Lost in Memories Part 3

Lost in Memories
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When I opened my eyes slightly, I saw someone’s shadow near the door. I called out Sungyeol’s name but then I realized he was at the other part of the earth. How on earth he could be here at this time? He must still asleep in there, drooling and slept talking to himself. But then I remembered how he often came into my room without knocking and jumped on the bed, kicking me aside and slept beside me then mumbling to himself until he fell asleep on his own. Slowly the figure at the door became clearer,


“..M-Mom?” I called.


Through the shadowy, I saw her fade smile. My eyes followed her from the door till my bed. She sat down very carefully as if trying not to make any bounce, not wanting to wake me up. I watched her hand came closer to my head and there her delicate hand patted my head and brushed my hair softly. Her hand stopped when I lifted my hand and took hers into mine and she pulled away before I could take it. I looked up to her and asked if there was something wrong.


“Myungsoo yah…”


The first time after 7 years, I heard her calling my name. “Take care” She stood up and walked to the door. She stood there for a minute before walked out and closed the door silently like how she sat on the bed. I stared at the close door and wondered if this was a dream or reality.



The next morning I got a call from my cousin, they told me my mother passed away yesterday night in the hospital due to car accident. The car hit her and ran away, leaving her dying on the street.


 “Hyung, I am sorry to hear—“ Sungjong couldn’t finish his words and I didn’t need him to finish his words because each sorry people uttered

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Chapter 14: Myungsoo find people who cares about him when his mom isn't around anymore. I want to know who is the girl that appear in his dreams. Hugs ^^,
Chapter 12: I like this story. In the beginning I was kind of confused with who's point of view was but now I get it. Hope that Sungyeol doesn't have a terminal sickness. Keep writing it. ^^,
Chapter 11: whoa i love this, keep it up tho i get confused of who's who pov for the few chapters earlier, but i still manage to get a grasp of it haha
tiabarty #4
keep it up the good work!