Hello (1/2)

You had me at Hello
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► First of all, thank you to everyone who has subbed and waited. And to 123MSWEXOL for upvoting prior a fic that would end up as nothing but bleh when posted lol

► Second, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!! It's already the 14th (at least where I am) so WHOOT! I am single and ready to mingle but not ready to commit hahahahah OTL

► But without further ado, do hope you enjoy your read ♥


Word Count: 9399



Tired and exhausted for a whole days work, all Chanyeol wanted to do was sleep. He felt he could collapse anywhere, eyes barely able to open at the exhaustion his body and fried brain felt.

He loses his shoes, loosens his tie, throws his coat at random – barely on the couch, s his shirt, and goes straight to his bedroom. Not even planning to at least wash up for the night and was very ready to pounce and hit the bed for a goodnights sleep. That is… until he gets distracted by a figure slouched and leaning against the full length window a floor above from the building across his.


The person’s room was dark with only the light of a very dim lamp, but with the curtains drawn widely apart and the moon’s light shining through; Chanyeol did not miss the pitiful look of the figure. He was seated with his arms around his knees and head against the glass, and judging from the way his shoulders were shaking – he was crying.



At first, Chanyeol brushes off the figure and tries to mindlessly go to bed, drawing the curtains close to not be distracted. But after a few tossing and turning, he could not help but feel oddly worried. Reckless, over the top thoughts fill his mind – what if he felt too sad he’d kill himself, what if tomorrow he hears news of someone having jumped off the building across his, what if… what if…

No, no. He shakes his head – admittedly over-reacting to the whole thing.


However, as he lay on his bed now fully awake, sleep and exhaustion wiped away and replaced by worry and pity, he sits up again. With a heavy sigh, he stands up to walk to his window, draws the curtain a little back and peeks. The figure seems to have stopped crying now to his relief, shaking no longer visible.


For a moment he watches – watches as the, apparently a boy, looks up to the sky above. The moonlight reflecting his features beautifully through the window that Chanyeol could not help but admire. What struck him though were the eyes that reflected sadness. Despite the distance he had with him, being a floor lower and a building across, it was evident to him how sad the boy was – eyes shining from tears, cheeks wet from crying. Out of a sudden whim, he mindlessly decides to comfort the boy in any way he can.


Rummaging through his drawers looking for something, anything to catch the boy’s attention, the sight of the flashlight gives him an idea. And so he stands by his window, curtains now drawn wide apart and thinking whether or not he should go through wtih it. But the sight of fresh tears streaming down the boy’s face again, he decides to hell with it and turns on the flashlight. Fortunately powerful enough to reach the other side, he flashes it through the window across and moves to the boy trying to catch his attention – flicking the light up and down, left and right.





Broken and lonely after a fresh break-up, Baekhyun sits by the floor against his window and cries himself out releasing all hurt and pain. The break-up was done harshly, hurtful words thrown back to him added with humiliation from onlookers. The harsh words replaying in his head like a broken record, the pitiful and judgmental looks he received clenching his heart in even more pain.


A sudden flickering light, however, distracts him from his painful memory. He looks to where it came from and finds a tall lanky young man holding a flashlight. Upon getting his attention, the tall man suddenly freezes, light left just above his hand. And not a moment later, he sees him bring his hands up – a gesture of wait.


Confused but curious, Baekhyun watches as the man panics his way through rummaging his desk and drawers for something. As he found what he was looking for, he sees the man writing something on a torn piece of paper from a notebook. He could not help but watch amused as the tall man stands back at the window and holds up the paper to him. Not able to read what is written, he shakes his head. Again, he sees the man quickly rummage through his things and later comes back with a big blank paper with a word messily written in bold black marker.







His heart was beating rapidly. When Chanyeol decided to comfort the boy, he did not take into account exactly how he was going to do so. And upon catching his attention, he panicked his way with ideas and came up with a lame one when he saw a notebook laying on top his desk. A note! However, he is left panicking yet again, heart doubly beating faster as he realized it could not be read. Stupid. (Paper too small and in pen?) So once again, he rummages through and finds a pile of blank printing paper as well as a marker. Ah yes, perfect! And writes the first word he could think of.


