Curiosity (Part 1)

Shyly Yours


Hansol half smiled as Byoungjoo glanced around at their surroundings awkwardly as they walked, clearly embarrassed by his simple mistake. He nearly giggled out loud but restrained himself, suddenly reminded of what happened not ten minutes ago and blushed furiously. How could he be so stupid as to forget that already?! Who forgets they just confessed to their huge crush and just laughs it off?! Hansol groaned and tapped himself on the side of the head vigorously, muttering “stupid, stupid…. Stupid!”


Byoungjoo blew a long puff of steam into the air before looking over to see Hansol muttering and lightly hitting himself in the head. ‘That’s it, he’s lost it now…’


“Um… Hansol?”


Hansol jumped at the sudden sound and nearly fell off the sidewalk and into the bushes, his backpack sliding off his shoulder and plopping onto the ground. He squeaked in surprise and flung his arms out to regain his balance, successfully whacking Byoungjoo solidly in the chest as he went down. Byoungjoo coughed at the sudden hit and grabbed Hansol’s arm and pulled him up swiftly into a momentary hug before releasing him and taking a few steps back, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain his breath. Hansol wobbled slightly and bent over to place his hands on his knees, breathing in deeply before straightening up, an apologetic smile slowly appearing on his face.


“S-sorry… You just really surprised me…”


Byoungjoo finally managed to catch his breath and glanced up quizzically at him. “Tchh-- Yeah, no kidding! Are you still jumpy from before or something?”


Hansol’s downcast expression said it all as his eyes were trained to the ground, kicking at a stray stone as he mumbled, “M-maybe juuust a little, but let’s just keep going… We’re almost there…” Hansol picked up his backpack and pulled it onto one of his shoulders and began heading towards his home once again.


Byoungjoo nodded and slung an arm around Hansol’s shoulder protectively, muttering, “It’s getting dark so… A-and it’d be annoying if you fell again…” Hansol nodded and kept walking, trying to ignore his racing heartbeat and the blood pounding in his ears. At this range Hansol could catch the faint whiff of mint that seemed to be lingering round Byoungjoo yet again and breathed in deeply, feeling quite soothed by the comforting scent.


He knew that Byoungjoo would appreciate him to the best of his ability, but he wondered… To what extent would he be willing to try to understand Hansol? The fact that he’d accepted Hansol’s confession with relative ease already said a lot about what Byoungjoo was willing to put up with. But, what was Byoungjoo thinking now? ‘I hope he actually is okay with what I said…’ 


Hansol finally looked up from his deep thinking when Byoungjoo stopped walking and gently pulled him to a stop as well. “Hansol…,” Byoungjoo mumbled lowly next to Hansol’s ear without looking at him, “Do you feel like… We’ve been followed, this whole time?”


Hansol’s entire body froze, his face paling considerably as he struggled to speak, but Byoungjoo cut him off. “No—don’t say anything, or whoever is possibly following us will catch on and will leave… Just, keep walking—don’t go to your house and take me to some shop or place where we can ambush him or just do something about him, okay?”


Hansol nodded shakily and kept walking as if nothing had happened, attempting to continue a somewhat casual conversation.


“So, y-you aren’t… By chance angry at me, are you…?”


Byoungjoo scoffed at Hansol’s ridiculous comment, “Wh-what?! Angry at you? Why in the world would I be mad at you?”


Hansol pursed his lips, “Well… Cause you know…”


“AH—Hansol! Are you seriously thinking that I’m angry at you for what you said? Don’t be ridiculous! If anything I’m really proud of you.”


“What? P-proud of m-me? Why?” Hansol shivered, his chattering teeth making him suddenly regret standing in the cold December rain—or rather hiding from it—without thinking of the possibility that they could have stood inside and talked like normal freaking people. Byoungjoo glanced over at Hansol worriedly.


Yeah, because the Hansol I knew a couple weeks ago wouldn’t have said a peep about how he was feeling to me, no way no how.


 Byoungjoo paused, letting his words linger in the air and to sink in before questioning again, “Aside from that… Are you going to be okay? Your skin is really pale and I think your lips are turning kind of blue…”


‘What? P-ert, stop staring at my lips!’


“I’m not a ert! I’m just concerned, dang it!”


Hansol breathed out a huge billowing column of steam as he sighed deeply and hugged his sides, tucking his hands underneath his arms to attempt to make them warmer. “I’m gonna be okay, j-just… Maybe some c-coffee…”


Byoungjoo decided that enough was enough and guided Hansol towards the nearest coffee shop and pushed the door open, letting Hansol go in first. The soothing smell of coffee and baked goods assailed Byoungjoo’s nostrils, making him sigh in pure bliss. Hansol seemed to feel a similar sense of comfort as he sunk down into the nearest chair and laid his head on his arms crossed in front of him, his shivering stopped by the shop’s warmth.


