good and especially in bad days, which the two of you seemed to have a lot. But it couldn’t bring you down, there was nothing that would be able to stop the love that you felt for him, you would never let him go. Life would have to tear you apart if someone would ever want to separate you from Oh Sehun, otherwise you would never leave his side. Where had the two of you met? Well, your love story was one that was different from all the other once that were appearing on the TV or that you heard normal people talk about. But to you, it was the most beautiful story that there could be.


Should you tell that story? Would others like your story just as much as you did and would you be able to convince others that you were indeed made for each other? You didn’t think it was that hard, each time you had told the story to your friends they would all shed tears, telling you each time again how lucky you were that you had found each other, or especially that he had found you and that you had been so lucky that he had fallen for you. If it hadn’t been for Sehun, you’d have no idea where you’d be today, but it probably hadn’t been at this world, or this planet. It wasn’t as if Sehun had saved your life, but he had changed it in such a good way that you had wanted to fight for it harder than ever and that was what made it so special. So what was that wonderful story? That, I’ll tell you right now…

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