
Not a Joke

"Can you get off now?" Jongin grumbled as he threaten to drop Sehun on the carpeted floor, his arms were getting numb from carrying Sehun who weighed as he was carrying three kids in his arms instead. "Since when are you this heavy?" He added, only to realize Sehun wasn't listening as he was nuzzling his head in between the crook of Jongin's neck, which was tickling Jongin. 

"You always smell like chocolate." Sehun mumbled as his voice were muffled by Jongin's neck, tickling Jongin more with the vibration from his voice. 

Jongin's grip on Sehun loosened as he dropped Sehun on the carpeted floor before bringing his hand to his neck, rubbing it. Realizing he had just dropped Sehun , he crouched down slack-jawed, staring at Sehun in surprise. "I'm sorry. Does your back hurt? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." He murmured, circling his arm on Sehun's back as he helped Sehun to sit up, rubbing it as he always did whenever Sehun's back hurt.

"I'm okay." Sehun muttered, batting Jongin's hand on his back. 

Jongin sighed in relief before rosing from the floor. "I'm going on my date then, you make me late." 

Sehun felt his heart burning by the word date, without thinking he spoke out. "Ditching your sick friend for your date?" He muttered under his breath, loud enough to reach Jongin's ears.

"What?" Jongin spun back, looking at Sehun. "I'm not ditching you Sehun, you can take care of yourself right so why should I stay? It isn't my fault that you never stop getting in fight!" 

Sehun's face turned sullen. "Is it my fault that they never stop disturbing me? Do you think that I want it?" He raised his head, staring straight into Jongin's eyes.

Jongin scoffed. "You could have run away today Sehun, yet you let them take you away."

"Then why did you chat with Luhan instead of helping me!" He yelled angrily. "You could have helped me Jongin, but have you ever?" Sehun snorted before grasping on the floor, standing by himself but only ended up landing on his again on the floor.

Jongin's gaze on Sehun softened before going to help him, he reached for Sehun's hand but Sehun shifted away from him. "See? Whenever I want to help you, you always ignore me, just like today, you could run away with me but what did you do? You face them, and look at you now-"

Sehun pulled Jongin's lip, stopping him from babbling. "Shut up, you are not my mom." Sehun released Jongin's lip before gripping on the couch next to him, trying to climb it up.

 Jongin sighed before wrapping his arms around Sehun's back and legs, lifting him up. "Then let me be your mom." Jongin mumbled, smiling faintly at Sehun before carrying him to his room. 

He put Sehun down on his bed, slowly not to add pressure on his back. He pulled his arms gently off Sehun. "Need anything else?"

Sehun didn't reply back as he just turned his back on Jongin, ignoring him. "I need you as my boyfriend." He mumbled slowly.

"What?" Jongin said as he didn't manage to catch Sehun's words. "What do you need?" 

Sehun spun again, facing Jongin who was standing beside the bed, staring at him curiously. "I want you to off." Sehun said, a wry smile twisting his lip before turning back, giving Jongin his back.

"Sehun.." Jongin called weakly, his tone shown how he was close to giving up on Sehun's attitude.  He sighed heavily when Sehun didn't response to him, still giving Jongin his back. 

Sehun's heart slashed into two when he heard footsteps walking away from him, he pressed his lip into a thin line before burying his head in his bolster that were next to him, he was weak for such a fighter. His laughter were muffled in the soft bolster. As he was going to close his eyes, he heard footsteps again, the sound of footsteps getting clearer, which meant it was getting close to him, as the footsteps' sound disappeared,  he was spun by force, meeting Jongin's face who were just ahead of him. 

"Don't you dare to trash around." Jongin muttered before moving to Sehun's knee. He placed a container that were full of medical kits on the bed before taking a wet cotton swab, pressing it on Sehun's knee gently to wipe the dry blood.


Sehun hissed, his eyes closed due to the pain on his knee. "Do it gently." He hissed.

"The wound is too deep, how did you fall?" Jongin asked as he kept his eyes on the wound, smiling to himself as the blood had lessen before dropping the cotton swab that were covered in blood back in the container, taking another cotton swab and an a bottle of oil with him before turning the cap of the bottle opening it. 