Byoungjoo patted Hansol on the shoulder, taking the opportunity to glance around out the shop’s glass windows for any sign of a person following them. He sighed in annoyance at the lost opportunity and spoke quietly to Hansol, “Well, as far as I can see the guy or whatever that I thought was following us is nowhere to be found… I’m just going to assume that it was just my imagination and get a drink. You want something?”


Hansol looked up from his current comfortable sitting position and nodded, rummaging around in his backpack till he pulled out a wrinkly 5000₩ bill and handed it to Byoungjoo. “A small hot chocolate would be really nice… And, you think you can ask for them to put some whipped cream on top?”


Byoungjoo smiled at his simple and cute request and nodded, imitating a reporter as he pretended to write everything down on his hand, speaking professionally “All right then, so that’ll be one small hot chocolate with a bit of whipped cream on top—”


“W-well, maybe don’t skimp on the whipped cream… I kind of like it…” Hansol mumbled, smiling childishly as he fixed his eyes on the table in front of him. Byoungjoo chuckled and erased his imaginary writing on his hand and mumbling, “Ah, okay. Don’t… skimp on the… whipped cream. Got it, your order will be here soon!” With that, the mock waiter strode over to the counter and ordered for the both of them and paid up, leaning on the counter as he waited for the guy to make their drinks. 


Once he finished, the barista handed Byoungjoo the drinks and smiled, commenting “Enjoy!” Byoungjoo nodded and carefully grabbed the drinks from the barista, walking speedily over to Hansol to set it in front of him, blowing on his uncomfortably warm, almost scalding hot hand. Hansol looked up from his staring-off-into-space-session and smiled, reaching out to wrap his fingers around the warm cup, humming appreciatively, “Mmm, so warm~ Thanks Byoungjoo.”


Byoungjoo nodded and slid into a seat in front of him and sipped on his latte, hissing as he burned the front of his tongue. The two sat and sipped on their drinks for a short while until Hansol decided that they should really get home, especially since their drinks had cooled down enough to where they could hold them comfortably. They left the coffee shop and rushed through the frigid evening air and into Hansol’s apartment complex, nodding quickly at the receptionists as they hurried up the stairs.


Both boys arrived in front of the door in a rush, Hansol rummaging around in his bag to search for his keys, and upon finding them he fumbled around with them as he tried to unlock the metal door.


“Ah, seriously,” Byoungjoo muttered as he grabbed the keys from Hansol’s shaking and cold fingers and unlocked the door with ease, pushing the door inwards and gesturing towards it. “After you.”


Hansol blushed as he snatched the keys from Byoungjoo’s grasp and all but stomped into his apartment, muttering “It happens every time, so d-don’t feel too special…” Byoungjoo chortled quietly to himself as he followed Hansol into his black and white apartment, adding “Whatever you say Hansol.”


Byoungjoo glanced around at the narrow hallway decorated with a few pictures here and there that led to the kitchen on the left, and as he walked a bit further he entered a larger living room space with a massive window that gave a beautiful view of Seoul’s cityscape. “Wow….” he breathed, admiring the city lights and the odd car zooming by and creating brilliant blurs of fluorescent light on the streets. Byoungjoo heard Hansol plop his backpack down somewhere and walk to stand next to him in front of the window.


“Yeah, it’s a pretty gorgeous view from up here. Sort of.. Makes up for how far away it is from school.”


“I bet! You’re pretty lucky; I don’t see this kind of thing hardly ever, this much color and beauty…”


“Really? Huh, well I guess since you live right on the road, the most beauty you see is trees…”


“Yeah… Well, people are pretty beautiful too, so that counts for something.”


“Hmm… Yeah I guess… But that was kind of random…”


“Wellllll… Not really. We were talking about beautiful things, so naturally I thought about you.”


(barfs at my own cheesiness IM SORRY OTL)


Hansol gasped and blushed furiously, covering his face with both hands and nibbling on his nails out of anxiety. What the heck was he supposed to say to that?! Thankfully he didn’t have to embarrass himself further with him trying to reply with a for-sure squeaky voice from his throat constricting as Byoungjoo continued quietly. 


“Yes, that was really cheesy—sorry, but it’s kinda really true. I… don’t really get it myself—my own feelings and all. But what I do know is that clearly you aren’t the uh… only one…. Um….” Byoungjoo scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, mumbling to himself, “Ugh, how do I word this… Ummmmmm…”


Hansol glanced over at Byoungjoo and stared at him expectantly, not trusting his voice to work properly. Byoungjoo glanced around the room for some kind of inspiration, searching for words, eventually exclaiming in a rush “Well clearly I have some kind of feelings for you because whenever I’m around you I feel like I need to protect you and—and you’re just really sweet and totally different from the kind of people I’m used to that you’re like a breath of fresh air to me—and whenever you’re happy I’m happy and whenever you’re in danger I get kinda angry…I just… Well I’ve never really liked someone before, but I imagine this is what it feels like..”


