
An Inevitable Longing
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Jinyoung slept restlessly that night. Thoughts of things that could go wrong when he met Jackson kept running through his mind and before he knew it it was 1 am. He finally fell asleep after putting in his earbuds to listen to music. 

Throughout the night he tossed and turned until his alarm went off, alerting him that it was time to get ready for his only class of the day. He got up, looking at Mark's sleeping form, grabbing his body wash and towel as he made his way to the bathroom down the hall. There was only one shower occupied this early in the morning, the sound of the water hitting the walls and floor a sound that had always seemed calming to Jinyoung.

He opened the shower curtain, stripping off his clothes and turned the knob so that warm water cascaded over his hair and onto him. The warmth eased the tension out of his body as he started to hum a tune lightly. 

15 minutes later his was clean and refreshed, a towel around his waist as he walked back down the hallway to his room. 

He really didn't want it to seem like he was putting too much effort into his outfit for when he met Jackson at the library later, so he settled on black skinny jeans, a blue and white striped long sleeved shirt and a grey beanie to protect his drying hair from the early morning breeze. He grabbed his backpack and put on his black and white converse and closed the door behind him quietly,

Jaebum was waiting for him at the entrance of his dorm, backpack hung loosely off his shoulder and his hair in spikes on his head.

"Did you not brush your hair this morning?" Jinyoung started. He ruffled Jaebum's hair slightly, Jaebum lightly smacking his hand away.

"I just got up. I was up until 4 doing a paper and overslept so I couldn't really worry about grooming if I wanted to get to class on time now could I?" Jaebum attempted at making a sour pouty face but ended up making them both laugh as they headed out the door.

"So how was the trip to the temple yesterday? Get some good photos?" Jaebum asked.

"Yeah. I think we got some pretty good ones. It was really beautiful. Especially with the leaves changing colors surrounding the temple. It was peaceful, you know?" Jaebum nodded in understanding.

"Mark told me that you're helping Jackson with the editting today..." Jinyoung looked at the ground.

"Yeah," he mumbled.

"You okay?" Jaebum asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just...don't know how to act around him."

"Jinyoung." Jinyoung looked over at the sound of seriousness in Jaebum's voice. "You don't need to act in any other way than yourself. If he likes you, he'll like you for you."

"Yeah...I guess." They walked the rest of the way in silence. The campus was just awakening as students passed them on the way to do whatever they had to do. They entered into their visual design class. Today their professor was lecturing about how certain styles, using contrasts and similarities, and how it could portray the mood of the subject. 

Jinyoung took out his notebook but couldn't really focus on the lecture. Jaebum, seeing that he wasn't taking notes, took his notebook and started doodling in the margins. By the end of the class, Jaebum handed it back with miniature versions of themselves as they walked to class this morning. The last drawing was of Jaebum with his fist held high in the air with a speech bubble containing, "You can do it, Jinyoung!" Jinyoung smiled at the older boy, Jaebum giving him a warm smile in return.

They packed their bags and followed the crowd of students out, Jaebum pulling Jinyoung off to the side as the exited.

"You want to grab lunch before you go to the library?" Jinyoung shook his head.

"I'll probably just grab a sandwich from somewhere and head over there early. I wanted to get started on ideas for my photography class project anyways. I'll just do some research until it's time to meet him."

Jaebum nodded in understanding. "Alright. I'll see you later? We have a soccer game today."

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I know I have at keeping thisstory updated! I'm so sorry guys! School's been crazy and it's only about to be the fourth week! I'll update soon! Promise!


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metajinyoung #1
Chapter 2: i love this because i can't describe how much i actually relate with jinyoung, i'm also in my second semester of uni and there's a guy that i guess i have a crush on and he doesn't even know i exist. his instagram is also private but unlike jinyoung i dont have the guts to request a follow, and i also have this feeling that the less i tried to think about him i'll get over him. it's happened before, so it has to happen again right?

it's crazy weird how much i relate to this story.
igot71412 #2
Chapter 8: yeassss omfggg it's sooooo beautiful!! jinyoung u are loveble u should know that. please update soon *-*
JinsPinkprincess #3
Chapter 8: Yeah, finally.
Jindon r just sweet.
Smooth jackson really smooth.
Haha jinyoungie y dont u see that u r very loveable. Tsk.
Updatd soon
Update soon
Chapter 8: Welp, there goes my heart. Jinson confession has killed me
Pfffftx #6
Chapter 7: OMG Jinson is life!! >///< This is soooo adorable! Fingers crossed for chapter 8!
Firewish #7
Chapter 7: YES PROGRESS PROGRESS IS GOOD :D Thanks for updating :)
Chapter 7: Awww progress~~~ I'm happy!!!