"Stay still this gonna hurt." Jongin said, trying to sound gentle as possible. He pressed the bottle on the cotton before putting it down. He flashed Sehun an encouraging smile before the cotton came in contact with Sehun's skin.

Sehun hissed louder, grabbing Jongin's shoulder as holder. "Be...more...gentle." He blurted, his tone obviously shown he was in pain. His face scrunched as he tried to hold the pain on his knee.

"I'm done." Jongin brought the cotton away from Sehun's knee, throwing it back to the container. "You are so girly." Jongin chuckled before studying Sehun's knee again. "We will go to the hospital tomorrow to sew this deep wound okay? The blood still ooze out..I'm sorry that I can't help you now." Jongin rubbed the back of his neck, before rosing from the floor.

"Wait." Sehun grasped on his wrist, tugging him down before he fell on his knees. Before Jongin could adapt to the situation, Sehun pressed his lips on Jongin's lip, feeling the soft lip on his, it never feel bored. He pulled away, smiling at Jongin. "Thanks." He muttered before turning his back on Jongin again, circling his arms around his bolster before burying his face in it. 


Jongin shook his head at hos friend's action. "I'm going out with Jaehee, tell Luhan that if he stopped by." Jongin patted Sehun's back. "Get well soon Hun." 

Sehun raised his head from his bolster when he head the door creaked close. He sighed to himself, he could never make Jongin realize his truee feeling to him, if Sehun was Jongin,  he would have freak out if his friend kissed his mutiple times, but Jongin think it as something normal which was making Sehun furious. It was breaking Sehun's heart too, the fact that Jongin will never notice his true feeling, it was slowly destroying Sehun's fragile heart.




With his eyes barely open, Sehun roused from his bed, groaning at the call of his name which disturbed his peaceful sleep. With bleary eyes he raised his fist to hit whoever dared to wake him up only to have his fist being gripped tightly. 

"Are you for real? I'm here to visit you and you are readying yourself to punch me."

Sehun brought his hands to his ears to shield it from the high pitched voice, he shook his head while closing his eyes. “Don’t disturb me mom.” Sehun murmured.

“How nut.”

“Go away.” He mumbled under his breath as he leaned down to the bed again, wanting to go back to sleep. “Fattie.” He murmured as he adjusted his head on his pillow.

Sehun’s comforter were pulled off him before his pillow were taken, making his head fell on the comfy bed. He groaned as the disturbance but his eyes remained closed, shifting his head on the bed for comfort. What he didn’t expect was for him to be pulled down the bed, he felt his back hurt again by the hard impact on it.

“ who hate me so much.” He grumbled, straightening himself on the rough floor, holding his aching back.


He rubbed his bleary eyes before raising his head, meeting the devil which he hated so much with all his might. “Luhan.” He said while gritting his teeth, glaring at the doe eyed boy.

Luhan smiled teasingly at him before stretching his hand to Sehun. “Need help?” He asked, smiling.

“Thanks god.” Sehun muttered under his breath before taking Luhan’s hand, Luhan helped him to stand but suddenly released Sehun’s hand in the middle of helping him, making Sehun stumbled back on the floor. “ing hell.” He groaned.

“Luhan!” Jongdae came in the room, gasping as Sehun were sprawled on the floor, groaning at his aching back. “I told you to wake him up not hurt him oh god how dumb could you be!” He yelled at Luhan, shoving past him as he crouched next to Sehun, circling his arm on Sehun’s back. “Come my baby let me help you.”

“Why is that devil here?” Sehun asked as he draped his arm on Jongdae’s shoulder, balancing himself.

“Obviously for Jongin.” Jongdae answered as he helped Sehun to sit back on his bed.

Sehun jerked his head to Luhan who were still grinning. ‘Like a ing moron.’ He thought before glaring at Luhan. “Your playmate is not here so get lost and never come back, unless you have food with you.”


“Uh fine. He’s out with Jonghee whoever that girl was.” Sehun mumbled as he plopped back on his bed.

“Ahh his crush. It’s good he finally confessed.” Luhan muttered.

“Wait.” Sehun straightened his body on the bed. “Crush? He have a crush?”

