Chapter 3:





Chapter 3:

The sun shone bright on closed eyelids, causing the owner discomfort as he laid in the embrace of warmth. Slowly, Tao's eyes fluttered open. He could feel calm breaths on his forehead, and the more his eyes opened, he could see a thin, neck and pale skin that hid under an off shade of a navy blue shirt.

It's cold~

Tao's eyes widenned as he realized just who was holding him close.

I told you not to take off your shirt. Come here, Tao, quit complaining, and come here.

Sehun seemed like an angel; His lips partly open, and his eyes moving wildly beneath his lids as he dreamt. Tao was stunned at the sight before him, even if he tried not to be stunned.

Should I take off my shirt too? Maybe our bodies will naturally warm each other if we press together like this?

Finally, Tao snapped out of his transe and looked down at himself. As expected, from all the memories flooding his hungover mind, he was in fact shirtless, and goosebumps covered every inch of his chest.

No~! Don't be stupid! Just hold me.

Tao grimaces and quickly jumps up from the couch that they had slept on. The cover was tangled around his and Sehun's legs, and he would've crashed on the ground if not for the Korean boy sitting up and grabbing him by his hips to steady him. Tao's wide eyes met Sehun's groggy and confused gaze, and suddenly his breath was caught. 

"Mmm- what are you doing?" Sehun muttered tiredly. Tao didn't bother to answer the Korean who was now taking in the taller man's bare torso. He slapped Sehun's hands away and reached down to violently untangle his legs. By the time he was finished, Sehun seemed to be more awake, and more aware of just how shirtless the man was.

"Why are you shirtless?" Sehun asked before looking around for anything to cover his bed hair with. Again, Tao didn't bother to respond to him, instead he hurriedly found his shirt and pulled it on. "Hey, Tao, are you deaf?" Sehun grumbled in annoyance. Tao dropped to the floor and pulled on his shoes, and then barely glanced up at Sehun.

"I-I don't remember- but, that aside~! Why did you offer to hold me?" Tao asked and glared at Sehun. Sehun pailed, and stuttered a few Uhm's and Ahhhh's until finally glaring back. 

"Why'd you agree!? If you didn't want to you didn't have to." Sehun griped back. This time Tao paled.

"I was drunk, what do you expect?" Tao griped back. He hurriedly lifted himself from the floor and grabbed his jacket, and slung it around to slide his arms right in. Without noticing, Sehun had thrown off the covers and jumped onto his feet to rush to Tao's side and trap his arm.

"I was drunk too! You can't blame me." Sehun griped. Tao yanked his arm out of Sehun's grip and backed away.

"Okay, well, we were both drunk. It won't happen again. I have to go find a new job, so do me a favor and tell Minseok I'm leaving first." Tao said and exited the apartment. Sehun grumbled and slipped on his shoes and his jacket. He stretched his arms over head as he made his way through the short hallway towards Luhan's room where he stopped in front of the door. With his arms still in the air he let's out a paniced scream and spins around.

"MY CAR~!" He screamed as he sprinted through the living room and out the front door.


Minseok sat up in bed, eyes wide and head pounding. Beside him Luhan slowly rolled onto his back and joined him in the sitting position. A few minutes passed before Luhan threw his arms around Minseok and leaned his weight on him, quickly falling back asleep.

"Lu? Lu, did you hear that?" Minseok asked before looking down at his boyfriend and realizing he had fallen back asleep. He smiled and brushed a couple strands of hair out of Luhan's face, then leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Immediately after Minseok broke the kiss, Luhan's hand met his cheek in a loud pap and he pulled the Korean in again for another kiss. Luhan's eyes fluttered open as they pulled away, and he smirked at his boyfriend, a smirk that turned incredibly naughty in an incredibly short amount of time. Minseok's back met the matress with a rough shove and oof and he gazed up at his boyfriend with a red face. Luhan smiled at him trailed his fingers down his chest until he reached his stomach. Without warning he lifted his hand and brought it back down,causing Minseok's stomach to tighten and his lips part in an O.

"We never did get to do it last night, did we Uminie?" Luhan asked and his lips curled up sweetly. Minseok's heart jumped. "How 'bout it?" Luhan said before lifting a leg and swinging it onto the other side of Minseok, ultimately trapping him under. Even though the Korean man was blushing rather deeply, he still managed to smile and run his fingers up Luhan's legs until they wrapped around his waist. 

"NO~! YOU BASTARDS! YOU HEARTLESS BASTARDS!" Sehun shouted as he pulled on the sleeves of the men toeing his red sports car. The manager of the restaurant had ordered Chanyeol, Chen, and Suho to restrain Sehun so that the workers could do as they were supposed to. However, Sehun had other plans, and he wouldn't let anyone stand between him and his car. 

A couple more screams and a violent yanking of one of the men's hair earned him a punch straight to the face. Chanyeol, and Chen were both shocked, but didn't say anything to the toer as he looked angrily at them. Suho stepped forward and apologized on behalf of Sehun, and everyone at the restaurant. The man rolled his eyes and walked away, leaving the three nervous men holding a crying Sehun.

As soon as the men drove off with his car, Sehun pulled away from the three restaurant workers and held the bridge of his nose where he had been hit. Letting out a few colorful words, Sehun dug out some money from his wallet and walked away to find a taxi.


Sehun is that person who doesn't really care. If he were to get mugged, as long as he was alive, he'd be fine. No biggy. But if something happened to a certain something that he was borrowing, well, that was a different story.

There he stood, head down, eyes on his shoes, and hands held tightly behind his back. His uncle hadn't said anything when he was informed of the car situation, which meant that he was over furious; Sehun knew this too well. 

