Taehyun, Wanted

[WINNER] Fanfic




You threw open the door and dashed out into the night air. You ripped off your high heels and felt the damp grass between your toes as you ran for what seemed like ages.

Who needed prom anyway?

The second you saw all of those happy couples with their arms around each other dancing to slow music, you knew coming to the prom alone was a bad idea.

You spotted a bench under a tree and slowly sat down. The blue dress you’re wearing was already soiled and damp, but you could not care less. You pulled the pins out of your hair and let it fall down on your shoulders. Hours of preparation doing your hair and make-up, hundreds of dollars for your dress, and no, not one guy would give you a second glance.

Your eyes started to burn and your throat felt like it was paralyzed as hot tears fell from your cheeks.

‘Things would always be the same. I would watch my friends laugh and hold their boyfriends, and I myself would never be happy.’  You thought as more tears started to fall

In the distance, you saw a black silhouette of a figure walking towards you from the prom venue.

‘Great,’ You thought, ‘As if I didn't look bad enough already, someone needs to see me like this.”

As the figure approached you tried to avoid eye contact and you pulled your hair in front of your face.

 It's too bad he knows you.

 “ Y/N ?" he whispered.

It was Taehyun, one of your best friends in the entire world. He was caring, strong, and it would be quite a lie if you said you weren’t attracted to him, not that it mattered anyway.

He quickly came closer and knelt down in front of you. You saw his brown eyes in the little bit of moonlight that shone through the tree. His expression looked concerning, but most of all hurt. You couldn't help but cry more and turn away. 

" Y/N , tell me what's wrong," he demanded. His voice sounded shaky himself and you were a little confused why.

He put his hand on your bare knee, and in that instant it almost felt like a lightning bolt shot through your body. It felt scary and warm at the same time. He got up and sat next to you. He was fully dressed in his tuxedo with the light blue tie his mom probably picked out for him. This small detail makes you smile a bit. 


" Y/N , you're scaring me." he said grabbing your arm, "What on earth is going on?"

 You stared at your lap and felt like you were in a movie, except that this was real. Taehyun was really sitting next to you, this close, and you weren't making fun of each other or fighting over a pack of Lays.

You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for a serious case of word vomit.

"Prom . Life . Everyone in there, they're so happy...together. I'll never have that, no matter how hard I try. I hate myself, I want to be different...but I can't." You can't believe you actually said this to him, to anyone.

You forced yourself to look up, and to your surprise his eyes were watering too. Taehyun's eyes, the same eyes that constantly try to keep a tough appearance. The same eyes that you had never had the strength to stare long enough into, until now. 

"I never knew you thought of yourself like that." Taehyun said softly.

You wiped your face with the back of your hand and looked away. The whole thing seemed so surreal, especially him crying now. 

"Why are you crying?" You suddenly asked.

"I'm crying, because it turns out I didn't know as much about you as I thought I did. I'm crying because when I see you sad, I swear I'm three times as sad. I'm crying because if I had known how you feel, I would have done this sooner." In what seemed like a millisecond he grabbed your waist with one hand and your neck with the other and kissed you long and hard.

His lips were soft, and his cheeks were wet, both from your tears and his. His grip was strong and firm, but his fingers remained soft and light. You can't even describe what you felt right then as you kissed him back, hesitant at first, but soon found your arms wrapped around his shoulders. You felt his hand slowly run down your back and that's when you knew you could stay there, in that one spot forever.


You weren't at prom, and you had never felt ugly or down on yourself.

Taehyun made you beautiful, and wanted.

And that's all you ever wanted.





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Choding0w0Babylion #1
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Choding0w0Babylion #2
Chapter 1: It's funny! And nonsensical, in a good way~