Chapter 16

Me or Her??
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The food we ordered soon came after all the awkwardness.

Jiyeon/Miko 's POV

"Mmmmm, smells so good!"I sniffed my squid inked pasta.

Then I began stuffing my face with the delicious food.

Squid inked pasta has been my all time favorite. It's like my destiny.

Cause you're my destiny~~ starts singing.

While I was eating, I didn't even realise that there were people with me. Till I raised my head from my plate.

I saw a pair of eyes, eying on me.


Yay our food is here.

Hyuna ordered the same as mine, and Miko ordered squid inked pasta.

It had been some time since I saw squid inked pasta.

Jiyeon favorite food was squid inked pasta too! Is it a coincidence? I stared at her while she ate her food.

No matter how she said she isn't Jiyeon, I didn't believe her. It somehow just make me think that she is Jiyeon even more.

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I think you're story is great. Short, clear, and the add of the tension between the two ex lover is really good. You should advertise more your story, because it's very great story. And you should do a poster too. It'll be more appealing for the lover of T-Ara and Infinite. you might have just two subscribers, but I think that with hard work(and lots of advertise) this story will be more known. Fighting!
Chapter 18: Update soon~ I love it ><