
Virtually Real


"Kyungsoo please!~" my friend Baekhyun pleads while pouting. 

"A NO is a NO, Period. Don't act cute and with me, Baekhyun. I'm not in the mood." I scoffed, giving him a glare.

"Just this once Kyungsoo. I know you'll like it, and you also need to try knew things" he paused, as I raised my eyebrow expecting a lame answer. He looked at me with a mischievous smile  "Like... flirting" he laughed the second I pulled on a face. What the , Baekhyun.

"And just what part of NO, don't you understand?" I rolled my eyes at his being inconsiderate."It's just for a week, Kyung. If you didn't like it, then fine, uninstall it...but I bet you won't," he smirks. How on Earth did I became friends with this jerk again? Oh yeah... we practically grew up together and were neighbors since birth. 

"Fine, but a week is a week, Baek. If it turns out bad, I swear to God I will slit your throat with your damned eyeliners."

I swear I won't hesitate to do all those things to this flirt. I sighed again and sat at one of the wooden benches on the school yard. I got a bad feeling about this. 

"You won't, I promise" he smiled flirtatiously and winked at me, but his smile was soon replaced with a frown while I stay expressionless. "And who told you, you could touch my eyeliners?" The bell rang signaling our last period was over, not that I even had a class then, when Baekhyun dragged me out of class.

I sighed again and grabbed my bag, tossing it over my shoulder.

"Bye Baek, see ya!"  And with that, I ran as fast as I could.

I decided to walk slowly, my house is a fifteen minute walk so what can go wrong? Besides I like taking long walks, helps me clear my mind. But then Baekhyun suddenly popped in my head. I rolled my eyes.

Baehkyun was forcing me to install this app on my phone. Its no biggie but letting me use it? NO ING WAY.

 I want to focus on my studies so no distractions for now, but as you can see, Baek wouldn't give the up so I'm using it for one week. ONLY FOR A WEEK.

I'm positive. Its just one week, I know I won't' like it and I won't use it again after one week. I'm 200% sure of it. Because who cares about boys and getting a love life? well... definitely not me! and even if I want to, I don't even know how to flirt. 

I saw my neighborhood's bakery which is close to my house, it was a five minute walk from there so I took out my phone and searched through my contact list. There wasn't much in my contact list, I deleted most of the people that I didn't know I even talked to. It took me a minute to find the person I was looking for.

To: Byun Baekhyun the flirt

Help me sign up in this app tomorrow if you still want me to use it. adios mthrfckr~

--- end ---

I'm not expecting him to reply because I know he's busy with that app, flirting but I guess he did text me. that prick.

From: Jongin

Aye Kyung. :)

--- end ---

Good timing Jongin. I'm not in the mood for your insults. I scoffed and turned my phone off.

When I reached home, I placed my phone on the bed-side table and got ready for bed. Its gonna be a big day tomorrow. I glanced at my phone one more time before I doze off to sleep.



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