Jinwoo, The Alien [Short Story]

[WINNER] Fanfic



In an apartment in Seoul there lived a cute alien named Jinwoo. Not an urban chilly, tiny apartment, filled with cobwebs and a bad smell. It was an alien-apartment and that means happiness, cookies, and Jinwoo!

One day, after a troubling visit from the earthling Mino…


“Jinwoo-ya please! I need you to find it!” Mino says for the nth time.

“It's too troublesome Mino, I don’t want to do it.” Jinwoo says reaching for another cookie from the jar.

“Please! I’m your friend right?” Mino pleads taking Jinwoo’s hand squeezing it tight.

“Yah! Let go!” Jinwoo pulls his hand back. “I said no, and you can’t do anything about it.”

“I’ll pay you anything!” Mino exclaims.

“Anything?” Jinwoo raises his eyebrows.

“Yes yes anything.” Mino nods like his head’s gonna fall off.

Jinwoo smirks at Mino’s reply. “Alright I’ll do it.”


Jinwoo leaves his apartment and sets out in search of a banana.

Mino has offered Jinwoo 3 million won to find his lost banana. Not just an ordinary banana, but his pure golden banana. Mino says his banana is special and it will be oh so sweet to eat when Jinwoo recovers it for him.

Mino says he lost his banana at the mall thus, Jinwoo is at the mall.

"I'm really stupid for agreeing to find a banana" Jinwoo groans. "But at least he's paying good for an earthling."

"Now where is that banana?" Jinwoo scratches his head. 

Jinwoo's phone beeps as a message was received.

Mino: I think it's somewhere at the 2nd floor of the mall. I bought something from the stores there. Yes, all the stores cause I'm that rich.

Jinwoo rolls his eyes at the last part and starts looking through the stores. He enters an Adidas store and is immediately greeted by the male clerk

"Welcome! How can I help you?" The male says and his name tag says he's called 'Seunghoon'

"It's fine, I'm just looking around." Jinwoo smiles.

He looks around the store for a good 5 minutes.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Seunghoon suddenly asks.

"Ah no, I'm just looking for a banana." Jinwoo says without even thinking twice. 

Seunghoon nods and leaves Jinwoo alone. Jinwoo's glad that Seunghoon didn't even question him about the banana part and he leaves the store.

"One store down 30 more to go." Jinwoo sighs.


- - - -

One hour later


 "UGH! How am I gonna find that stupid banana?" Jinwoo groans and hits his heads. 

"Yah! Jinwoo!" a voice calls from behind.

Jinwoo turns around and sees his earthling friend Seungyoon walking towards him.

"Hey." Jinwoo waves.

"What's up? It’s rare to see you out like this my alien friend." Seungyoon says as he pats Jinwoo's back. 

"Yeah, I just have a client." Jinwoo shrugs.

"So what are you looking for this time?" Yoon asks.

"A banana." Jinwoo replys

"Are you serious?" Seungyoon raises his eyebrows.

Jinwoo just sighs and a moment later Seungyoon starts laughing his head off. 

"O--oh wh-what t-the---" Seungyoon tries to says while still laughing.

"Well at least he’s paying me 3 million won." Jinwoo says.

Seungyoon immediately stops laughing and his eyes pop out.

"3 million won?!" Yoon asks.

"Yup." Jinwoo says popping the 'p' sound.

"If you think I'm sharing, it's a no. And I have to go." Jinwoo turns around and starts walking away leaving Seungyoon.

"Just remember what you're here on earth for!" Seungyoon calls after Jinwoo.


- - -


In the search for the monkey-guarded bananas, Jinwoo surprises even himself with his patience and skill as an alien doing this silly quest in a mall on earth.

During his travels in the foodcourt, Jinwoo recovers a sausage, an heirloom belonging to Taehyun: the king of his planet. 

Looking at the sausage, Jinwoo knows that this belongs to Taehyun just by looking at the homemade, red, large sausage on his plate. Afterall, Jinwoo was tasked to leave his planet after Taehyun had lost his sausage on earth. 

"I must return this sausage to Taehyun." Jinwoo whispers to himself.

"I must have this on take-out." Jinwoo was about to stand when suddenly Mino arrives.

"So did you find my banana yet?" Mino asks eyeing Jinwoo's sausage.

"No." Jinwoo rolls his eyes. "I'll find it later."

"Hey are you going to eat that?" Mino says and takes Jinwoo's plate.

Jinwoo's eyes widen as Mino takes his sausage. 

"Stop!" Jinwoo shouts and grabs Mino's hand before Mino could touch his sausage. 

"Don't you touch it." Jinwoo growls. "It's not yours" Jinwoo stands and takes the plate with him.

Mino sits there watching Jinwoo leave taking the sausage with him. 

"I should say sorry. I didn't mean to touch his sausage. I was just hungry." Mino says and stands. He was walking towards Jinwoo when 2 boys suddenly steal the plate from Jinwoo's hand.

"STOP!" Jinwoo shouts running after the boys and Mino also starts running after them.

Mino catches up with Jinwoo as they keep on running after the boys.

"Who the would steal a sausage?" Mino says breathless.

"Aliens who know who that sausage really belongs to." Jinwoo replies keeping his eyes on the two boys.

The theives make a turn while Jinwoo and Mino run faster trying to catch up. As they made the turn, they see that the sausage has already been bitten.

"NO!" Mino shouts.

Jinwoo stops his tracks and stares at the two boys. The two boys keep eating the sausage not caring about who they stole it from. 

Mino looks at Jinwoo with concern. "Hey are you alright?" He says placing a hand on Jinwoo's shoulder.

“I should go over there and make them regret stealing your sausage like that.” Mino says rolling his sleeves up.

Mino was about to walk towards the boys when Jinwoo stops him. "Don’t. It was the wrong sausage after all." 

"Huh?" Mino's brows furrow.

Jinwoo sighs, turns around and starts walking. 

'Humans can't eat alien sausage. They'd die from it if they do.' Jinwoo thinks to himself.

"What do you mean wrong sausage?" Mino asks confused

Jinwoo was about to answer when someone calls him. He turns to his right and sees the male clerk from earlier.

"Sir! I found your banana." Seunghoon says raising the said banana

Mino runs over to Seunghoon and hugs him.

"Thank you!  Thank you! You found my banana." Mino says taking the banana from Seunghoon's hands.

Mino admires the golden banana in his hands and he kisses it. Jinwoo rolls his eyes at Mino

“Well my job’s done. I’m going home and you can keep the money if you want. Since the clerk found it” Jinwoo sighs and turns around ready to go home.

“I’ll send it to your bank account.” Mino says and he also walks away.

Jinwoo returns home  to his apartment as a wealthy alien. 



Lmao. I can't believed I made a story like this. How creative/stupid of me.

Anyway I hope you like it. 

I'm still making my story for Seungyoon. It's gonna be another story and it won't be included in this, VVINNER.



can't believe you read it. but I love you 








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Choding0w0Babylion #1
Chapter 3: This is short but sweet! I like it!
Choding0w0Babylion #2
Chapter 1: It's funny! And nonsensical, in a good way~