Hansol stared slack jawed at Byoungjoo, his brain not computing all the words spewing from Byoungjoo’s lips and ‘oh crap I can’t space out and stare at his lips NOW! No no no nono!!’  Hansol shook his head forcefully and blinked a few times, trying to focus his vision on something more appropriate. “U-umm…… W-well I’m glad to…. To…. To uh, hear that! Um…”



“Hansol, I’m right here.”




“W-wha…. What?”


Hansol nearly jumped out of his skin as he felt Byoungjoo tilt his chin up from looking at the ground to stare directly into Byoungjoo’s face, an unreadable expression playing across his features.


“I’m here, not in the ground,” Byoungjoo deadpanned.


Hansol’s cheeks blossomed into a bright red color as he bit the inside of his cheek, muttering “Well, I knew that… It’s just—”


Byoungjoo’s  previously expressionless face broke into a huge grin as he took a step forward and wrapped his arm around Hansol’s small shoulders, his hand falling from Hansol’s face to wrap his other arm around Hansol’s waist. Hansol squeaked in surprise, nearly shoving Byoungjoo away but restrained the urge because ‘what the heck, it’s just Byoungjoo’. He breathed out slowly, confused as to when he actually began to hold it in the first place. Gradually, he raised his shaking arms up to grab onto the back of Byoungjoo’s sweater as if to gain some kind of support for his wobbly body. ‘Why am I so shaky right now? Byoungjoo just basically confessed to me. Why am I the one that is freaking out?! I really need to say something…’


“Ah, uh Byoungjoo I—”


“Shhhh… You don’t need to explain, you already spoke what you were thinking silly. And… I wouldn’t really call it a confession, per say. I’m not good at these kinds of things, so I just kinda spoke... stuff…”


Hansol nodded and buried his face in Byoungjoo’s chest, drawing in a considerably less shaky breath that flooded his senses with a smell of minty relaxation. “I think…” he breathed softly, “That mint is officially my favorite scent ever…” Hansol felt Byoungjoo’s chest move as he chuckled, his fingers drawing languid patterns on his back as he asked, “And what made you think of such a weird thing to say?”


Hansol smiled lazily, murmuring “Don’t you know? You literally smell just like mint, and it’s really…” Hansol shuddered and whined suddenly, his anxiety coming back in full force and hitting him like a truck. He cried out as his vision went blurry as a memory flashed into his head.


Strong arms, strong scent of blood, calm whispers seeping into his ears, crisp air of November biting his skin, something hitting his arm…


Hansol gasped for air as if he had been drowning under water, shaking violently with his teeth chattering. He had hardly noticed that Byoungjoo had sat him down on a chair that sat in front of the window and had been holding his hands the entire time, staring at him with a haunted look as he rubbed the backs of Hansol’s hands slowly. Once Hansol came to, Byoungjoo inched forward from his position sitting on the floor, his hands moving from Hansol’s hands to his face, wiping his tears away with shaky hands.


“H-Hansol… Hey, are you okay? You just… froze completely then started freaking out and crying and stuff… Were you—”


“Byoung…joo… You, did I say anything?”


Byoungjoo shook his head worriedly, “Should I have heard something?”


“N-no… But… That was…” Hansol sighed deeply, lifting his hands to lay them on Byoungjoo’s to pull them back down onto his lap. “Look… I guess… I should explain…” Byoungjoo nodded, his concerned expression not leaving his face.


“Well, ever since Woojin(his first ex, the dude who was super rude) broke my heart and things like that and ever since I moved here, I get these… Flashback things, where I remember something horrible or it can just being something I hear to something I’ll actually see… Kind of like when you dream you see something on the back of your eyelids but it’s not actually there… It’s like that… But…”


Byoungjoo tilted his head to one side, confusion evident on his face. “But… Hansol what?”


“But… Ever since I’ve been hanging around you and Jiho, but mostly you, I haven’t gotten those flashback/memory things… I can only think of a few instances, but… Other than that, none…”


Byoungjoo let out a long sigh, his head drooping down as he spoke quietly “Well, that’s a good thing for sure. But don’t overthink it; you might trigger them or something…”


Hansol nodded and nibbled on his lip and he stared back at Byoungjoo wanly, “I’m sorry… If I really scared you…” Byoungjoo shook his head and stood up and stretched.


