Chapter 22


* Not Edited


3rd POV


                  When Hyun got back to C-Jes, she went straight to Mr. Baek’s office to tell him the bad news. She didn’t even greet the receptions like she usually would have.


Hyun just wanted to go away and curl into a ball and think about how she ruined such a good chance for JYJ. She will never have the strength to look at in their eyes ever again.


The minute she reached the office, Hyun knocked on the door and waited for a response.


“Come in.” Mr. Baek’s strong voice stated. Hyun walked in and tried to smile at her boss, but it came out too forced. Mr. Baek knew right away that something bad happened.


He has been observing Hyun ever since she started to work for his company. Of course, he had to do that to make sure that he had picked a good C-Jes’s worker. Well technically, she was JYJ’s personal lawyer, but JYJ were under C-Jes and also her office was in his building. While he observed her for the past few weeks, he came to terms that Hyun is a kind-hearted girl that smiles at everyone, but also can be stubborn to prove her point.


Seeing her with the forced smile and the not so confident walk, he immediately realized that whatever happened, Hyun is not taking it well. He watched her closely as she silently sat down on the chair that was right in front of his desk.


“Mr. Baek.” Her voice was small and timid unlike her usual soft and confident one. Mr. Baek sighed softly before looking at Hyun softly,


“Hyun whatever happen, just know it’s not your fault, Okay?” He waited until Hyun gave a small nod before continuing,


“I just got back from SBS, and it seems our performance for this Sunday has been cancelled since SBS will have a SM special instead.” A mad expression crossed over Mr. Baek’s face before composing himself noticing the sad and guilt look that Hyun was displaying.


“I’m guessing SM has something to do with it.” Hyun just nodded while biting her lips to control her emotions,


“I’m so sorry Mr. Baek.” Mr. Baek’s looked at Hyun in confusion, “It’s all my fault. I got everyone’s hope up for this and now I can’t do anything to fix it.”


Mr. Baek sighed as he looked at the timid girl in front of him softly, “Hyun, it is not your fault. It will never be your fault. You have done so much already. SM may have won this battle, but we will win the war, okay?”


Hyun sat quietly taking in the encouraging words before sighing and nodded again, “Okay.” She looked at him and forced a smile.


Mr. Baek picked up her forced smile; however, did not comment on it. She got up before bowing a little,


“That is all. I will go back to work.” As she was about to open the door, Mr. Baek stopped her,


“Actually, you will have the whole day off. Rest for today.” Hyun looked at her boss in shock before nodding her head no,


“No. I need to do more research for the case.” Mr. Baek leaned back against his chair and crossed his arm around his chest,


“It’s an order, Hyun. I want you to rest and get emotionally well before you start working again. The last thing we want is your emotions getting in the way of this case. Plus, you wouldn’t be able to concentrate. Go home and rest.” Hyun was about to argue back before seeing the hard look that Mr. Baek was giving her.


She nodded before saying bye and walking out to the living room of the building. She noticed Yuri standing behind the desk staring at her with worry.


Yuri has been doing her job as the reception the whole morning, and she was there when Hyun walked in with the guilt radiating off of her. She figured that something must have happen. Seeing her Unnie in such a sad state, Yuri went out to the nearest café and got Hyun’s favorite Frappuccino.


Hyun gave Yuri a small smile before walking towards her, “Hey Yuri.”


Yuri smiled at her before giving her the Frappuccino, “I got this for you, Unnie.”


Hyun looked confused before taking the cold drink, “What’s this for?”


Yuri smiled at her Unnie, “I noticed that you were having a bad day, so I got this for you hoping that maybe it will make this bad day a little brighter.”


Hyun eyes’ got wide in shock. Yuri actually noticed her bad mood and immediately got her favorite drink so Hyun would feel better. She didn’t even tell Yuri that Mocha Frappuccino was her favorite cold coffee drink.


Hyun smiled softly at Yuri before going around the desk and giving her a hug, “Thank you so much.” Yuri smiled and hugged Hyun back,


“I’m always here, Unnie.”

Hyun backed away slowly, but continued to smile with her heart, “I’m going to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


“Where are you going?”


“CEO gave me a day off.” Hyun replied back.


“Rest well.” Yuri gave two thumbs up. Hyun nodded before walking out the door and into the sunny day. Yuri’s action did make Hyun feel a little better.



