Lonely Thoughts

Shyly Yours


Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep bee-


Hansol groaned, fumbled around for his phone and silenced the blaring alarm. He always set it a little early so that he could lie in bed a while before he actually needed to get up for school. He slid the sheets off his body and sighed as the cold air hit his skin. He tugged at his T-shirt that was tangled around his torso, making it more comfortable. His shorts had stayed put during the night, unlike his rebellious shirt. Even though it was late December, his apartment was quite toasty and coupled with his comforter and other blankets, he could get very warm, almost hot during the night.


But, Hansol preferred it to be too warm rather than too cold. He didn't like the cold; it made him nervous and scared he'd slip and fall since he could be pretty clumsy. He decided that he lay there long enough and kicked his blankets off of him, swung his legs over the bed, slid his feet into his pink slippers and giggled. He loved his pink slippers since it was one of the small bits of color that he owned.


He shuffled around his room in his slippers, leaning down every now and then to pick up different articles of clothing and tossing them into a basket. He stood in one corner of his room and hummed as he contemplated what he was going to wear. He was in a good mood... So a grey sweater? With some dark blue skinny jeans.... Aaaand a belt. Hansol smiled. 'Yeah, that sounds good... And since I'm in such a good mood, I'm goona wear a beanie.'


He nodded to himself at his plan and began picking and choosing his outfit. His desired sweater was hung in his closer that took him an annoyingly long while to find. His jeans were draped over the back of his chair along with his belt. Once he tugged off the sleeping outfit he had on previously, he slipped into his jeans and pulled his sweater over his head. He s the belt through his jean belt loops and tightened it till it fit. Hansol then walked over to his desk and slipped his black studded beanie on. After a moment of 'oh yeah it's actually the cold outside’, he grabbed a warm jacket and pulled that on.


Hansol walked over to his body length mirror and gave himself a once over, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 'Not bad... '


He jumped a little as another alarm went off on his phone. He strode over to it and turned off the 'Time for school' alarm. He shrugged on his backpack over one shoulder, turned off his lights in his room and exited his apartment. 'I guess I gotta hurry... I'm a bit late now...'


Hansol walked out of the building and gasped as the cold morning air hit him in full force. Korea at night was frigid, but at eight in the morning it was practically the arctic. He shuffled over to the bus stop near his building and waited. The waiting was his favorite part of the morning. It was usually pretty calm and quiet, aside from the cars zooming by and honking their horns occasionally. But he enjoyed it nonetheless. It was his time to be alone and away from anyone because that particular bus stop wasn't very popular to the majority of people. It was a bit too far away from the usual root that led to more important parts of Seoul, so many just took the bus that stopped further up the road.


Hansol didn't need to since this bus took him right to his school and back home at the right times. He jerked his head up when the said bus pulled into the station, its breaks screeching as it came to a halt and opened its doors with a bang. Hansol stepped into the bus, swiped his pass and maneuvered his way to the middle of the bus. The back was too hard to get to and to get out of, and the front was just made him uneasy; therefore the middle was perfect. He sat down at a window seat and settled into a comfortable position. The bus closed its doors and rumbled off down the road, bumping up every now and then, causing for a bit of a jerky ride. The bus itself was on the old side, and Hansol overheard the driver muttering to someone on the phone that the bus “was going to be trashed soon and was getting too old to function.”


The raven haired boy was honestly kind of glad. He had grown tired of rickety rides to and from school and would readily accept a new bus that would run smoothly. The ride bumped eventually to an end. Hansol stood up and quickly hopped off the bus wordlessly, feeling no urge to speak to the driver. The sidewalk he arrived at was full of students hurrying to their classes, bustling and pushing to get to the school's gates.


Hansol tried to hurry, but ended up getting shoved to the back of the crowd to walk miserably behind everyone. He sighed. It wasn't that he minded walking -behind everyone-; it was more so that people just pushed him mindlessly out of the way that bothered him. 'In the end, I'm just in a crowd, so why am I taking it so seriously?' A memory suddenly flashed its way to the surface of his subconscious. Someone was yelling and he was running. It was all so blurry... Why blurry? His eyes were stinging... Had he been crying? The yelling got louder, but there was a big black group of -something- in front of him. He tried to push through, but to no avail— A hand grabbed him. The yelling increased considerably. Insults and hits to his arms being hurled at record speed–




The raven jumped, considerably startled.