When he held up the paper, now clear of the word written, he did not know what to expect. Worry and embarrassment fill his thoughts when his too random act slowly sinks in as he sees no reaction. It was wiped away though when he is responded with something he least expected. A smile.

Heart having calmed down at the assuring response of what he thought was a rather failed attempt to comfort. He decides to write more.


Standing by the window with more words written and due to the distance – one word, one paper; he holds them up with both hands for the boy to read, two by two and over the other.








The randomness of the whole thing could not stop a smile from making its way to Baekhyun’s lips. All thoughts of hurt and pain from earlier wiped away by the thoughtful rather funny gesture of the tall man a window below. It was touching, the thought that someone noticed his sadness and even bothered to comfort him despite the circumstances brought warmth all over his body; all the more the words written on the papers. It all touched him greatly.


Unfortunately, it all had to be cut short at the sound of the front door, a sign that his parents were back home. He waves a meek thankful goodbye at the thoughtful stranger and draws his curtains to a close – afraid of being caught with a face wet with tears and goes straight to bed.


Instead of sleeping with what he expected as pain and heartache earlier that night, he sleeps with a faint smile on his face. The man’s gestures and the words written on his papers leading him to an unexpected goodnights sleep.





When the curtains drew to a close, Chanyeol returns to his bed. Sleep overtaking him in less than a few seconds. However, unlike his earlier expectation of sleeping through exhaustion, he sleeps with an equal faint smile on his face. The thought that he had randomly made a sad person smile at the least, with his ridiculous idea, sent him to a happy dreamland.








For the next two weeks, the random encounter was forgotten. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun continued to live their separate lives – one exhausting himself through everyday work while the other busy attending school.


But then, on one random late afternoon, they meet again.





Busy sketching on his sketchpad, Baekhyun sat on the floor in front of his window. It was his favorite past time, to spend it seated on the floor while he sketched whatever was on his mind distracted from reality. Mindlessly, he sketched a messy figure of a man standing holding out a blank piece of paper. When he realized what he did, he smiled to himself – the memory of that night a few nights ago replaying in his head.


To say Baekhyun had gotten over his break-up was a lie, he hasn’t. But the sweet act of that man that night helped ease the pain he felt over it. At the memory, he pause his sketch, looks out the window and down to the window below. What he sees though takes him by surprise because the window with curtains always drawn closed was now wide apart with the same tall man standing in front.


The man stood blankly with hands on his pockets and a frown on his face – seems he’s in a bad mood. Thinking that it’s his turn to try and comfort the man, Baekhyun tries to catch his attention and waves his arms widely. When he’s not able to, he then sways his body side to side and continues to flail his arms now recklessly. This seems to do the trick as it caught the man’s attention as he looks up to Baekhyun in surprise.





Pissed off, frustrated, annoyed and just plainly in a bad mood, Chanyeol huffs. He decided to leave early from work today, the tense atmosphere getting in his head and needed a break. As he looks out the window, he sighs tiredly. However, flailing arms from his peripheral vision catches his attention. And as he looks up, he sees the boy he comforted two weeks ago smiling at him widely.


All earlier feelings and thoughts of negativity vanishes away as he watches the boy write something on what seems to be a sketchpad. Not a moment later, the boy holds up a ripped paper with a word that brought an equal smile to his face.




Wanting to reply, he goes back to look for the pile of paper he found the last time. Gets a marker and writes in bold scrawny handwriting.




The sight of the boy chuckling, trying to muffle his laughter with a hand, albeit all silent due to the glasses separating them; was a very pleasant sight to see. He couldn’t help the smile on his lips, all the more from the next words held up to him that elicits laughter of his own.





Before he was able to reply though, he receives a call. And just like last time, it all ends abruptly.

Or maybe not as Chanyeol struggles to keep his phone in between his shoulder and neck as he writes one last time.








At the surprising words held up to him, Baekhyun delightedly nods his head and writes his reply, quickly flashing it before the man leaves.


BYE :)


He meekly waves but with a huge smile on his face that he is not aware has turned the man’s rest of the day brighter.


As the tall man leaves with one last smile goodbye, the curtains drawn once again; he is hit with a wave of odd fluttery feelings. He giggles as he eyes the words he has written – short but undeniably memorable.