                  “Maybe I should get married.” JaeJoong said while opening the entrance door to walk into their company’s building.


“My parents keep on emotionally blackmailing me about how they are getting old, and won’t be able to see their only son getting married.” JaeJoong sighed while Yoochun patted his back for comfort,


“You’re not the only one,” Yoochun said while putting his arm around JaeJoong’s shoulder, “My mom won’t stop bothering me about getting a girlfriend. She really wants grandkids.” 


“Hurry up and find a girl, Hyung.” Junsu said to JaeJoong, “Yoochun doesn’t have to worry because he has Hyun, but you need to find someone.”


“What do you mean by that?” Yoochun asked with his hand crossed over his chest, “I do not have Hyun.”


“Can I have Hyun?” JaeJoong asked, “My parents would love her plus she’s so pretty.” Yoochun glared at JaeJoong who tried to look as innocent as possible,


“She is not an object that you can own.” Yoochun’s strong voice made JaeJoong and Junsu smile,


“Look at you standing up for your girl.” JaeJoong patted Yoochun’s back before noticing Yuri behind the reception desk.


“Hey Yuri!” Yuri jumped in surprise as she was so busy in her work that she didn’t notice the three men. JaeJoong started to walk toward her with his innocent big eyes,


“Wanna marry me?” The other reception beside Yuri choked on her water making her cough. Yuri stared at her Oppa with big surprise eyes. hanged opened as she tried to form words,



“Hyung!” Junsu scolded as JaeJoong put his hand on the reception table and leaned against trying to seduce Yuri with his charms, “You can’t just ask people to marry you!”


“What wrong with asking Yuri?” JaeJoong replied, “She’s a beautiful young lady, she has a good job, and she’s from a normal family. She would be the perfect wife.” JaeJoong looked back at Yuri with his charming smile.


“Oppa,” Yuri finally spoke, “I’m 8 years younger than you.”


“Age is only a number, my love.” JaeJoong leaned his face closer to Yuri, causing her to blush and making her back away a little.


Junsu grabbed JaeJoong’s collar and pulled him back, “You’re making her uncomfortable, Hyung.”


Yoochun stared at the weird interaction between the three. He will never understand how JaeJoong’s mind works. He sighed before walking to the stairs and going upstairs. He needs give Hyun lecture about how he is more good looking than JaeJoong and Junsu.


When Yoochun reached the floor, he immediately noticed that Hyun’s office was dark. Did she already leave?


Usually, Hyun left around 9, and it’s only 7 right now. It’s too early. Yoochun checked every rooms including his studio and the dance practice room. He even checked the balcony, but she was no where.


Giving up, Yoochun went back downstairs asking if Yuri knew where Hyun is. When he walked back to the reception area, he noticed JaeJoong sitting on the chair with Junsu on the sofa. Mr. Baek was sitting on the chair across from JaeJoong. He quickly picked up the tense atmosphere.


“What’s going on?” Yoochun sat down beside JaeJoong.


“We were waiting for you.” Junsu replied, “Mr. Baek has to tell us something.”


Mr. Baek sighed and leaned back against the chair. He already told the staff members what happened, but JYJ were the only ones left and he wanted to do it face-to-face.


“SBS has cancelled our performance this Sunday until further notice; they will have a SM special performance instead.” He looked at the expression of the three men. JaeJoong’s anger was immediately noticed while Yoochun looked shock. Junsu’s eyes were full of sadness.


“What do you mean?” JaeJoong asked.


“Hyun went to SBS this morning to give a personal thank you,” Yoochun quickly connected the dots. Hyun was the one who received the bad news, but where was she right now?


“She ran into Mr. Kim Young-Min with Mr. Ha and Mr. Yoon. Eventually, they were having a meeting about the Sunday special. That was where she was told the bad news.”


Junsu rubbed his face in tiredness while JaeJoong was running his hand through his hair in frustration. They were all tired of this.


Every damn time they have a chance, it always gets ruined. Their hopes rise to the sky, but it would be kicked down until it reaches Hell.


“That’s not fair!” JaeJoong got up needing to get rid of his anger, “Why can’t they change SM’s special performance to another date. We were given the opportunity first.”


“Hyun tried everything to get your guys to perform, but Mr. Ha wouldn’t listen.” Mr. Baek replied, “And you need to calm down JaeJoong.”


