
Fated Through Fame (EXO Kai Mini Fanfiction)

Na Young's POV:

"That jerk. That bastard. That-"

"I can hear you cursing at me!" Kai yells from the spare bedroom. I march from my bedroom into "his" bedroom. After his unexpected intrusion a week ago, he refused to sleep in the same apartment as me and decided to live here during the day and sleep at a hotel.

Which of course is better for me. I at least need to sleep 10 hours to handle even an hour of him during the day. It was so difficult to deal with his high maintenance attitude and everything that came out of his mouth was either stupid, rude, or conceited.

"Why can't you just stay at a hotel?" I ask and he shrugs. As he exits the room I almost punch him from anger but decide its best not to assault an idol with such a crazy fan base. I had to rethink this more than ten times during these last few days.

"Don't you do anything? Like a job or school?" He asks, plopping down onto the couch and putting his feet on the table.

"No," I say, kicking his legs off as I take a seat on the furthest end of the couch. "I go to college but right now, I'm on a break."

"Ugh, cant you go get a part time job or something? I don't want to have to suffer with you breathing on my neck about everything." Kai says with an annoyed tone.

"I wouldn't 'breath on your neck about everything if you'd stop being so arrogant and whiny about everything." I counter but he just rolls his eyes before turning on the T.V.

Just my luck, EXO were on the screen again.

"You should be grateful to live with such a perfect guy like me. I can sing, dance, act, and I have the looks. What is there not to like?  I bet you're a secret fan aren't you?" Kai teases. "There's no way you don't know of EXO. Who's you favorite member? Girls always have one."

He sounded just like Kyung Mi, asking about my preferred member. The realization hits me. I had actually thought that Kai was good looking. I mentally slap myself and don't answer his question.

"C'mon! Who is it? Suho? Chen? or..me?" He says and I get up annoyed and raise my hand as if I was going to hit him. How I wish I could.

"Aish! Really.. why are you so annoying?" I say, frustrated, and stomp back towards my room.

"Na Young! Don't be like that! I'm your favorite right?" He says like a child who wants his mother's undivided attention. There was confidence in his voice and I just wanted to smack it out of him. I turn around and he was now completely laying on the couch, taking up all the space, and he winks at me before I turn back around.

That sly creep!

"I'm not making you lunch, go out and spend your money!" I say before slamming the door.


After a few hours of surfing the web and doing some online shopping, I decide to come out of the room. My stomach would occasionally growl and I knew I wouldn't be able to handle that thing on an empty stomach. Quietly, I open my door and peek to see if he was still outside. Surprisingly the living room was empty and his room door was open. I look inside and don't see the brat anywhere.

"What are you doing?" Someone says, startling me.

"Omo! Why'd you scare me like that! Oh my god! What's your problem!" I say as my heart races like a horse. I had always hated people sneaking up behind me and it would get me extremely pissed.

"Woah, you're the one looking into my room." He says with his hands up. No matter how mad I was, he was right. "No need to over react."

"Whatever. Did you go out for lunch?" I ask, hoping he bought food.


There was a moment of silence and as each second passed, I felt more embarrassed. Kai burst out in laughter, making my face feel hotter.

"Shut up! It's not funny!" I say, angry at myself.

"I'm growling, growling, growlin' now." He sings and does a dance choreography, of which I'm assuming is his song before laughing again.

"Still laughing?" I say as I try to imitate him but probably looked like a crazy gorilla. He laughs even harder, with his eyes shut tight and smiling wide, and falls to the ground holding his stomach.

"Stop .. it.. " He tries to say in between laughter. "..so..ugly-"

"What?!" I exclaim before getting over him and sitting on his back. He was pressed to the ground, laughing uncontrollably still, under my weight.

"Gosh why are you so heavy?" He asks and I whack his head.

"Ow! What the he-"

"Why you so annoying?" I say, pushing his head down once more before getting off. He lays on the floor as I walk to the kitchen to see a plastic bag of take out. Quickly, I grab a box as he gets up.

"I see you!" He says walking over.

"Think of this as a payback. Then, we're even." I say, opening the box of Chinese fried rice and breathing over it. "It's mine now."

"Ew, you're gross! What kind of woman does that?" He says, grabbing the rest of the food as if I was going to steal them too.

"I do. If you have a problem, you can leave." I say with a smile and he rolls his eyes.

"As if."


"! It's already 1:26." Kai says before pushing me out of the kitchen.

"What? What? What?" I ask, frightened from his sudden outburst.

"My..uh girlfriend is coming over. I thought you'd leave and I totally forgot about her coming.."

