
I'm sorry [TFBOYS Fanfic]

At this point, I don't know what to do. What should I do? I guess I can't break their relationship,I mean I don't want to be selfish. I'll Just stay the same right now.

"Xiaoling? Are you okay?" Junkai ask me, Look at me with a worried face. 


"Are you hungry? Because I brought yoy breakfast." I smiled. He knew I like seaweed soup and he brought my favourite.

"Oh my God! You still remember that I like seaweed soup." I said.


He still know me so well even after a few year. He was feeding me like I'm a baby. God! I'm grown up just like him. Yet he still think I'm a baby.

"Junkai, I can eat by myself. I'm not a baby." I pouted at him.

"You're still a baby to me. haha." He laughed. I hit him on the shoulder.

"I may have a baby skin but it doesn't mean I'm a baby." He pinch my cheeks.

"Come on, Little baby. Don't be angry and finish your food." He tease me again by calling me 'baby'. God damn! I hate it!

So to get my revenge, I ruffed his hair. He hate when someone mess his hair. He took so long to get ready like seriously. He took way more longer than me.


"can we watch a movie?" 



I took my computer and since the TV doesn't have the movie I want to watch. I always wanted to watch 'Back to 20' Luhan movie because the teaser look very intresting.

Junkai sit beside me while We were watching the movie. His arms were suddenly around me, I didn't even realised till I was about to drink some water.


"Junkai, Don't you need to hangout with your girlfriend?"

"Isn't being with my best friend is more important?"

"You know most guys put their girlfriend first and their best friend second." He raise his brows at me.


"what! Bro, Come On! I Know you love your girlfriend and you'll place her first right?"

"Xiaoling! don't you see? I love you~" I hit him on the shoulder.

"You must be joking right? That so cheesy. Say that to your girlfriend." I laugh at him, both us laugh like there no tomorrow.


an hour has pass and My eyes are getting tired. MY Eyelid was heavy and I just close my eyes.


I saw xiaoling sleeping in a uncomforable pose. I took her head and  lay it next to my shoulder, I look at her while She is sleeping.

She look very cute even she is sleeping. I was really stupid for telling her that I had a girlfriend. I want to hug her, I want to be the one next to her, I want to give her my love.

But I realise I did the wrong step. everyday I was thinking about her not jia yee.

I wants to tell her that I love her. I'm afriad that I might hurt jia yee too but I only care about Xiaoling.

I will just wait for the right time to confess to her. I lay my head on hers and close my eyes.


When I was about to walk in xiaoling room to talk to her about how was school, But I find something very cute that make me smile like a idiot.

They were cuddling like a couple when they are sleeping. They are too cute that I have to take a picture of it. I took a picture of them. 

Maybe I should make them get married when they grown up. I have to talk to Junkai mom about it first.


I woke up with warm arms wrap around me. My head are laying on someone shoulder. I look up and saw Junkai flawess face. 

Suddenly, Mom bash in the room and saw us in cuddling pose.

"erm...Xiaoling. Dinner are ready. call junkai to eat dinner too. OKay I'll be waiting for you downstair." Mom must be thinking we look cute together right?

I know what she is thinking.

"Xiao Kai~ Wake up~." His other arm wrap around my body, Now he is hugging me.


"Junkai! there is a bug in your hair!" Haha! He is going to fall for it.

"where?! Where?!" he jump out of the bed and ruffled his hair.

"haha! Haha! There no bug tho! Haha!" I laugh out loud.

"You!" he point at me.

"Come. let's go for dinner." 


We went downstair for dinner. He took the seat beside me.

"So Junkai. How was school with xiaoling?" When mom ask that question, We look at each other and smile.

"great, Its nice to have her back in school." 

And this conversation goes on and on.

"Eat more vegatable." Junkai spoon a full of vegatable and put it on my bowl of rice.

"I hate it-" He put the vegatable in my mouth.

"stop complaining and eat it. Its good for your health." 


I could see mom smiling at us. I want mom to be that happy. But sadly Junkai is taken. I might not see Mom smiling so bright like that if I find another partner.

"are you okay? why are you not smilling ?" Junkai ask me.

" Nothing." I smile again.


It really bother me... I want mom to be happy and...I don't know how will I make her smile if I find another partner.


I'm sorry if there is error in the story. or any grammer mistake.



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Chapter 6: I think your story is really cute. :) I hope you continue to write it
gy11173 #2
Chapter 6: chapter six:is this the end?
lol the picture in JunKai's profile, its WangYuan..
tfboys4ever #4
Keep update plz author-nim....I really want to read it^^ I will look forward it