Pt. 3 Get it on the Floor!

Get on the Dance Floor.

Kevin stared out the window of the café as the rain poured down on the streets of Seoul. At the moment he was waiting on his best friend, Hoon, to show up. That morning, or early afternoon, when he and Kibum finally awoke and ate a little something, he called Hoon, letting the older one know that he was fine and that he was with Kibum. Immediately Hoon insisted that they meet at O’Sulloc a few blocks away without, emphasis on without, Kibum. Kevin had agreed and quickly made plans with Kibum before leaving and apologizing that he couldn’t tag along. The rain didn’t start falling until Kevin stepped foot into the little tea house, already knowing Hoon wasn’t there.

He ordered a small green tea and a pastry, both cheap in cost but he decided Hoon would pay since coming here was his idea. Looking around Kevin saw many new paintings that weren’t there a month ago, but they looked nice and really fit into the chilled atmosphere. He drifted his eyes back to his tea, sighing at his blurred, almost translucent reflection. How had he let Kibum walk right back into his life so easily? One night, one , a few kisses, and they were already making plans to go on a date. His thoughts were interrupted when someone sat next to him, that someone being a solemn looking Hoon-min.


“Don’t ‘yo’ me. Where the hell did you go last night? I was in’ worried. And don’t get me started on Eli and Kiseop—they were pretty pissed off, too.” Hoon crossed his arms over his chest while leaning back in the chair, his mouth formed in a straight line that frightened Kevin very lightly

Kevin fidgeted a little, knowing too well how much angrier his friend would be when he told him exactly where he had been. “Just chill, Hoon, I was safe with Kibum. Nothing to worry about.”

 “Nothing to worry about? You know the others don’t like Kibum anymore after the way he treated you before suddenly disappearing.  It wasn’t right Kevin and you know it. He left you crying on the streets of Seoul, at night, where anything could have happened to you. He didn’t even call to ask how you were and if you were doing okay. , you were locked up for months before you actually spoke to anyone other than your stuffed bear.”

“Hey! You said we wouldn’t speak about that to anyone.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Hoon smiled a little solemnly at Kevin, “Look, I just don’t want Alexander, Eli, and me having to come and get you out of your favorite café again.”

Kevin reached out and grabbed Hoon’s hand, it like he normally did when they were talking like this. “Don’t worry about it; I’m not that fragile anymore, hyung, I promise.”

And the next day when Kevin forced Hoon out of his house into a taxi, Hoon couldn’t help but believe the younger one, and Kevin knew that by the way his friend only laughed and obliged by his orders. Dressed nicely and smelling fresh, they returned to the dance club they had been in two nights before, this time, though, Kibum and Kevin were on good terms.

“Kevin, are we really, really going back to the club?”

Kevin nodded as he brushed his hair with his fingers, not paying any attention to his companion, too caught up in where they were going and who he was going to see; three years of loneliness can always be made up, right? “I promised Kibum I would see him tonight and I decided to bring you along so that you can find yourself a friend that isn’t me. Maybe AJ will be there. You know, that bouncer that you said looked better than Soohyun?”

Hoon stared dubiously at Kevin as he continued to fix himself. AJ? He knew an AJ? It must’ve been one night when he was drunk and Kevin forced him to go to the club with him like normal. “I don’t know what or who you’re talking about.”

“Sure. Whatever. We’re here and look! It’s Mister Hottie!”

Hoon fought to keep his eyes on Kevin but they darted to the door where a man with dark hair, a leather coat, and jeans, arms crossed over his broad chest, stood. Of course he would deny that he looked and his heart began to palpitate if Kevin ever asked any questions or accused him of doing such a thing.

“C’mon, Hoony! I wanna dance!” Kevin jumped out of the taxi, his slim hand yanking on Hoon’s until he too ended up jumping from the vehicle. Knowing that the younger one’s mind was fixated on Kibum, he paid the driver and tipped him, vowing to make the boy pay him back later. “And I know you wanna see AJ, so stop stalling.”