"Wha-?!" I exclaim before he covers my mouth. I push his hand off before glaring at him. "How could you do that?! It's my apartment!"

"Stop talking so loudly! She'll hear you!" He half whispers.

"Great! Even bett-" I say loudly before he covers my mouth again. "Staph thad." I try to say before he takes his hand off.

"Just go into your room and lock the door. Don't come out until I tell you it's okay. Take the food and eat!" He says before pushing me to my room. I roll my eyes and open my door. The doorbell rang again and he quickly went to open it.

I could hear the door open and close but not much of a conversation. Was that his girlfriend?

"Did my manager tell you to come here?" Kai says. I couldn't hear quite well and I eventually found myself sitting on the floor, ear to the door, with my rice.

"Did you think I'd come here on my own?" a female's voice says but she didn't sound too happy.

"Whatever. You can leave now. Aren't you just here for the pictures?" Kai says with all seriousness in his voice.


"I can't just come in and leave. Give me twenty minutes. Not like I want to stay here with you."

Finally! Someone who agrees with me! If I didn't have to hide, I'm sure we would have been best friends.

But then..that means that his girlfriend is fake?

I scrambled from the floor to search up on my laptop, 'EXO Kai girlfriend'. Tons of results came up with photos of Kai and an extremely pretty girl. I clicked at article labeled, 'EXO-K's Kai: Dating Rumors Are True'.

"After seeing the two on a dinner date, Kai of EXO confirmed his relationship with actress Yoon Joo-hye. Revealed by a close source, the two were laughing and enjoying their time together. She often goes to EXO's concerts and has even been seen with the other members of EXO-K."

Yoon Joo-hye? I can recall watching her in a recent drama but I can't believe she's actually in my apartment.

In a fake relationship with Kai. Out of all people.

I go back to the door and listen again.

"You're the one who ruined things first. Don't pretend like it's my fault you're here." Kai says. It was obvious they both didn't want to see each other. She must be getting so much hate from Kai's fans. And things must be so difficult for a popular idol like Kai-

Wait..I'm not interested in Kai's life. Not even 1%. Why am I wondering about him now?  The past days have gone by with me continuously saying, "Kai, don't touch that!", "Leave me alone!", "You're so annoying!", etc. He gets on my nerves so much I can't even relax during my break.

I hear a ding from my phone on my bed. I walk over to see a message notification.

From Ye Jin: Hey! Wanna get some coffee with the girls? Hye-ri's last day in Seoul! :)

I quickly text back.

To Ye Jin: Yeah sure, what time?

From Ye Jin: Now? I'm with Kyung Mi right now.

To Ye Jin: Right now isn't too good. Maybe an hour? At our regular place?

From Ye Jin: Yep! See you there.

I sigh. I definitely need to hang with my girls rather than being trapped here with that jerk outside. Just twenty minutes. Twenty minutes.

I go on my laptop and do some research on EXO while I'm at it, watching some of their videos and listening to their songs. The song that Kai had been singing, Growl, had come up many places. It was clear that they were extremely popular among Koreans and even overseas.

The fact that I'm living with Kai doesn't even get through to my head. His annoying personality seems to cover up the fact that he's actually an idol. Should I consider myself lucky or unlucky at this point?

Before I knew it, there was a knock on my door. "You can come out now."

I get up and unlock the door. "Finally!" I exclaim.

He rolls his eyes. Kai's mood had gone down since earlier.

"Are you okay?" I ask, reaching out and grabbing his arm. Just from the contact, he roughly shakes me off.

"Leave me alone. I'm going out." He says with a cold shoulder before taking a coat and walking out the door. His attitude put me in a bad mood as well. I definitely needed to go out.

I called up Ye Jin as I went out a few minutes after Kai.

"Hey, where are you at?"


"So, you're living with..K-Kai?" Kyung Mi says, eyes wide open from the news.

"Yeah. He's not even well mannered! He's a stuck up, arrogant creep! He does want he wants- Oh gosh you should have seen him when he just barged into my house!" I exclaim. Kyung Mi and Hye-ri gasp. "You agree right? He's so rude!"

"You.. You're so lucky!" Kyung Mi says with jealousy.

"You'd think! He's the worst!" I say but Hye-ri sighs.

"He must be better looking in person!"

"Well.." I drift off and Kyung Mi fan girls.

"Oh my gosh! Have you seen him ? Or at least shirtless? Like in the dramas where the guy comes out half with a towel around his waist and water dripping down his body?! Omo!!" Hye-ri says and I look at them.

