
Virtually Real

It's a MONDAY.


Who the hell likes Monday?

I don't really go to school because I want to, I go to school for a diploma and a bright future but other than that I really hate school. School is full of fake es and s. Speaking of the devil, I'm about to meet one of the most annoying in school, Jongin. I hope he won't notice me.

Dont draw attention to yourself, Kyungsoo.

Act normal.

Walk faster, Kyungsoo.

Look straight.

Don't look in his direction.


Don't Kyungsoo, don't.

"Hi Kyungsoo, Its nice to see you here."

Nevermind, he already saw you. Good going, .

"Hi Jongin, its nice to see you ruin my Monday more, since my Mondays are always ruined by just being a Monday."

"Good to know that I made your day kyungsoo ;)" He's so full of himself. Why can't he be humble and kind? How hard can that be?

"I hate to ruin your good view, Kyung but I need to go to class, see you on lunch or during the fifth period. Adios~"

"You already ruined my view the time I saw you Jongin. Adios ," I said it quietly so he can't hear me

"Did you say something Kyungsoo?" Told you, he can't hear me

"Nothing Joingin, Goodbye! I hope I wont see you again."

"Awwweee. Thats sweet of you Kyungsoo."

"Shut up. I mean it, Jongin. Stop annoying the hell out of me."

He looked hurt at my words. I don't have the slightest idea why he would feel hurt. After all, he must be used to me acting this way towards him.

"You hate me that much, huh?"

I didn't answer him and walked my way to class, rolling my eyes. I really can't stand him. I dont know what the heck is his problem with me, but he always acts like a jerk. EVERYTIME we meet. I can't remember a single moment in my entire life where he has acted nice or even just pretend to be nice and not cocky.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, back to my social life. This app is not what I thought it was. It's actually nice having someone to talk to who don't know you personally and won't judge you or anything.

I think Baek was right, I do need a social life. A social life where no one can judge me and a social life where everyone is nice. And especially one where there's no cocky Jongin around.

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