“This happens every time,” Junsu’s raw sad voice spoke, “We need to stop getting our hopes up because it hurts more when it’s crushed.”


“I agree.” Yoochun finally spoke. JaeJoong was still trying to control her anger as he paced around, but a small voice grabbed everyone’s attention,


“Is that why Hyun Unnie was feeling down.” Yuri stood few feet away with a sad expression. She overheard the whole conversation, and immediately realized why Hyun was the acting the way she was.


“What do you mean?” Yoochun asked worried. He sat up straighter on the chair. JaeJoong stopped pacing and Junsu looked at Yuri in confusion.


“Unnie was very sad today. She got the whole day off.” Yuri said, “I even got her favorite drink, but I don’t think it will make her feel completely better.”


“What exactly happen?” JaeJoong asked the C-Jes’s CEO.


“She didn’t tell me the whole detail about what happen inside that building, but she is blaming herself for JYJ’s performance cancellation.” Mr. Baek replied.


“But it’s not her fault!” Junsu argued. He didn’t want Hyun to ever feel guilty like this. JYJ were used to these kind of situation, and never did they blame someone else for it.


“I told her that, but I think she is still blaming herself.” Mr. Baek sighed. Yoochun suddenly got up and took out his keys from his pocket,

“Junsu text me Hyun’s address right now.” He said while walking towards to elevator to go to the basement garage.


“Are you going to her house?” JaeJoong asked.


“Yeah.” Yoochun replied as the door closed and the elevator started to move downward. He didn’t know what made him suddenly want to go to Hyun’s house unannounced, but just the thought about her consuming herself in guilt and grief made his heart hurt.


Yoochun stepped out of the elevator and walked towards his dark blue Audi. Pressing the unlock button, he sat down on the cream color leather seat before hearing a sound from his phone indicating a message. He took out his phone from his pocket and saw Junsu’s message.


Yoochun pressed the start button on his car and the engine roared to live. He quickly typed in the address into the navigation system before putting it on drive and stepping on the acceleration. He slowly got out of the garage and smiled a little as he noticed that no fans were surrounding the building. The last thing he needed was his fans following him to Hyun’s house.


Yoochun’s one hand tapped the steering wheel while the other rested on the gearshift. A soft music was playing in the background as the city lights passed by. However, even during this calm state, Yoochun couldn’t stop thinking about SM, SBS, and Hyun. So many things happened within this few weeks that it made his head hurt just thinking about it.


Now, Hyun was in this whole mess. Yoochun sighed softly, thinking a way to help Hyun cheer up.



                  Hyun sat on the cool grass and stared at the wooden fence in her backyard in silence. Ever since Hyun has gotten home, she hasn’t spoken a word. Yuri’s surprise did help a little, but that didn’t take away the heavy feeling in her chest.


Hyun’s silence made Ms. Park Sun-Hi worry while it scared Hyo. Ms. Park tried to make her talk, but Hyun kept on dazing off into her own world. Hyo took a risk and tried to make Hyun mad, but she didn’t give any response. Right now, both of them were staring at Hyun from the kitchen window.


“We should just let her solve it by herself; she’s a big girl.” Ms. Park said before hearing a door bell. She wheeled out the kitchen door and into the living room.


“Noona.” Hyo whispered quietly. He wanted badly to know what the problem is, but he couldn’t even make Hyun talk. Hyo felt like the worst brother ever. He was the man of the house now, and it is his job to protect his family yet he couldn’t protect his loving big sister. He was having doubts about going to Hong Kong especially now he only has a week left. Hyo sighed and leaned against the counter staring at the slouched shoulder of his Noona that look like it was carrying way too much weight.


Ms. Park opened the door to see a handsome tall man with dark hair. She looked up at the stranger and immediately realized he was a member of his daughter’s client, JYJ. She has seen a photo of them when Hyo was looking them up on the internet except she couldn’t put the names to faces yet. The only one she knows right now is Junsu, who was a sweetheart. Hyun updated her about how the other members were also kind and caring to make sure that her mom doesn’t worry too much.


“Hello Ms. Park.” Yoochun hid his surprise like a professional and bowed deeply to the beautiful lady on the wheelchair, “I am Park Yoochun of JYJ.”


“Hello.” Ms. Park smiled sweetly at him before backing away to let him come in, “Come on in.”