Luhan scratched his head. “Uh well, he does. He never tell you about it?”

“No!” Sehun yelled before taking the pillow next to him throwing it to the wall. “I’m the one who sticks to him for years and he didn’t tell me anything about having crush?!” He muttered angrily the hem of his shirt.

“It’s just a crush. Why is he so mad over it?” Luhan asked as he turned to Jongdae who were staring at Sehun with pity.

“Sehun..” Jongdae sighed as he plopped next to Sehun, wrapping his arm on Sehun and he rubbed the boy’s back to soothe him down. 

"Ahh, it's true then. I can't believe Jongin can't see this." Luhan snickered as he watched them.

Sehun jerked his head to Luhan, scowling at him ."What's true?" He said through gritted teeth, holding himself from choking Luhan to death with his own hands.

“You.” Luhan raised his hand to point at Sehun. “You like him don’t you?”

Sehun lowered his head down, staring at the wooden floor. “No.” He mumbled slowly, his voice croaked a bit.

Luhan shook his head, pursing his mouth in a satisfied smirk. “He’s so dumb. Have you ever confess?”

“He did.” Jongdae muttered as he glanced at Sehun, sighing softly. “But that boy, he’s too dumb I think? They kissed, hugged and-“

“Hyung!” Sehun cut Jongdae with his palm over his mouth, the boy’s voice being muffled by his palm. “Don’t tell him anything, he can’t be trusted. He’s a devil.”

Luhan chuckled, amused. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell him, although I tell him I think he would say the same. Thing like you need comfort or whatever that came out from that pretty boy’s mouth, he’s annoying to be truth. How could he not notice this, he is really..” He trailed. “Anyway, good luck?” He changed the conversation.

“Good luck is useless. Say how many good luck you want, and my luck to him it’ll still be the same.” Sehun sighed as he stared at his palm. “But as long as I could be there next to him, it’s enough.” The side of his lip twitched, forming a grin.

“That’s the spirit!” Jongdae patted his back.

Sehun lifted his head, smiling at him before his face turned into a scowl. “Now get lost from my room!” 




Sehun stared at the clock wall, it kept ticking but no sound of doorbell or door creaked. Jongin had never been home late, if he wanted to stay somewhere he would call Sehun first or text him as he knew Sehun would be worried as if he didn’t send any message of his whereabouts. But that day, no phone call or text, he would call Jongin but he would not dare to interrupt anything Jongin might be doing with Jaehee.

Sehun fidgeted with his phone’s button, closing it and opening it every second to check if any message entered but to his avail there was none. “Where the is him.” Sehun grumbled as he tapped his phone repeatedly.

As he had wished, a message popped out on his phone but not from Jongin instead it was from Jaehee. He tapped on the message, reading it.


From: Jaehee.

Plz come down, I hv Jongin with me..He is..A bit drunk.


He shoved his phone down his jeans’ pocket, as he rose from the comfy couch. He paced to the door, turning the knob as he rushed out of the apartment not minding that his apartment’s door were wide opened. He used the elevator to go down, sighing in relief as it wasn’t packed. Who would go out on midnight anyway. As the the door slid open, he ran around the corridor, searching for any trace of Jaehee or Jongin.

“There.” He muttered when he saw the back of a girl with long wavy dark hair. He ran to them, only to see something he would never want to see. He stepped back, accidentally stepped on a twig, the sound of the twig broke echoed in the corridor, making Jaehee pulled back from Jongin, who were kissing her as she jerked her head to Sehun.

“Am I interrupting something?” Sehun grinned, clenching his fist.

“Oh. I’m sorry.” Jaehee’s cheeks were a bit red, could be due to embarrassment that Sehun just caught them. “I’m going then.” She smiled to Sehun before walking away from that place, leaving the drunk Jongin leaned on the wall.

Sehun let out the sigh that he had held, scowling at Jongin. “You are such a pain in the .” He mumbled as he walked to Jongin, draping his arm around Jongin’s shoulder, helping him to walk.

“I…love…you..” Jongin mumbled as he leaned his head on Sehun’s arm.

“Stay still you .” Sehun grumbled as he pushed Jongin’s head.

