Bad Chicken

Old Life. New Start?

Eun Mi’s POV:

I walked out of the house grumbling to myself. “Why do I have to take out the nasty trash? I'm gonna be late. Again!” I reached the bins around the corner only to find some jerk standing in front blocking the way! “Yah! Ajusshi, can you get out of the way please!” It was too early and I didn’t feel nice enough to be polite!

“Wow, after all these years you still can shout.” He turned around and flashed me a smile that would have killed fan girls around the world. But the inly thought gone through my head was, great, I just shouted at Cho Kyuhyun.

My cheeks went bright red, oh great now I'm gonna look even more stupid. “Erm… I'm …. I'm” I stuttered trying to get the words to come out of my mouth. He smiled at me again, “Long time no see, I see your way of greeting people hasn’t changed.” WHAT?!

“Oh, yeah” I forced a smile on to my face as I stared at him. How the hell can he just stand there and pretend like we saw each other yesterday and nothing ever happened?! His voice broke me out of my thoughts, “so how have you been?”

“Me? I’ve been good, what about you?” The minute I asked this I regretted it; he leaned slightly more towards me and stared onto my eyes “much better after seeing you.” Please ground; just swallow me up right now.

Wait he's leaning closer! What is he doin….. SORRY SORRY SORRY! What the hell? Was that is ringtone? He looked at the display and groaned, “I need to take this.” He put the phone to his ear, “hey babe what’s up?”

Babe? BABE?! He has a girlfriend?! Then what the hell was that just now?! He walked away, leaving me standing there holding a bag of stinking trash, that then leaked onto my foot. “Awww this is just great!” Ahhh! WORK!


Kyuhyun’s POV:

“Hey babe.” Great, how is it that Maria seems to ruin everything?! I was being so smooth with Eunmi as well (not useually my sort of thing). I walked away thinking about how weird it was to see her again, did I miss her? At that moment though a shrill scream was emitted from the piece of technology I was holding to my ear. “OPPA ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!” No…. “Of course I am.” It’s not like anything of interest comes out of your mouth….. “WELL HURRY UP AND GET DOWN TO THE STADIUM NOW! EVERYONE’S WAITING FOR YOU!” Oh crap.

When I arrived about 20 minutes later I was greeted at the entrance by a very angry looking Leeteuk, “What the hell do you call this maknae? You're half an hour late!”

“I’m really sorry hyung, I got caught up doing something.” The look he gave me was strong enough to drill a hole through marble, I trembled under his glare, and Leeteuk can be really scary when he’s angry. “Fine just hurry up and get in. Everyone is waiting, we started rehearsing without you.”  

As I shuffled in dejectedly after Leeteuk I was met with the angry glares of most of the backup dancers and the people that worked there. The angry looks were starting to make me feel sick, or maybe it was that suspicious chicken I got from the street vendor?

Someone rushed past me and bumped into my shoulder. “Hey watch where you going…. Eunmi?!” I looked at her smirking. “Are you following me or something?” she didn’t see the funny side. “No actually I work here.” She said over her shoulder, as she stormed off. Jeeze what’s gotten into her? Wait what did she just say?!

3 hours later:

Aigoo! I’m exhausted. We've been doing dance practise and sound check for what seems like forever, all we do is dance, and I’ll be the first to admit. I'm not the best dancer in the world (hey I'm a ballad singer okay?) Also I'm not feeling too good.

“Okay once more!” I glared at the back of Eunhyuk’s head as he said those hateful words. I can’t keep doing this. “Erm hyung? I’m not feeling too good. Can I go and sit this one out for a minute?” All that question got me were a few glares and some mutterings about how everyone else managed to get here on time.

“1, 2, 3….and 4!” The first few lines of A-cha started, I really don’t feel well. “Oh man.” Why is everything going fuzzy? And why is the stage rising? Or was I falling?

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Kyaaa ^_^ good so far
i like it~
Looks like you might need a poster...why not request at coffee bean?<br />