Yoochun stepped into the normal house. When he walked in, he was in the living room that had a black sofa and a small coffee table. He saw family photos hanged up on the walls. There was one of Hyun and her brother, Hyo. They also had a big family photo of all the four members wearing formal clothes smiling at the camera.


“Are you here to see Hyun?” Ms. Park asked snapping Yoochun out of his observation.


“Yes I am. Is she here?” Yoochun wondered. What if she isn’t even at her home?


“She is home, but good luck talking to her.” Ms. Park started to roll her wheelchair into the kitchen with Yoochun following behind. He unconsciously grabbed the handle,


“I got it.” Ms. Park’s eyes got wide in surprise before letting her hand relax and let the young man push the wheelchair and smiling sweetly at him, “What do you mean by that? Is she okay?”


“She’s been quiet ever since she gotten home early today.” Ms. Park grabbed Hyo’s attention as he turned around to see his mom being pushed into the kitchen by one of the JYJ’s member, “My son and I tried to talk to her, but she won’t give a reply.”


Yoochun stopped the wheelchair in front of the window that Hyo was occupying and shook hand with Hyun’s little brother,


“Do you mind if I talked to her?” Hyo snorted a little,


“It won’t work, she won’t even talk to me, her brother.” Yoochun shrugged his shoulder,


“Maybe I can try.” Ms. Park put her hand on his arm in agreement,


“Please do try.” Yoochun smiled at her before pulling the back door opening it to the cool night. He saw the heavy shoulders of Hyun as the moon shined down on her. It made her hair shiny while her skin glowed. Yoochun’s breath got caught as he saw how beautiful Hyun looked.


He took a deep breath and walked up to Hyun. He sat down beside her causing the grass to crunch that grabbed her attention.


Hyun jumped in surprise to see the unexpected guest beside her. Her heart started to beat fast as the events of today went through her mind in fast motion. She didn’t want to see him; she does not have the courage to look at Yoochun in the eye.


She couldn’t look at him. It made her eyes tear up. Hyun felt so guilty that she felt like her chest was going to explode. She got their hopes up about the performance.


They were so happy that they cried in happy tears.


They were smiling brightly through out those weeks.


They didn’t let the tiredness get in between practices.


They danced until they couldn’t stand.


They sang until their voices got hoarse.


They were reminded to eat and not practice too much.


They were just so happy, but now all those sweat and blood will be for nothing.


Yoochun quickly noticed Hyun’s teary eyes. Without noticing, Yoochun put his hand around Hyun’s shoulder and moved closer to her. He rubbed her forearm to calm her down.


Suddenly, tears escaped Hyun’s eyes as she bit her lips. She looked down at her feet because she didn’t want Yoochun to notice; however, he noticed right away.


Yoochun put his hand on the side of Hyun’s head and made her lay it on his chest, right below his shoulder.


“It’s not your fault, Hyun.” Yoochun deep voices spoke breaking the silence. His chest vibrated causing Hyun to cry more. She realized that JYJ knew the bad news, which means they were disappointed and grieving. How sad must they be?


Hyun started to sobbed as she couldn’t control it anymore. Yoochun started to pat her head consulting her.


“I’m sorry.” Hyun whispered finally. Yoochun sighed and nodded his head,


“There is no need for sorry, Hyun. It was not your fault.” He whispered back.


“I’m sorry.” Hyun replied back. She circled her arms around Yoochun’s waist and leaned more against him wanting his comforting warmth. Hyun leaned her head against his shoulder causing Yoochun to circle his free arm around her shoulder while his other hand continued to pat and rub her head.


Hyun’s tears left wet stains on Yoochun’s shirt, but he didn’t care at all. He only wanted to make her feel better.


Yoochun moved his head to the side a little and kept on whispering comforting words into Hyun’s ears. His whisper with his deep voice which helped Hyun calm down after few minutes; however, neither of them made an indication to move from their position.


Hyun kept on laying her head against Yoochun’s shoulder. She saw his long white neck with his prominent Adam’s apple. She closed her eyes in bliss as Yoochun started to hum a soft melody.


The melody filled her ears up that neither of them noticed the small audience by the backdoor watching them.


One was taking photos on his phone with a smirk on his face. He was already making plans to use it for blackmailing.


The other was smiling brightly with his hands in a praying motion with his eyes full of happiness like he just witnessed a long awaited romantic moment between the main characters in a drama.