“I really really really really love you.” Jongin singsong as he giggled a little before hiccupping.

Sehun groaned. “Shut the up please I’m still mad at you.”

“Sehuna.” Jongin mumbled under his breath as paused on his track making Sehun stop too.

“What now?”

Jongin suddenly giggled as he turned to Sehun. He leaned his face closer to Sehun before grinning widely. “I really love you.” He muttered before leaning closer as he pressed his soft lip on Sehun, kissing Sehun with all his might but gently. “Song Jaehee.” Jongin mumbled in between the kiss.

Sehun pushed Jongin’s chest with his arms after he heard the mumble of other’s name than him. “You are really drunk.” He sighed, seeing his friend’s condition. “Let’s get you home.” He circled his arm around Jongin again who had seem to quieten down, walking him to the elevator.

The walk to apartment was really quite, Jongin seemed to be in deep thought although in his drunken state, it made Sehun think, what made Jongin drunk till that level? Sehun brought Jongin to his room, setting him down on the bed. Jongin still had his eyes half opened, staring at the ceiling not moving from his spot.

“Good night.” Sehun wished as he spun to walk out of the room.

“Wait.” Jongin suddenly mumbled as he grasped on Sehun’s wrist forbidding him from moving.

Sehun spun back, glowering at Jongin. “What now?”

He was suddenly pulled down to Jongin’s level, his face close to Jongin, if any of them moved their lips would brush on each other. Sehun swallowed the lump in his throat at how close they were, his eyes staring straight at Jongin’s lip. Before he could pull himself back, a pair of strong arms wrapped around his neck before he felt a plump lips brushing on him. Jongin pressed his lip harsher on Sehun as he deepened the kiss, their lips moving in sync.

Sehun’s hands automatically moved to Jongin’s waist as he plopped down the bed, his hands gripped tight on the hem of Jongin’s shirt. The passionate kiss turned into a heated kiss when Jongin stuck his tongue out, Sehun’s lip. Sehun moaned at the sensation, giving Jongin a chance to slip his tongue in Sehun, the inside. Not willing to being the submissive one Sehun tried to fight back Jongin’s tongue with his as they had their tongues battle.

Jongin pulled away first, gasping for air. He grinned at Sehun as he pulled Sehun down to his bed, making Sehun laid beside him. He wrapped his arm around Sehun’s waist pulling Sehun closer to him before pecking his forehead, wishing a good night as he closed his eyes with Sehun close to him.

Sehun was going to smile back, when the name of someone else slipped out from Jongin’s mouth.

“Jaehee…I love you.” Jongin mumbled as he nuzzled his head in Sehun’s hair.

Sehun felt his heart broke a little. Peeling Jongin’s hand off him as he slipped away from the bed, sighing at his broken hope. He spared Jongin a last look before walking out of the room, shutting the door gently.  




I'm so bad at description tbh so hHAHAHAH, goodbye.........then......enjoy wohoo failed description of kissing woohoo 



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Chapter 19: Sehun toped Jongin a week before they go back to keep rea, and now his pregnant with a visibale bump ? 🤔
Chapter 19: this is such an emotional and cute story!!!! i dont remember if i read this before lol but im reading it now in 2019!!!! big thunbs up!! thank you for your awesome writing!!!! sekai is too cute and the best together!!
Chapter 19: I mean I dont mind bottom Jongin (I love bottom Jongin) but like reading the entire book made me feel like he was a top so at the end I didn't expect him to be the one getting pregnant xD so it was weird for me but its all good lol
Chapter 19: *hahahahah
Chapter 19: The ending was weird....hahahahahaha????
The end is so satisfying
Jikook_JeonPark #7
Chapter 19: i love bottom jongin honestly xD
yekung #8
Chapter 19: Oh my!! I love preggy jongin XD
skylust #9
Chapter 22: i dont get why everybody hates the plot twist, well yeah i do prefer bottom sehun but the ending is so funny omg???? jongin's reaction tho when he knew he's pregnant LMAOOO will never get enough of that. it has been an amazing journey reading this story, its very well written! was so hooked by this story that i finished reading it less than 3 hours, good job authornim you da mvp
skylust #10