Jessica parked her car next to a large field. A field covered with tombstones. She sighed as she slammed her car door and walked towards the gate. The gate creaked open and Jessica flinched. It was dark and quiet and she was sensitive to every sound she heard.

LMAO jk i wont do that


okay so when I first posted this my friend said if I get a certain amount of views by the time I wake up, I have to make a continuation for it, especially because 3am/Caffeine was hella short and unsatisfying bc "???what happen!" so yeah, I might add more chapters whenever I feel like, maybe for different times of day? We'll see, for now though enjoy this lmao



Struggling with her car keys, Jessica got out of the car and clutched her head. “Ah, it hurts.” She swore and walked away from her car and towards a house across the street, complaining about her headache under her breath.


The entire neighbourhood was quiet and dark, making Jessica uncomfortable as she could hear her own footsteps. The house she stopped in front of wasn’t too big but it wasn’t small either. Jessica smiled to herself. It was a comfortable size house. Perfect for a small family. Her first instinct wasn’t to knock on the door, but to lean against it instead. She sighed softly and closed her eyes. After an entire week of crying, drinking and destroying everything in her home, Jessica finally had the courage to come here tonight. She didn’t even know if she was acting on her own or if it was the enormous amount of caffeine she’d consumed just a few hours before that was controlling her.


Either way, Jessica was here now and she knew there was no going back. It may be 4am but she was sure the owner of the house was still awake. Her heart was beating fast and her hands were sweaty as she clenched her fists tightly. Taking a deep breath, Jessica pushed off the door and turned around, raising her fist and knocking on the door three times. Her heart seemed to pound loudly as she waited quietly for something to happen. For a few seconds, it was quiet but then Jessica could hear shuffling from the other side of the door. She stood straight and waited expectantly.


It seemed like it had been hours when the door finally opened slowly to reveal a sleepy, tired young woman. She had light brown hair that was in a bun with some loose strands here and there. Her eyes were bloodshot red as though they’d been weeping all night long. They probably were, Jessica thought. The woman’s pale white skin was glowing in the darkness of the night and Jessica wanted so badly to smile. She was so beautiful.


“J...Jessica?” She whispered, looking at Jessica with confused eyes. Jessica watched amusedly as the woman shook her head and closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. “I’m not dreaming…am I?” She mumbled under her breath, Jessica wasn’t supposed to hear but she did and chuckled lowly.


“Tiffany...it’s me.” Jessica smiled softly and watched as the expression on Tiffany’s face changed from a confused one to a blank expression. There was no emotion in her eyes as she stepped back and opened the door wider.


“Well...come in then.”


Jessica was shocked. To be quite honest, she didn’t know what to expect when she suddenly decided to show up at Tiffany’s house at 4am. But she didn’t expect the girl to let her in after all that had happened between them.


The two stepped into the house and Jessica looked around. It was a lot messier than Jessica remembered but she shrugged it off and followed Tiffany into the living room. Tiffany picked a blanket up off the floor and wrapped herself in it, sitting on her couch. Jessica awkwardly stood for a few seconds before sitting in a chair across from Tiffany. She lowered her head and stared at the ground as the silence grew deeper.


Tiffany stared at Jessica expectantly, waiting for her to say something first. Her eyes fell on Jessica’s lips. Not for any particular reason, only because she was waiting for Jessica to speak. That was it, Tiffany reasoned to herself in her head. She shook the thoughts out and continued observing the latter. Jessica’s wild eyes made her look restless and anxious, and it was Tiffany's turn to be shocked. She’d never seen Jessica like this before. The woman usually carried herself in calm, collected manner and easily dealt with situations, regardless of how difficult they were.


Honestly, Tiffany was beginning to feel bad as she watched Jessica look up and open and close . It seemed as though she was searching for the right words to say, and yet she was unable to say anything. Finally, Tiffany watched Jessica run her hand through her hair and take a deep breath. She finally spoke.


“I miss you. I miss you so much Tiffany and it’s-” Jessica paused and stood up, moving to sit beside Tiffany, “it’s killing me.” Jessica sighed.


Her hands slowly reached out for Tiffany’s, and when the older woman didn’t move away, Jessica held them tightly.