“I’m not stalling, I’m being civilized.”

Kevin rolled him eyes and pulled out his ID, ready to show it to the bouncer when they came to the front of the line. Hoon could deny his attraction to AJ, but the other one couldn’t deny his own attraction for the bunny looking guy and Kevin saw that when they reached him. His eyes practically bored into Hoon. “Hey AJ! Remember Hoon? He was so excited to see you tonight.” The boy bounced on the balls of his feet, adrenaline already coursing through him as he anticipated on seeing Kibum in the club again. Yeah, they were moving fast, but he enjoyed it. “Bye Hoony!”

Ignoring his friend’s protests and silent pleas, Kevin ran into the club, stopping to let his eyes adjust to the bright lights that flashed different colors according to the beats of the songs. He looked around, biting his lip when he didn’t see that brown eyed brunette standing at the DJ’s booth.

“Looking for me?”

Kevin jumped and gasped at the sudden heat of breath against his ear and the two arms that suddenly found their way around his waist. He turned in the person’s arms, smiling and relaxing when he saw it was only Kibum. “You scared me, you jerk.” He swatted at Kibum’s shoulder, giggling when the older one smiled and stuck his tongue out at him.

“Haha, right, that’s not what you said the other night.” Kibum’s voice rang with utter satisfaction as he smirked down at the blushing Kevin. “What do you want from me, Kevvy?”

With little force, he smacked Kibum’s arm, then smiled excitedly when a raging song started blaring from the speakers and pumping up every beat of his heart. “Your . Get it on the floor.” Kevin pulled Kibum into the midst of people and pulled him close when they stepped into the middle of the dance floor. He gyrated his hips and wiggled against Kibum, letting his mind drift along with the cataclysmic music that engulfed them.

If it weren’t for Kibum’s sudden grinding of his hips, Kevin could have continued dancing without ever noticing that he was becoming aroused with each brush of their hips and bodies. The sweat the dancing caused making their clothes stick to one another only making the touching and brushing all the more unbearable.

“Can we take this somewhere more private or is Hoon watching you like a hawk tonight?” Kibum’s voice against his ear was hot and labored and his breath sent static from nerve to nerve.

“Um…” He looked over Kibum’s shoulder, grinning when he saw that his friend was leaning a little closer to AJ than he had been when Keivn left them at the open door; he felt satisfied when he realized that they both had moved inside instead of staying by the door. “Nope, he’s caught up in someone right now.”

Kibum only stared at him weird for a second before pulling the boy against him and walked through the bustling crowed until he was able to push the door that led to the props room open. He stumbled over something metal-like, pulling Kevin with him, until he was able to find ground against a wall, probably not too far from the door but too far from the light switch. Kevin was pressed against him, laughing and giggling.

“You’re still as clumsy as ever, Bummie.”

He groaned a soft whatever and Kevin being the clumsy one before leaning down and capturing Kevin’s lips, muffling the rest of his laughter that slowly faded into soft mewls and moans. Kevin knew they were moving faster than people would say was logical; and he had forgiven too fast, too soon, but Kevin’s thoughts quickly wondered when his hyung’s kneed nudged between his thighs and pushed against his hardening .

He gasped and clung to Kibum, finger nails digging into the smooth fabric of the t-shirt he wore. He soon found himself with his back against the wall and Kibum’s lips attached to his neck and were quickly making their way further down. Kibum’s fingers smoothed under his shirt, fingernails skimming lightly over his smoldering skin, moving further up until his own flimsy shirt started to bunch up and was soon pulled over his head and lost in the darkness of the room.

“K-Kibum…” Kevin’s back arched and a small moan fell from his lips. Kibum’s warm hands brushed down his spine, the feathery touch leaving tingles in its wake. “Stop teasing… It’s been three years; I have pent up desires, too, ya know.”