Another two weeks pass that they don’t meet. Although this time they do both try to catch each other – waiting day and/or night at their windows watching the window across if the curtains will ever be drawn open. They just sadly happen to miss one another.




It was late into the night and Chanyeol just got ready for bed, but instead of sleeping right away he sits on the floor in front of his window as he mindlessly watched outside – secretly hoping the window across above opens its curtains.


The view wasn’t that enticing, to be honest. It was only the building across and its windows left and right with curtains drawn open for some but closed for most, a little glimpse of the city where the building ends on one side. It’s a wonder why their windows were built in full-length, what’s the point when you’re not able to see much anyway.

He frowns at the thought.


Too busy with random thoughts, he does not notice the drawing of curtains open of the window he’s been watching out for. The boy he has wanted to see sitting just like him but watching him instead.

Then again…





It was late into the night and Baekhyun just got ready for bed, but instead of sleeping right away, he goes straight to his window to check the window across below. To his delight the curtains were drawn open with the tall man seated in front, and pouting too.


He giggles at the sight and proceeds to take his sketchpad and marker, eager to have another chat, this time hopefully longer with the man he has taken a liking to. He sits in front of his window and writes a word to ready himself. But as the man hasn’t noticed him yet, he decides to simply watch him until he does.


It was amusing, watching the man pout and frown and furrow his eyebrows, sometimes with eyes even twitching. He wonders what he is thinking and thinks he’s maybe a creep himself for doing this. Yeah. Creep he is. But his giggles say otherwise, even though he shakes his head in refusal and continues to watch the cute antics.


It seems this action of his has caught the man’s attention as he was now looking at him with his mouth open and eyes wide in surprise. He waves at him while he flashes him a bright smile of greeting apparently causing the man below to blush as his cheeks turn an obvious tint of red. He then holds up the word he has written and awaits a reply.







Surprised and embarrassed – that’s what he feels. He was aware of making strange faces as he thought of random stuff in his head (like how cute the boy is and the want to see him again). The fact that said boy has seen leaves him feeling all nervous and ashamed, however, with mixed feelings of happiness and excitement – finally, I can see him again.


Instead of replying to the greeting of the boy, he goes straight to holding up his own written word. Hoping they would be able to chat this time without any interruptions.




The smile widening with a match of eyes turning into crescents and a nod of head sent him feelings of giddiness. Yes!

But he’s stuck again. Just like the first time he failed to plan this out. Now he doesn’t know what to do, what to say or rather… what to write. Laughing at his cluelessness, the boy makes the fi

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6/9 - I accidentally hid the first chapter OTL Fixed it now. But aside that, thank you to everyone who has read this. -c


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JuliaByun #1
Chapter 2: So cute 🥺
174 streak #2
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/902355/2'>Hello (2/2)</a></span>
My heart breaks a little when Beakhyun said, too much heartaches 💔

Imagine from one heartbreak to another.. huhu

But I really love how it ends❤

One of my favorite fanfic

It has a unique plot, too sweet, too fluffy and has a little pinch of angst. Thank you Author-nim for this wonderful artwork.
174 streak #3
Chapter 1: Chanyeol's act of random kindness was soooo sweet. Finding comfort with a total stranger at your lowest point, will really touch your heart.

I love the plot of the story, kind of unique❤
Chapter 2: Loved it ?
161 streak #5
Chapter 2: this is so beautiful, i love it so much :)
Chapter 2: "my perfect 3D image (mine)
my perfect 4D fantasy (mine)"

why is this so beautiful TT
God bless that commercial for giving you the idea xD it's so freaking precious and unique :')
Chapter 1: "don't cry
Smile pretty" TT
"U Pretty U worth it
Ex ho"
" Tiful beau" "yeol chan" hahaha

Chapter 1: read this fic ages ago. I wanted to re read this fic some time last year, but I couldn't find it anymore. I had been looking for it ever since TT

I'm so glad that I finally found it again! :')
Chapter 2: This was a lovely ending to such a sweet, sweet story! Thanks for sharing this!
Chapter 1: This was so cool and so interesting! I really liked how you carried it out. Plus it was so sweet and cute and lovely! Thanks for writing and sharing. I really, really, really enjoyed this!