The two remained silent. Jessica had more to say but she wanted to know if Tiffany missed her too. If she just said those three words back, Jessica might have the courage to actually continue. The latter shifted uncomfortably and looked away from Jessica’s pleading gaze. It was awkward, and incredibly painful for Tiffany to watch Jessica act this way. The silence was beginning to bother Jessica and she squeezed Tiffany’s hands lightly, hoping it would make the girl speak.


Tiffany sighed and looked at Jessica. “I can’t lie to you, I miss you too Jessica-,” the latter beamed, “but you and I both know we can’t do this anymore.”


Jessica’s smile faltered and she let go of Tiffany’s hands. Jessica heard it from the girl herself. What more could she do? She could not and would not force the girl to remain in this toxic relationship with her. Toxic. The perfect word to describe what they were like.


At first their relationship was fun, exciting and made the two the happiest girls in the world. The beginning was the best, where they had slowly gotten to know each other and did so much together. Firsts. First hug, first date, first kiss…


It went on and on. They shared so many memories together. They became comfortable with each other. The relationship was still exciting, memories were still being made, however there were no more firsts. Perhaps they became too comfortable.


That stage had gone on for years, until Jessica and Tiffany crashed, then burned.


The two still loved each other, but they forgot it. Both had forgotten how to love and fights sprouted from irritation and frustration because of that fact. Although they didn’t realize it. That’s what led them here. Jessica closed her eyes and took deep breaths to stop her thoughts.


She watched Tiffany’s eyes fill with tears but the older woman quickly wiped them away, pretending it never happened. It hurt the both of them, seeing each other so hurt and different from how they usually were. The older woman sighed.


“What did you come here to say? That you miss me?” Tiffany asked, her voice shaky. Jessica shook her head, “then what do you want from me?”


Instead of answering, Jessica patted Tiffany’s head affectionately and gave her the same toothy smile that the older woman loved. For a few seconds, Tiffany forget the reason she was upset. Just a small display of affection from Jessica made her feel like there was nothing to worry about. But reality hit her again when she felt a tear roll down her cheek and she pushed Jessica’s hand away. Jessica sighed and looked away.


Her thoughts took over and she wondered again, why the hell she came back here when she obviously wasn’t wanted. Tiffany remained silent, but Jessica could hear her sniffling. Yet she didn’t dare look at the girl’s crying face. It might hurt too much.


“Let’s start again.”


Tiffany looked up but Jessica wasn’t looking at her. “What?”


“I want to start from the beginning-”


Tiffany scoffed, “what’s the point?”


“I want to show you that my feelings haven’t changed, it might be hard and difficult for us, but we should at least try, right?”


Although Jessica wasn’t completely wrong, Tiffany was still nervous and wasn’t ready to give in that easily. Just as Tiffany was about to speak, Jessica finally turned towards her, leaned forward and almost kissed Tiffany. Almost.


The two froze with their faces just an inch apart. Just close enough for Tiffany to feel Jessica’s breath on her face, and Jessica able to feel Tiffany’s on her own. It would be a lie if Tiffany were to say she didn’t want Jessica to kiss her. She was insanely desperate for her lips to touch Jessica’s, just for a second. But she wasn’t going to say it out loud. Jessica would be crazy to kiss Tiffany right there, especially with what they were going through. Tiffany was sure Jessica wouldn’t kiss her. Her eyes followed Jessica’s eyes and she realized a second too late that they were on her lips, because Jessica leaned forward. One second they were brushing against Tiffany’s lips and the next the two were kissing each other for the first time in weeks.


Tiffany’s eyes closed slowly and she didn’t resist when Jessica pulled her closer. She sighed against Jessica’s mouth and waited for the latter to move away first. Tiffany was out of breath while Jessica smiled at her.


“I think I went into this too quickly and maybe our problem isn’t completely settled but let’s just forget about it all, it’s a new and fresh start.” Jessica paused for a moment and watched Tiffany for a reaction but her expression didn’t change. She sighed and continued, “this is going to sound so cheesy but I want us to learn how to love again…”


“I know you’re probably having a hard time because you don’t know what to do and I know you’re scared for the future but I promise I won’t mess it up,” Jessica put her hand on Tiffany’s chin and raised the girl’s head so they were making eye contact. “Why do you seem so scared?”


Tiffany sighed. She put her hand over Jessica’s and patted it gently. “I don’t want you to treat me better for a few weeks and then stop when we’re okay again…” Tiffany pushed Jessica’s hand away gently, “that’s what scares me about this, Jess.”


