Fresh Day

Old Life. New Start?

Eun Mi's POV:

*beep....Beep.....BEEP!* "Aish!" I moaned as I rolled over in my tangled mess of a bed, to turn my stupid alarm off. "Okay Okay stop with the beeping already!" Finally I managed to hit the thing and silence fell, I sat up in bed looking around at my room. Sunlight from the open curtains was flooding in, making everything look new and clean (even though it really wasn't).  

I sighed and rolled out of bed. Time to go to work! Yay.... Not that I hated my work, it could just get really boring somtimes, at least the people were nice, I even conisdered some of them as friends. But working at one of Seoul's largest arenas had its perks, so many celebs had their concerts there! I once met BigBang! (small fangirl moment) even though I'm not a fangirl it was still amazing and they seemed really nice, maybe because I wasn't screaming at them for an autograph. Anyway getting off topic....

"Aish!" All this thinking had distracted me. I was going to be late if I didn't hurry!

I had a rushed shower and was eating my breakfast when my mother walked in and the radio "Hey Umma! I was enjoying the quiet!" I huffed at her. She looked at me. "Well i want to listen to the radio". It was too early to argue with her and it wasn't that annoying, I just wasn't much of a morning person.

I recognised the song that was playing, "Sorry Sorry" By that boyband Super Junior. I started absentmindedly humming along, until I realised what I was doing and stopped myself. Don't get me wrong I'm not an anti-fan in any way, I just didn't get all the fuss, I mean, they're only human right? "Eun Mi you're going to be late!" my umma shouted at me. Waking me from my thoughts, "Aish! You really need to stop drifting off like that!"

I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house. "Bye Bye Umma be back later!"


Kyuhyun's POV:

"die....Die.....DIE! hahaha!" I shouted at the zombies on the screen of my PSP. A pillow flew through the air and hit me on the back of my head . "oww!" I looked around and saw Sungmin glaring at me from his bed "Kyuhyun please shut up, or go into the other room if you're gonna play that thing, I have nothing this morning and I really want to sleep in!"

"Fine" I huffed as I walked out into the main room, Leeteuk was standing in the entrance to the kitchen with a bowl of last night's noodles, he smirked when he saw my face. "Making too much noise for Sungmin eh?" he laughed at me. "Don't you start. All I want to do is play my game."

We have been allowed a few days off from our hectic scheduels to relax before our big concert in Seoul in a week. I tried to act cool, but I was pretty excited about it, can't wait to see all those fangirls screaming my name. Why wouldn't they though? Even though I say so myself I'm pretty hot. At that precise moment Siwon landed on the couch next to me with a thud. "Hey Kyu!" He got me in a headlock and ruffled my hair "how are you?"

"Agioo! let go of me you freak!" I shouted, trying to look at my PSP through his arms. "Aww great now I'm dead! you happy?!"

"Kinda!" He grined at me and walked away. For an upstanding religous guy he's a gaint pain the the !

Eun Mi's POV:

I ran in and looked at the clock "Yes!" I made it on time. Just as I was celebrating this small victory all of the senior managers of the company that run to stadium walked in. I froze midway through my dance looking at them. After 5 seconds of nothing I suddenly realised what Iwas doing and quickly stood up and bowed "Sorry about that." One of the younger managers smiled warmly at me "It's fine! Those were quite some moves." I blushed and sat down at my desk. He was kinda cute! What was his name? Manager... Lee? Yeah Manger Lee Young Sun. He was still smiling at me, he had a really nice smile.

One of the older mangers coughed. "Well we just came to announce somthing very important, Korean mega boyband Super Junior will be holding one of their biggest concerts here in a week! We understand that it is very late notice for all of you who work behind the scenes but we have been negoitating this for months with SM Entertainment. Everything must go smoothly."

As they walked out I turned round to my co-worker, and best friend Bong Cha. "Ommo! This is gonna be soooo amazing!" She shouted inches away form my ear. "If they are all coming here that means that Siwon will be with them!" (Swion is very much her bias). "What will I wear when they come?" she looked at my face. "I know I'll be working backstage but that dosen't mean I can't look nice!"

I sighed and turned away from her and the other girls swooning over Super Junior and their abs. I wondered what it would be like to meet all of them. To see him agin. My best friend. No sorry.... My former best friend.


So thats the end of my first chapter, hope you guy's liked it! It is a bit slow but I wanted to properly introduce the characters before starting off the real story.
But Watch This Space for more updates! :)

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Kyaaa ^_^ good so far
i like it~
Looks like you might need a poster...why not request at coffee bean?<br />