Kibum’s chuckle sounded like music to Kevin’s ears, especially when the lips that emitted the sound pressed against his own. He smiled into the kiss, silently giggling when the older one’s tongue outlined his bottom lip and prodded. Kevin willingly let Kibum enter him, their tongues clashing in an intense battle that the boy quickly lost.

In the midst of their heated kiss, Kevin somehow managed to wrap his legs around Kibum’s waist and grind against him, gaining hot friction between both of their , the only thing stopping them from coming were the constricting jeans they both wore. Kibum’s hands fought between them, pulling Kevin’s jeans just far enough for his hand to slip to Kevin’s already achy entrance that twitched and yearned for the older one to enter him.

“Kevin, what’s this?” Kibum chuckled at the already puckered and prepared hole. “You really wanted to skip that bad?”

Kevin nodded sheepishly, shuddering when Kibum’s index finger slid over his sensitive entrance. “Like I said, three years; pent up desires.” The boy moaned loudly when the smooth, slick head of Kibum’s pressed against him, completely cutting off any train of thought about his desires. Inch by inch Kibum entered him, the preparation Kevin did earlier put to shame by the older one’s intoxicating size.

He clinched and writhed; only pulling Kibum’s length deeper until it pressed firmly against his susceptible prostate. His back arched and his hips jerked, beckoning Kibum to move. The s started slow and gradually gained momentum, each deep plunge Kevin tightened and dug his nails further into Kibum’s shoulders. His heart pounded like the sounds the reverberated against the wall behind him, the erratic beats matching his heart rate.

No words were spoken when Kibum began to harder and faster, answering Kevin’s silent pleas. They were both so close, and it only took Kibum large, warm hand to circle Kevin’s sobbing for the younger one to come, a small scream emanating from him only to be drowned out by the bumping music beyond the door that kept them from the dance floor.

Kibum came not long after Kevin fully clinched around him. His breathing was labored and harsh and he rested against the boy, dropping the younger’s legs and wrapping his arms tightly around his small waist. “That was good; no, that was adventurous.”

“No, that was dumb,” Kevin managed to say between gasps—until earlier that day, minus when Kibum did that thing the other night, he hadn’t been touched since the last time with Kibum…three years ago. “Can we do it again? In a better, non-club-related, place?”

“Yeah, how about Hoon’s?”

“That sounds like a wonderful plan.” Kevin giggled giddily when Kibum kissed him forehead, his nose, then finally his lips, tickling him in the process. That moment, he knew that not much could change in three years. He was still in deep like with Kibum; came too quickly; fell too hard; and enjoyed screwing around in his friends’ houses.

Put your hands up to the sky
No one can stop us
Empty your thoughts and freely jump to the top 



A/N: I kind of stopped proof-reading and just finished writing this; well, combinding. I hope you enjoyed this! :D I should update more.
Thank you to the 21 subscribers and comment! <3 If I reach 15 comments before next Monday, I'll give you a surprise. :)
Also, I know there are a lot of unanswered questions; want them answered? That might be the surprise~


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Yuki0710 #1
Chapter 4: That was so hot XD! ja, ja
Great story!
Lovely story! Although I was really sad with Kevin's depression...
Well in the end everything turns out great! So happy!!!
Hahahahaha, you know I think I'm a little confused now that I read Top That,
because in the first two chapters here, Kibum seems to not know Hoon 0.0?
Or am I not understanding something?
But ahh, after reading two chapters of Top That and knowing how they end I'm like /sighs happily~ ^^
^____________^<br />
That was the hottest kemaru ever!!!!!
That was awesome. I want the surprise!
tiaafifu #8
It's not finished right?<br />
I want the surprise!<br />
LOL at the easy Kevin,but he saved that 3 years long for Kibum!It's precious.<br />
Thanks for writing!
It's finished...??? It was so totally awesome!!!!! <br />
<br />