Chapter 14

12 Overprotective Seniors

On Monday when you returned to school, Eunhye pestered you about the trip to theme park. You told her that there wasn’t nothing much happened there. Like a usual trip that you all played all the rides and later on went to Lay’s house. She gasped upon hearing it. She wanted to go with you so much but it seemed that EXO members doesn’t invite her.

That day, there were news spreading about you and a guy. Someone that was from your economics class. Surely not about Kai.

“What’s going on?” You asked your economics class friend, Nana.

“You don’t know?” Nana gasped after hearing you asking her about the news. You shook your head to her.

“Yah. Lee Jun Young, he likes you.” Nana blurted out. Your eyes widened after hearing it. *What?! Lee Jun Young?!* You internally screamed. Jun Young is someone who is quite good looking and there are quite a number of girls who like him too.

When Jun Young entered the class, everyone stared at him and then onto you.

“Good luck.” Nana last said her words before the tutor came in to conduct the class. You went back to your seat which was beside Kai’s.

“Wow. Not bad eh.” Kai smirked at you. You rolled your eyes at him and continued listening to the tutor. But to be honest, you were not mentally there even though you were physically there. *What if, the news is true?* You thought. Isn’t it supposed to be something happy that someone is crushing on you? But at the same time, you were doubting about the news. Rumours are still rumours. It may be false.

The class ended without you knowing. You quickly packed your bags to prevent anyone coming over to you and asked about Lee Jun Young. On the way to the canteen, you bumped into Eunhye.

“Jerelyn! I heard of it!” She squealed. *What?! Even someone who is not in my class knows about the news?* Your eyes widened when Eunhye talked about it.

“What?” You acted blur. Eunhye then went on to tell you that she knows about the news. You shook your head in disbelief. You wanted to know why is this news becoming popular.

Meanwhile, at EXO…

“Hyung! Wanna go out to have some talking later after school?” Kai asked Yeollie.

“With Jerelyn?” Yeollie asked with twinkling eyes. Kai sighed. Kai wanted to have a brother’s talk with Chanyeol but it’s impossible to have you going along. Kai then shook his head in reply to Chanyeol’s question. “Then, I’m not going. I have to go now.” Chanyeol waved goodbye to Kai.

Then, Kai continued to walk down the corridor to his class. Well, the next person he met on the corridor was Xiumin.

“Minseok hyung! Do you want to hang out afterwards? Not with Jerelyn.” Kai indicated. Again, he got rejected by Xiumin. Kai went on to ask why.

“As you know, I have to fetch Jerelyn after she ends school to prevent her from getting lost again.” Xiumin explained. Kai just nodded his head and understand about it. He did not further asked Xiumin and went for his class.

Kai was getting frustrated. It seemed like EXO’s lives had been revolving around you. Not that he doesn’t like it, but he just want to be the same as the past. Having some time alone with themselves to have some brotherly talks. He couldn’t focus in his class. He kept thinking on who should he asked next.

When the class ended, he slowly packed his bags. Just then, he saw Sehun walking passed his class.

“Sehun!” He shouted and quickly rushed out of the classroom. Sehun turned back and looked at Kai with his head tilted. “Are you free now?” Kai asked hoping that Sehun will nod his head but it turns out the opposite.

“I’ve to go down to the canteen now. I need to get something for Jerelyn.” Sehun said and went off afterwards. This makes Kai even angry. He ruffled his hair and sighed. From then, he started having a little hatred towards you. He hated how you had robbed away his brothers from him.

Another chapter! It's 1 Feb ! Hope everyone will have a great month ahead! So, Valentine's Day is coming soon too. I wished I have a boyfriend to celebrate the day together. Oh well. Put your hands up to all single ladies! >< 

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending ^3^
Chapter 62: Nice story ☺
gemmymars #3
Chapter 62: I really enjoyed reading your story~^^
Chapter 58: Lol hunhan just had to happen XD
qilalee #5
Chapter 62: Awwwww i love u
Chapter 62: Awwww this is great chanyeol with Angeline. Hahah all have happy ending.
Winnie362002 #7
Chapter 62: OMG BEST ENDING EVER!!!!! Better late than never :P great work on the ff ^_^
Winnie362002 #8
Chapter 61: LOL CHANYEOL XDDDDDDD aw poor guy. I can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you for the epilogue~ I was really upset when this fanfic was finished but I STILL HAVE SOMETHING AWESOME TO FANTASISE ABOUT. lol Soz I'm a weirdo ^^"
Chapter 61: Omo yeol don't have girlfriend. Awww so sad. Let me be his haha lol.
Chapter 60: So cute one daughter and one son.