The last one had a scowl on his face with his hands cross over his chest. He just wanted to push Yoochun away from Hyun and run away with her. How dare he touch her like that!


                  Finally, the obvious couple broke apart making them face each other. Hyun actually stared at Yoochun’s eyes which made him smile at her softly.


Yoochun’s thumb softly wiped away the tears on her cheeks, “It’s was not your fault at all, okay?”




“Not buts.” Yoochun crossed his hand across his chest and tried to look imitating, but Hyun could tell he was joking, “You have done so much for us. This was not your fault; never was and never will be. This was SM’s fault no one but them caused this mess.”


Hyun sighed softly, “I’m sorry.”


“Hyun-“ Yoochun was interrupted,


“Stop saying sorry!” JaeJoong yelled making Yoochun and Hyun jump in surprise. He walked over to the couple and sat down between them.


JaeJoong grabbed Hyun’s face with his hand making her cheeks chubby, “Stop saying sorry.”


Hyun kept on staring at JaeJoong with big eyes as she noticed how closed he was to her face. A blush formed on her face as she looked at him. Come’on JaeJoong is one good looking man, can you blame Hyun from going all red?


“Yah!” Hyo yelled and run over before pushing JaeJoong away from his Noona. He hugged her tightly from the side, trapping her arms, “Don’t’ get too close to her.”


Hyun stared at Hyo in shock. She has never seen him so jealous before. Hyo would usually get jealous when she got things better or before he did, but never was he jealous of guy.


“She’s my Noona.”


“Hyo let her go before you cut her circulation.” Junsu laughed as he walked toward the crowd. He smiled at the siblings when he saw Hyo’s pout before let go of Hyun.


“Wait a minute.” Yoochun grabbed everyone’s attention as he stood up, “When did you guys get here.”


Everyone else stood up as well, “Yeah, I didn’t even hear you guys.” Hyun agreed.


“You didn’t hear us because you guys were too engrossed in your little atmosphere that you didn’t even notice that we stood outside watching your show from the beginning.” JaeJoong replied.


Hyun’s face turned tomato red when she realized what just happened between her and Yoochun, and to make it worse her two friends, who were also Yoochun’s members and best friends, and little brother witnessed it all.


“Why didn’t you say anything?” Yoochun tried to make his face neutral when he noticed how flustered Hyun looked.


“Cause you guys were so cute.” Junsu smiled brightly at him.


“Also because Mom said not to disturb you guys.” Hyo grumbled in annoyance.


Hyun’s face got more red, if that was possible, when she realized that her Mom saw the whole thing.


Yoochun quickly noticed how fluster Hyun was getting and the last thing he wants is her to be embarrassed about being around him.


“Do you play basketball?” He asked Hyo trying to change the subject.


“Sometimes.” Hyo shrugged.


“Let’s play.” Junsu recommended being the sport freak he is.


“I don’t mind.” JaeJoong quickly agree, “Plus it’s such a nice weather.” Yoochun immediately knew why his two members agreed: it would help with everyone to take their mind off of the incident that happened today especially Hyun.


“I’m in.” Yoochun said while fixing his snapback.


Hyo looked at Hyun with a smirk which Hyun replied with her own evil smirk, “Okay. How about me and Hyun against you three?”


“Are you sure? You can take one of us into your team?” Junsu asked innocently.


“Nah we’re good.” Hyo replied while slugging his hand around Hyun’s shoulder.


“Okay if you say so.” JaeJoong said while grabbing the basketball that was beside the backdoor and walking towards the basket with everyone else behind him.


“Rock-Paper-Scissor?” Junsu asked as he held out his hand to determined who will get the first ball. Hyo held out his hand in preparation.


“Rock.” They both hid their fist behind their back, “Paper. Scissor.” Junsu let out rock while Hyo let out scissors.


“Yah!” Junsu yelled before hugging s in excitement, “Let’s win this.”


“Losers has to pay for ice cream” Yoochun suddenly proposed. All of them nodded their head in agreement.


JaeJoong stood on the court with the ball while Hyo stood right in front of him to block him. Junsu stood on the right while Yoochun stood to the left with Hyun guarding him.


Suddenly, JaeJoong went around Hyo and passed the ball to Junsu who quickly caught it. He started to run towards the basket that he didn’t even noticed Hyun coming for him. She quickly stole the ball and did a layover. This all happen within 5 seconds.


