
Old Life. New Start?

Eun Mi’s POV:

Ahhh this is what I’m talking about! RAMEN! I pride myself on my ramen cooking abilities (I should because it’s really what I live off, hey don’t judge me! I can cook…. I just chose not to!) Work has been really busy the past days because of the concert, so it feels good to have a break.

As I sighed and looked out of the kitchen window that’s when I saw him. “Kyuhyun?!” I gasped, while staring blankly at him. No he wasn’t in the kitchen! But from the kitchen window you can see the kitchen of our next door neighbours.

He was laughing at something someone had said, but I couldn’t see who. I assumed it was his mother, I mean she does live there. While I was staring like an idiot he turned around!! He’s gonna see me!!

I suddenly ducked down so that he wouldn’t see me. After a few minutes of me crouching there my mother walked in. She stared at me. “what on earth are you doing?” she said, looking at me crouching under her kitchen counter clutching my half cooked ramen, a look of sheer terror on my face. I must look like such a babo! I slapped my forehead, “owww!”

I looked at my mum still standing above me. “Erm….. I dropped my… chopsticks?” I grinned as I held them up.

She was still staring at me with a bemused look on her face. “So you hiding under my countertop has nothing to do with the fact that Mrs Cho’s son came back to visit?” She had that knowing smile on her face that mothers get when they know they're right.

“Really?” I asked, feigning innocence. “He's back? I had no idea.” She just looked at me and laughed, “nice try, but I'm your mother remember? You can’t lie to me.” She grew serious, “do you still have feelings for him?”

I stared at her “no! I never have and never will have feelings towards the man known as Cho Kyuhyun!” I spat the last name out, though it didn’t sound as convincing as it should have. My mother sighed and went back to her favourite T.V show.

What are my feelings for him? Do I still love him? As a friend? Or as something else?

When we were younger I had a small crush on him, but I never acted on it (apart from one tiny kiss) but then he got popular and I was left in the side lines. I lost my best friend who I was falling in love with.

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Kyaaa ^_^ good so far
i like it~
Looks like you might need a poster...why not request at coffee bean?<br />