The latter nodded slowly. Jessica understood Tiffany’s worries which only made her feel better. “I get it.”


Tiffany looked away and let herself break out into a small smile. Just as she expected, Jessica completely understood her worries. For a moment, Tiffany thought the two really were meant to be. Who else would understand her like Jessica?




Jessica glanced at Tiffany, “yeah?”


Tiffany gulped. What she was about to say was a big step for her. For her whole life, others had been the ones to confront her and make decisions for her but for once, Tiffany was ready to decide on something herself. Tiffany was going to say how she felt and was going to stand by her decision without wavering. She was anxious and made both of her hands into fists, while sweating nervously. She smiled at Jessica and nodded. “I’ll let you try it, let’s try one last time...maybe we made a big mistake.”


Jessica beamed.


“We broke up too easily and over something so stupid...and I can’t blame you completely either, it takes two to start a fight.” Tiffany leaned towards Jessica and put her arms around the girl’s neck, slowly tightening her grip as tears fell from her eyes. “We were both so stupid, I’m sorry Jessica.” Tiffany whimpered and Jessica rubbed her back to calm her down.


They stayed like that for a while and Jessica eventually let go, and stood up. She checked the time and found that it was already 5am. “Come on.”


Pulling Tiffany up, Jessica pulled her away to Tiffany’s bedroom and pushed the girl down onto the bed gently. She covered Tiffany in a blanket and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “You look like you haven’t slept in days…” Jessica said, observing Tiffany’s dark circles and red eyes.


Tiffany held Jessica’s hand, “can’t you stay and sleep too? Just for today, please?”


Without a word, Jessica slipped into bed beside Tiffany after stripping herself from her jacket and setting her car keys down on the dresser. She wrapped her arms around Tiffany and heard the girl sigh in contentment. Tiffany moved closer to Jessica and tucked her head under the girl’s chin, closing her eyes and putting her arms around Jessica.


“Hey Jessica?”




Tiffany kissed Jessica’s neck softly and tightened her hold around Jessica. “I’m sorry for all the ty things I said.”


Jessica chuckled dryly. “Forget all of that, this is a new and fresh start for us and-”


“No. Jessica I have to apologize or I won’t be able to live with myself, and I need you to accept the apology, actually accept it.” Tiffany replied sternly, suddenly opening her eyes and leaning away from Jessica to watch the girl.


The latter just laughed again and used her hand to push Tiffany’s head back down and closer to her, as it had been before. “I accept your apology, as long as you’ll accept mine, stupid.”


Tiffany smiled. “I forgave you the moment you decided to be the bigger one out of us, you came to me first while I rejected your calls for weeks now…”


Jessica didn’t answer and ran her hand up and down Tiffany’s back, hoping to calm the girl down and relax her enough so she’d fall asleep. She hummed softly, hoping her voice could help. A few minutes passed by and Jessica stopped humming to listen for Tiffany’s snores. Of course, she heard them clearly. Not the loudest snore but not that quiet for one to be unable to hear it either. Jessica tried not to laugh as she heard Tiffany’s snores get louder and louder. She kissed the top of the girl’s head and finally closed her eyes.


When Jessica fell asleep with Tiffany in her arms, holding her tightly, the sun was beginning to rise and birds began to chirp outside. Neither girl heard it, nor did they hear the entire city waking up. For the two of them, it was their favourite time. At that moment, they were one. They were clutching to each other tightly, finally moving on from their messy past to make a better future for themselves.


That’s how the night had become their favourite time of day. Because when Jessica was snoring just as loudly as Tiffany, it was 6am.


When Jessica and Tiffany were together and happy, it was 6am.


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 2: Yeyy for jeti....
artemiscl00 #2
Chapter 2: aawwww... so sweet!! Love it!! <3
Chapter 2: This is so sweet. I'm like it.
Chapter 2: I love this! XD
SoshiiTricia #5
Chapter 2: Yeyy. Happy JeTi. I thought this would end as angst but thanks to you it did not~ :'DD
Continue writinggg JeTi fics jeballl~
blankmind #6
Chapter 2: this is so sweet, too sweet;_; but i love it, thank you for updating, and lmaooo at the first part.
lefttomars #7
Chapter 2: Aaaawww this is the sweetest :")
Chapter 1: I... can someone please--
Chapter 1: 0_o seriously, author? Is that all?