'Who's shaking my arm?!'


He turned to view his potential enemy and prepared himself to escape, only to be faced with a confused Byoungjoo staring at him with his hand resting lightly on Hansol's shoulder. He shivered, stammering out an "O-oh hey... B-Byoungjoo...."


The brunette stared at him, almost incredulously and pulled him onto the sidewalk. Hansol glanced at his surroundings, only then realizing that he had almost wandered into the road.


"Hey? Is that it? What were you thinking, walking into traffic like that?! Is something the matter?" Byoungjoo took his hand off Hansol's shoulder and adjusted his own jacket, moving around to get a better look at Hansol's face. "You looked like you were zoning out.."


Hansol shook his head and tried to hide himself in his jacket and away from his confused friend. Why was Byoungjoo so flustered? The road here wasn't that busy, plus the cars would have stopped and honked it he had gotten too far. Was he...... concerned? His ranting reminded him of how his mother used to scold him whenever he had accidentally done something stupid, but that's ridiculous to think Byoungjoo reminded him of that. He didn't sound mean or angry, just confused....


Byoungjoo got bored of Hansol staring at the ground again and waved both hands in front of the latter's face.


"Hellllooooo? Hansol, you there?" He smiled once Hansol glanced up at him then shifted his gaze to look at the bushes, his face tingeing the slightest pink shade. 'He's probably just cold......' "Come on, space boy we're goona be late for class!"


Hansol glanced back at Byoungjoo oddly, only to be met with the back view of his 'friend'. 'Space boy...?' Did 'friends' call each other these weird names? Hansol couldn't remember ever calling-




"Hansolll" Byoungjoo whined out. "You really should get your mind into the -real world- and pay attention to where you're going! Sheesh," he chuckled. Hansol covered his face with both hands, apologizing profusely and generally wanting to hide from everything. TWICE! Twice he's run into Byoungjoo's back now. ‘Oh god please just kill me’ he wanted to groan.


Byoungjoo suddenly spun around to face Hansol and pried his hands off his face, his own hands disappearing into his pockets once Hansol's were off his face. His eyes twinkled as he spoke," I will accept your apology, which was totally unnecessary, IF you promise to seriously pay attention! Deal?" Hansol nodded, feeling nothing but being stunned. His hands felt like they were icy cold but flaming and burning quite hotly at the same time. Byoungjoo missed Hansol's conflicted expression and hummed happily as he walked through the gates, Hansol tagging along behind him, trying not to trip or zone out again.


Their teacher gave them a pitying look as they walked in, shivering like cold children who came in from playing in the snow (or lack thereof, in their case). "Byoungjoo, are you and Hansol late because he got lost or something?" Byoungjoo glanced back to look at Hansol, only to be met by two big brown eyes staring pleadingly back at him. The brunette flashed his famous smirk before turning to the teacher to reply," Yeah, something like that... Sorry teacher."


Their teacher sighed and waved them off, stating "All right then, but I'm only letting you off this once since Hansol is new here. Next time it'll be a punishment for both of you. Understood?"


Both boys mumbled "Understood teacher" before heading to their seats in the back. Byoungjoo glanced at Hansol once both boys had sat down. "In a way, you really -were- lost... What's been bothering you?" Hansol pulled out his books, not wanting to get the teacher even angrier at him. He -thought- about telling Byoungjoo; he really did. 'But no. Remember? I can’t just trust him so soon! I hardly just met him... He'd think I'm crazy anyway... Nobody has stuff like that happen... Or remember it that well.....' In the end, he just shook his head and stared forward towards the teacher, who was explaining dark matter to the class. After Byoungjoo realized in the .02 seconds that Hansol didn't reply that he wasn't going to, he relented and began taking notes.








"Lunch! Finally. God it feels like five classes before eating is just pure torture," Byoungjoo exclaimed once he and Hansol exited their fifth classroom and headed towards the lunchroom. Hansol just nodded and he swung his bag in front of him to dig around in it. 'Where is it.... Ah man.... I forgot it....'


"Forgot what?"


Hansol gasped and covered his mouth with his free hand. 'Oops...' He mumbled "U-uh... N-nothing..."


