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                Taeyeon was back in the solitude of the room, happy to be there after a painstaking week of nothing but endless torture, she hated Doctor Im; she hated him to the core.

The door opened and she flinched, Doctor Im, the man himself stepped into the room with a smirk, “My child,”

“I am not your child,” Taeyeon snapped,

Doctor Im raised an eyebrow as he stepped towards her, “Whose DNA do you think you have child?”

“You’re lying,” Taeyeon whispered to herself, “How could you treat me this way?!”

He back handed Taeyeon across the face, “Because you’re nothing more than a specimen!” He scoffed, “You barely even class as human, you should be grateful, if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t even be here!”

                She let out a broken sob, he shook his head and cursed under his breath before he turned around and left. This man had her DNA, no… she was his DNA, and yet he treated her like this? Taeyeon was beginning to think that being human wasn’t good at all… those humans could be evil and selfish but if that was true… then the others…

                Her ray of light, she smiled to herself but then she felt something weird, a tug of energy, she snapped her head up and looked to the left side of the room. She felt it, something was there, something warm and kind, she felt it!

                But Taeyeon didn’t want them to come back for her; if they did that then it could be dangerous for them. She hated it; she was torn between what her heart wanted and what she knew she couldn’t have.

Another tug made her look at the same spot again, it was as if it was calling out to her, she channelled her energy on it, staring at the same spot where two tugs had already come from, as if beckoning her gently.

Then a loud bang erupted before the room rumbled, causing Taeyeon to slip in the shackles around her wrist, grazing against the still open wounds on her arms, legs and back. A loud siren went off when another bang erupted, this time knocking one of the bricks lose behind her, releasing one of her arms heavily as the brick went downwards, dislocating her wrist in the making.

She screamed out in pure agony, and then the noise got closer, she could hear shouting and the familiar pull but now she was in deep agony as the brick attached to the shackle around her wrist weighed her down, she was too tired, too exhausted to try and help herself as she whimpered.

A cloud of black erupted into the room, and there stood Kai, in a black leather jacket, black ripped jeans and the smirk Taeyeon had missed.

He frowned, the smirk removing from his face when he saw how exhausted she was, “I’m so sorry we

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Chapter 16: This was a gorgeous story, I'm so happy I found it!
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 16: That was shocking °∆°
rebelblood123 #3
Chapter 16: This was beautiful and I probably shouldn't be reading this at 1:14 in the morning but I absolutely loved it. The plot was amazing it was just so good.
k_nana #4
Chapter 16: This is beautiful :'')
Leina1996 #5
Currently reading all of your stories. You are amazing!!
HanaHerlijanto #6
Chapter 16: I'm very late in reading this but

Chapter 16: Awesome! Finished in one sitting :P
yunyuncake #8
Chapter 15: Finally !!! Is getting excited! Fighting!!!!
Chapter 13: What's gonna happen to Taeyeon? Noooo. Please don't let her be alone and hurt....
yunyuncake #10
Chapter 12: Owh~~ So sweet haha >.< Fighting!