"Aigoo. You and your dirty minds! We both can't stand each other so he sleep at a hotel." I explain.

"Why doesn't he just stay at the hotel then?" Ye Jin asks.

"Exactly! Just before he-" I stop myself from talking about his 'girlfriend'.

"Just before what?"

"Never mind. Either way, don't go blabbering about this." I say, warning Kyung Mi especially.

"I can't promise anything!"

"Hey!" I exclaim. "I'll get you an autograph so zip it!"

"Really?! Oh my gosh!!" Kyung Mi says and gives me a tight hug.

"Na Young, I think your phone is ringing." Ye Jin points out and I check my purse.

"Who's calling? Is it Kai?!" Hye-ri asks excitedly.

"Unknown number." I say before picking up cautiously.


"Yo come back to the apartment. I'm bored." A familiar voice says.

"How'd you get my number?" I ask, annoyed. I definitely did not give it to him.

"Building owner. Anyways, hurry back! Buy some beer on the way back." He says, hanging up before I can say anything.

"That was so Kai!!" Kyung Mi says.

He was so rude before and now he thinks he can just order me around and think I'll be fine? No way. He can wait a thousand years before I go back to that apartment on his command.

"Ye Jin, can we hang out at yours? I'm never ever going back to the apartment." I state and Ye Jin shakes her head.

"My relatives are visiting for a while and they decided to stay at my place."

"Can we please go to your apartment? I want to see Kai! I still can't believe it!!" Kyung Mi says, begging me and pulling my arm.


"Alright, it's settled! Let's go!" Hye-ri says getting up from her seat.

"If we're there, he can't possibly do anything to you. Don't worry!"


"He can't be that bad." Ye Jin says as we reach my floor. The elevator doors open and we walk down the hall together.

"Trust me. Oh, I have an idea! Kyung Mi, we'll wait here while you go to my door. He absolutely hates fan girls and it'll totally freak him out." I say, trying not to laugh at my brilliant revenge.

Ye Jin, Hye-ri and I waited a few doors away while Kyung-Mi rang the door bell with an excited smile and as soon as Kai opened the door, he shut it. Kyung Mi started to fan girl like crazy, banging on the door and yelling his name repeatedly, from seeing her idol in person and I laughed so hard before walking to he door. 

"Kai, open up!" I say, knocking on the door before he slowly sticks his head out.

"A-Are these your friends?" He says politely as he opens the door wider while glaring at me. It was obvious it was an act.

"Yep. No rule saying I couldn't invite people into my own house." I say and walk in with the girls following.

"So, what are your names? I can't believe a person like Na Young would have such beautiful friends." Kai says.

I step on his foot with my slippers 'accidentally'.

"Oops." I say, completely not sorry at all, before walking to my room. I leave my bag there before going into the living room.

"Kyung Mi? That's such a cute name, to fit such a cute girl." He says and I almost puke up the rice from earlier.

"Can you not?" I mutter to myself as I walk by Kai trying to swoon my friends.

"Heard that!" Kai says before sending Kyung Mi a smile that caused her to almost faint.

"But wait, Kai, don't you have a girlfriend?" Hye-Mi asks and he doesn't say anything for a while.

"Y-Yeah. Why?"

"Is she comfortable with you living with Na Young? By yourselves?"

"Since I lived next door, originally, I'll be moving back soon. I already told her." Kai says but I'm sure that wasn't the case.



Really long chapter but it'll get better!

Thank you for reading! <3 Leave a comment of what you think so far! :D



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jessi828 #1
Chapter 10: funny cute sweet lovely beautiful amazing
Chapter 10: This fanfic was cute and pretty funny. Good job authornim.
Exolovexoxoxo #3
Chapter 1: good story!!! Do a sequel please
Rahmita #4
Chapter 9: LOL. Good story author-nim^^
Chapter 9: It's a short ending
Would you like to write an epilogue/es ??
I enjoy your story
Thank you ;)

Chapter 7: Woahhhh cliffhanger
Glad that I found your story has been marked as completed story
I don't have to wait ... :D

Chapter 6: It's a good chapter!! Finally nayoung confessed her felling ...
Review for this chapter and the chapter before :
There are some mistakes.. Like you should write too instead of to, and you should write to instead of you
I know my comment is weird, sorry ><

Chapter 4: I love fluffy stuff ><
One thing that I kno, a bad is actually a nice boy too ..
Weird quotes .. Sorry T T
English isn't my first language

Chapter 1: Cuteeee first time meeting each other, but already bickering .. Kkkkkk~
delightingKAI #10
Chapter 3: AWWW SO CUTE KAI!!!!