“It’s fine Hansol, it’s happened before but just not like that. Weeee… should really actually get some things done… All the bad that’s happened in the past couple hours is enough stress to give me permanent grey hair for the rest of my life…”


Hansol stood up and huffed childishly, biting his lower lip, pouting. “Hey, all of what I’ve said has been for nothing?! RUDE.”


Byoungjoo smiled apologetically and cupped Hansol’s cheeks carefully, speaking in an articulate manner, “No Hansol, I should have been more specific. When I said bad, I meant the possibility of that person following us or your flashback…”


If it was even possible Byoungjoo stepped closer towards Hansol and leaned his head to rest against Hansol’s, their eyes locking.


“But… The good has outweighed the bad… and will continue to outweigh it…”


Hansol shivered as he felt Byoungjoo’s breath ghost over his lips that were only centimeters away from Hansol’s. A faint smile crossed the brunette’s features before he leaned forward to gently press his lips against Hansol’s. Any thoughts that had been floating through Hansol’s mind had been erased by one thought: ‘WHAT’. The raven haired boy’s eyes fluttered shut, but only for a moment as Byoungjoo pulled away only seconds afterwards.  Byoungjoo’s eyes stared searchingly into Hansol’s, looking for some sign of rejection or fear, but instead he was met with a blank gaze.


“Hansol…” he whispered, caressing his cheek slowly as he closed his eyes, breathing out slowly as he tried to collect his own scattered thoughts. “Hansol I—” Byoungjoo’s words were cut off by Hansol’s lips molding onto his own, his arms wrapping more securely around Byoungjoo as he stood on his tip toes. The two’s bodies moved fluidly against each other as Hansol ran his fingers through Byoungjoo’s hair. Byoungjoo was slightly taken aback by the forwardness of Hansol’s movements, considering he was expecting Hansol to blush and to stutter out some kind apology or something. ‘But this…?’


Hansol nearly whined at the loss of warmth and adrenaline as Byoungjoo pulled away for the second time, both panting lightly for air.


“Honestly, I’ve wanted to do that since… You were answered me…  Look I’m s—”


“Hansol, stop. Enough with the apologizing! Just go with it and try to get more comfortable with your feelings… Okay? I know that you.. Are probably having a hard time trusting me, but look. I like you, you like me… This is what happens, okay?”


Hansol nodded slowly, his fingers tracing over his lips as if he could still feel Byoungjoo’s pressing against his own. That had felt… Exactly as he had imagined—No.  It had been far better than he could have imagined. The shortness of it all had made him feel intoxicated and a need for more soon enveloped his mind, hence the second kiss. “Well, I know that much… But… Wow… Do you think we’re going too fast?”


Byoungjoo smiled and shook his head and he interlocked his fingers with Hansol’s and led him off in the direction of his bedroom, grabbing his backpack first before speaking “No, I don’t think so. If you are comfortable and I’m comfortable, then I think we’re fine. Let’s just… try to not let our hormones get the best of us and mess up real bad, okay?” Hansol hummed in agreement, mentioning “Yeah, very true. Anyway, we should actually get some work done since we’ve just been….. Messing around and stuff.”


Byoungjoo chuckled and nodded, pushing open the door of Hansol’s room and stepping in, Hansol following closely behind him.






A/N: 2:15 am… =__= I really should stop writing this late because DAYUM THIS CHAPTER WAS HORRID


Many apologies.


So, this is goona be part one since it’s short and poopy ;u;


Hopefully part 2 will be up soon…


If you actually enjoyed this crap chap, let me know in the comments below~



SIDENOTE: OMG. So I’m definitely addicted to Blood, the current new Kdrama with Ahn Jae Hyun in it…. THAT MOST RECENT EPISODE THOUGH 0-0. If you watch it, you should like rant with me :>>> Cause it’s the bomb dot com XD


**Edit as of 4/8/2015: BUT TRY NOT TO SPOIL ANYTHING xD



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sorry this last chapter is so late... I'm having a bit of a hard time writing it cause inspiration is hard to come by right now ;u; hope y'all understand


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OppaIsWaitingForMe #1
Chapter 20: I finally finished this AM-A-ZING STORY GOSH! This took me a week and a half to finish! <Cause school and > anyway~ This was pretty great! And i enjoyed reading it~ Tysm for making it-- Saranghaeeee.
butterflyhansol #2
Chapter 20: that was so good omg
leechan_dino #3
Chapter 1: That was the cutest thing! I'm excited to read the rest of it :)
Chapter 19: Aww what a cute ending <3 well done finishing!!
sigh123 #5
Chapter 19: not enough kissing...?

i read throughout the story anticipating more kisses, even simple pecks on the lips ;_;
Chapter 18: Omggggggggggg so cuuuuuuuute!!!! :D I'm sad it's going to end!!! ;~; I've had so much fun reading it!!!