The ball went into the basket with grace as Hyun landed on her feet with a smile. Hyo quickly ran over and attacked her with a hug.




The three members stared at the siblings trying to figure out what just happened. JaeJoong snapped out of it first,


“Yah! Junsu! Why did you let her steal the ball?”


“I didn’t.” Junsu tried to defend himself, “She just came out of nowhere.”


Yoochun stared at Hyun as she smiled at them, “What are you hiding?” He squinted his eyes at them in suspension.


“Oh nothing.” Hyo waved his hand in uninteresting manner, “Except for the fact that Hyun played basketball all throughout her high school days.”


“Yah!” Junsu protested, “That’s not fair! You should have told us!” He pointed at them.


“Too bad.” Hyun stuck her tongue out at them, “Plus you never asked. You just assumed that we would be bad at it because we only had two players.”


“Not fair.” JaeJoong stomped his feet causing the siblings to laugh.


“Let’s just play.” Yoochun smirked, “You guys know I also played basketball.” That made Junsu and JaeJoong happy again.


The basketball game went over two hours, but laughing didn’t stop at all. Everyone was happy even when their feet ached and sweat made their clothes wet. This became one of their fondest memories, but who would have thought that the troubles that was approaching would rip apart the bright sweet smiles on their faces.  


I'm so sorry for the late update. 

We have midterms right now, so It's been hard for me to 

actually sit down and write a chapter all at once.

This chapter took over 4 days to write. 

However, I do hope you enjoyed it.

Please subscribe, upvote, and leave a comment.

Thank you! I love you <3 ^^

Present time Ft. Balloon Era Special (because they were just too cute >_<)

Just a random gif of Jae touching Junsu's ... LOL!


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AmyDick #1
Chapter 33: Sudden appearance of heechul which give a little light on hyun's and jyj but the way tovictory is still long ahead to get. Gotta wait for hyun action after receiving the document.
AmyDick #2
Chapter 32: I think you need to go to the original plot line after all the yoohyun's love line. Time to be serious.
Thanks for updating anyway.
youngmin22 #3
Chapter 31: It's okay, i'm happy that you update. I love this story
Fighting authornim....
mettugiworld #4
Chapter 31: Thank you. I always be no 1 fan of this fanfic. Haha
Giannarodz23 #5
Chapter 30: Amazing update soon
AmyDick #6
Chapter 31: I was shocked at first. Is it real? Was the words i said when i read my friend's post on facebook but then it hasn't prove yet and we still didn't know the truth.
For me if really yoochun did it i don't know if i'll still have respect him but i hope he is innocent. For real he has been built his clear image for years but this news is a shock that i don't know which one is true since everything is blur. I also didn't follow news that much but i feel a bit relax after cjes gave statement.
mettugiworld #7
Chapter 31: I know what you feel authornim. My heart really hurt. I'm angry with media posting something that not related to YC. I'm also confused with so many statemen from pollice and his agency. The pollice investigation also so slow to uncover this case. And YC side doesnt hav chance to speak up to pollice. His agency still wait for official summon from pollice. And medias were far away and too much. They attack YC like he's already a criminal. In fact he didnt investigate yet by pollice. And the news always about girl side.

This scandal really make me headache and hurt. I've been sick since last night. I also cant cry although I want. But, my heart still shake and hurt. I wanna cry or put my anger on something or someone but I cant.

I really hate JTBC and Channel A who report him in media like they're dumb and not clarify first on YC side or pollice. This is too much. They must deserve worst than this
sn123456 #8
Chapter 31: I just hope I haven't been in love with the wrong guy for many years. I wish he will be found innocent. My Chun isn't such a man.
mettugiworld #9
Chapter 30: Honestly I dislike Sulli. But yeah its okay its yur story. Heheh

I hope more triangle love story between Yoochun-Hyun-Yunho. Haha
MystMayden41 #10
Chapter 30: Gosh Heechul, you just realised your CEO isn't all SM idol believes he is lol.

Awesome come back from Sulli to Changmin author-nim when they we're talking in the restaurant. If only that happened for real when JYJ we're made to look like the bad guys and still are looked upon as the bad guys.

When Yunho finds out the friend Hyun's staying with, he's going to be one greeneyed monster :p:D