
Virtually Real


I groan as my annoying alarm went off, flipping to the other side of the bed.

WHO THE HELL WOULD SET AN ALARM DURING A WEEKEND? Well, Me! I hate not planning things. hah!

I got my phone up from the table beside my phone and began scrolling through, again, my almost empty contacts.I was unsatisfied with the contact name I have given the 

"ToBaekthebaeof  eyeliners

Baekwhat time will you come over here? To you know... help me sign up for that annoying app."

He didn't reply. I guess he's still sleeping. That jerk, sleeping when I need him. I just need to finish this crap so he won't bother me already.

I'm checking my to-do list so that I have something to do while waiting for Baek to reply so that my plans won't have a conflict with his plan on coming here.

After three hours or so, the prick replied.

"From: Baek


And yes, after what seems like an hour I heard a knock on my door. I'm pretty sure it's Baek, so I opened it without asking who it was.

"Good morning Kyung! Are you ready to flirt and get a fckng lovelife of your own?" he said with a big grin on his face and he looks like he just rushed out of bed without fixing himself but I'm used to it.

"It's past two in the afternoon Baek, good afternoon too. What took you so long? You dont even look like you brushed your teeth or combed your hair."

"I just woke up so it's a morning for me and I'm sorry Kyung but perfection takes time."

"Alright. Alright. I get it. Can you just help me set this thing up so that it will be finished sooner?"

"Okay. Open the app Kyung and click sign up button." So I did what he told me

"Done fckng princess without a tiara. What's next?"

"Fill the needed info, Kyung. Like name, birthday, email and stuff like that. It's just like Facebook, Kyung," he said as he played with my pillows and he noticed I didn't respond so he looked at my direction "Opps. You don't even have a Facebook. I forgot haha anti-social prick. So just fill what it asked for."

"Stop calling me a prick or I will stop doing this shxt. Okay I'm done, what's next?"

"Okay fine KYUNG. Click the 'next' button and type your desired username and your password." userwhat?

"What's a username, Baek?"

"Duh. From the word itself, Kyung. A USER.NAME. You can choose any name you want, it's okay to not use your real name."

"Okay. Is 'Kyungsoo' okay?"

"When the world gives you a chance to change your name, you don't get to use your real name still, Kyung. What is wrong with you?" He rolled his eyes like a y high school student.

"I can't think of any. How about 'Pororo' ?"

"It's fine, but I'm pretty sure it's taken. So try another one, a much better one."

"What is your username baek? So that I will have an idea."

"Don't even bother, Kyung. You won't like it."

"Why? Is it that bad? Just tell me or else--" I didnt even get to finish my sentence because he cut me off

"It's ByunTheHottie, okay?! Don't you dare laugh at me, Kyung. I'm warning you." Pfffft.

"Okay, I won't but why did you add the 'hottie' part? You're not even close to y."

"Leave me alone, okay? I place 'hottie' there so that a lot of other users will hit me up and flirt. Now think of your own username and don't talk about mine"

"Flirting bastard haha! How about 'DyoKim', Baek?"

"What's with DyoKim?"

"Combination of names. Duh"

"Fine use it. I can't think of something else. You can just change it later. Now click 'Done' and finally your done! They don't require you to post a picture of yourself, so just don't bother. Now explore the app and learn by yourself. Add friends and talk or flirt with them for at least one week, we had a deal remember?"

"I remember, Baek" I didn't bother to look in his direction because I'm busy with this annoying app.

"I need to go, Kyung. See you when I see you." I didnt respond. I'm busy.


"From: Jongin

Are you free today kyung? :)"

Ugh. Jongin again.

"To: Jongin

I don't have time for your insults and your attitude jongin so I'm not free today"


I didn't bother to check his reply and deleted our conversation instantly. I'm sure it's just another insult and I'm busy with this app, so why fcking bother?

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