"Hansol...." Byoungjoo stopped walking and turned to look at him, his expression unwavering. "What did you forget?" Hansol stopped a foot or two away from him and gulped, stuttering out "N-nothing... That's what I f-forgot..." The brunette sighed. "Look, if you forgot a lunch or some lunch money, then you're fine. I kinda brought a big lunch, so we can share it!" He smiled brightly at Hansol, who felt quite relieved to see he wasn't screwed. He was on the skinny side, but needed to eat regularly. Skipping lunch would definitely ruin his concentration levels and shred them to bits. It did seem odd to him that Byoungjoo knew he'd forgotten a lunch..... But he thought nothing of it. 'I was probably really obvious about it anyway...' Byoungjoo nodded, satisfied with both their answers, and resumed walking to the cafeteria with Hansol following him as per usual.


The lunchroom was noisy and loud, much to Hansol's discomfort. He frowned, wanting to cover his ears and hide in a corner, but was unable to do so since Byoungjoo mentally (since actually dragging Hansol would be really bad and so unlike Byoungjoo) dragged him over to a table to sit down at. This was good and bad. Good since the table was at the quieter end of the hall (note on the quiet- er ), but the bad part was that there were other people sitting at the table where Byoungjoo decided to eat lunch at. Yeah, the bad DEFINITELY outweighed the good.


Hansol finally worked up enough courage to tug on Byoungjoo's sleeve as they walked over, his eyes still trained to the ground once Byoungjoo noticed. The latter turned halfway to look at Hansol, "What?” Hansol mumbled incomprehensible words and just waved his arm over in the direction of the table Byoungjoo was headed towards. The brunette followed Hansol's gesturing with his gaze before laughing quietly. "Oh Hansol, that's not where I - er, we, were going to sit! There-" he pointed to the table next to the one with all the people sitting at it, where one guy was eating at the end of the table "is where we'll sit. Even I wouldn't sit at that other table, so don't worry."


Hansol nodded, feeling extremely relieved on the inside that he wouldn't have to deal with that large of a group of people, especially considering Byoungjoo himself said even he wouldn't bother with them. He followed the brunette to the table, sitting on the side opposite the guy already sitting there. The guy looked up and saw Byoungjoo first, a white smile greeting them. "He–heyy! It's Bjoo~ Hi!" His gaze shifted to Hansol, not faltering as he looked at Hansol. "Who's this?" Byoungjoo patted the guy on the shoulder heartily before sitting down. "This is Hansol," he explained, as the guy looked confused," He's new as of yesterday." The other guy made an "oh" sound, nodding.


Hansol stared at the guy, trying to figure out why he felt so weird. For one: Who's Bjoo? Was that a nickname he had for Byoungjoo? And two: Hadn't he seen this guy before? He definitely recognized the jet black hair, but other than that... Nothing............!!! 'Oh yeah! I think he bumped into me in the hallway yesterday...' Hansol realized he'd been staring too long and forced a small smile into his face, feeling awkward. "N-nice to... Meet you..... Um...?"


Byoungjoo snapped his fingers suddenly. "Oh yeah, right I should probably introduce you, hah. Hansol, meet Shin Jiho, one of my closest friends."








A/N: Sorry for the delay ^. ^ School is starting up again, so my apologies in advance if the updates aren't up regularly or super often.

Btw, thank you so much for all you who've subscribed already AND commented! <333

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sorry this last chapter is so late... I'm having a bit of a hard time writing it cause inspiration is hard to come by right now ;u; hope y'all understand


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OppaIsWaitingForMe #1
Chapter 20: I finally finished this AM-A-ZING STORY GOSH! This took me a week and a half to finish! <Cause school and > anyway~ This was pretty great! And i enjoyed reading it~ Tysm for making it-- Saranghaeeee.
butterflyhansol #2
Chapter 20: that was so good omg
leechan_dino #3
Chapter 1: That was the cutest thing! I'm excited to read the rest of it :)
Chapter 19: Aww what a cute ending <3 well done finishing!!
sigh123 #5
Chapter 19: not enough kissing...?

i read throughout the story anticipating more kisses, even simple pecks on the lips ;_;
Chapter 18: Omggggggggggg so cuuuuuuuute!!!! :D I'm sad it's going to end!!! ;~; I've had so much fun reading it!!!