"Why are you still standing here? What do you want?" His uncle asked in a calm voice, almost too calm. Sehun slowly looked up and met his uncle's gaze. He was dressed in the best suit he had, chocolate brown hair combed and geled to one side, and he was sitting back in his highly cushioned sofa. Sehun gulped, and reached up to scratch the back of his head, but when his uncle's eyes narrowed he dropped his hands to his sides.

"I-I was hoping you could.... give me a rental car.." Sehun asked as politely as he could. He immediately regretted it however, because of the odious way his uncle smiled at him. His eyes sparkled with the lust to murder, and it caused Sehun to step back five steps.

"Rental car." His uncle said mainly to himself. He snapped his head up and met his nephew's gaze. He wasn't smiling anymore, and his face was turning a bright red with every second that passed. "RENTAL CAR!?" He bellowed angrily and Sehun hopped around, unsure of where he should go to hide.

"J-just for a week~! Until I can get a job!" Sehun cried out in fear that his uncle would jump off the sofa and crush him with a slam of his hand. He had already been punched once, how much more of a beating did he have to take? Thankfully, his uncle simply sat up and smiled from ear to ear at Sehun, who noticed his legs were visibly shaking. 

"You'll get a job, and a car. BUT ON YOUR OWN COST! GET OUT!" As soon as his uncle jumped to his feet, Sehun was practically out of the large building.



One week Later:

It was a cold and cloudy day outside, and the wind was violent with the goal of knocking Sehun off his feet as he walked to his new(and some what first) job. It was his fourth day there, and some how, he kept arriving late, which he figured must have been because he was used to arriving at the speed of his car, not his feet. He was working as a receptionist at a medical clinic that was set just in front of the bus station. He would've rode the bus to the clinic, however, the bus hadn't seen him as he chased after it. This time though, once he saw it coming, he would flag it down. Chase it, kick it, scream at it, throw rocks at it, whatever it took. He was determined to get out of the cold. 

Minutes later he heard the loud rumbling of the bus coming his way. He spun around and smiled from ear to ear as he waved and motioned for it to stop. Stop it did, just before him, and when the doors opened he looked up and-


"Tao!?" Sehun asked meeting Tao's wide eyes. He must not have noticed it was Sehun, because he looked just as shocked. Regardless of the bus being driven by some one he hated, Sehun lifted his foot to board the bus but the door suddenly shut. Sehun looked up and through the glass window of the double doors he could see how Tao's lips slowly curled into a mischevious smirk.

"Tao?" Sehun called out and began banging on the doors. He only got in two bangs, because the bus zoomed off, leaving Sehun staring after with wide eyes.


"HAHAA!!" Tao laughed as he sped off. He sighed happily, completely sure that if he died, he would have nothing to regret. He slowed down as he reached a stop light. He leaned back and drummed the steering wheel as he waited for his turn to go. These lights were usually very slow, meaning he would have to wait a bit before actually being able to go anywhere.

He saw the lights changing, leading up to the color he needed and then there was loud banging. Tao jumped in his seat and turned to look at the doors of the bus. On the other side was a red faced Sehun, leaning his whole body on the door as he loudly panted and gasped for air, the glass fogging up in the process. Tao burst out laughing, the sight making his stomach bubbly.

"Okay, Okay~! Back up so I can open the doors." Tao said followed by a happy sigh. Sehun, believing that Tao would drive off again violently shook his head and gripped the door tighter. Tao shrugged and whispered alright to himself as he pulled the lever. The doors split in the middle and slid open all too fast for Sehun to deal with, causing him to fall face first on the steps. Slowly he rose up on his elbows and pointed at Tao.

"You're dead." Sehun growled. He huffed as he rose onto his feet and stumbled to find a seat. Seeing that Sehun was headed to the back of the empty bus through the rear view mirror, Tao smirked and pressed on the gas and Sehun went flying.


After crawling into a seat near the middle Sehun proceeded to bite Tao's head off with hateful words, to which Tao simply laughed. When Sehun went quiet, Tao looked through the rear view mirror.

"Where are you headed?" Tao asked as he passed another street light. Sehun glared at him, looked away, then looked back, his bottom lip puckering in a pout. How ugly. Tao thought.

"I'm going to work." Sehun grumbled. Tao began laughing but stopped however, due to choking on his own saliva. Sehun rolled his eyes.

"You working~!?" Tao asked in shock. Sehun nodded angrily and carefully slid over all the chairs until he was seated in the one at the very front on the opposite side of Tao.

"Yeah. I am, and when I get enough money, I'm buying a car." Sehun snaps angrily. Tao scoffs and turns into the bus station. 

"It's not that easy." 

"Yeah, for me it is. Why don't you have a car, if you're driving, and fully capable." Sehun asked as he Tao parked the bus near a group of ready bus riders. They boarded the bus, paying and taking their seats, while Tao stood, and stretched his limbs. Sehun followed him off the bus and into the building.

"I don't have a car because I still need to build up enough money." Tao said as he stopped by a vending machine to buy a can of coffee. Sehun laughed and placed his hands on his hips.

"How do poor people get around? I'm serious." 

"You'll find out soon, don't worry. Now, stop following me and go to work, I'm going to the bathroom and I don't need your help." They both shivered at that, then parted their ways. Before Sehun could get too far away, Tao grabbed his arm and his attention.

"What?" Sehun asked in irritation. Tao seemed to be trying not to blush. "What time do you get out of work?" He asked the Korean. Sehun began blushing, but he successfully pushed it away with a nonchalant yank of his arm.

"9 pm, why?"

"So do I. Later." Tao finished and turned away. 



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Chapter 3: You will update right? Right???
And thank you authornim for making me love them more <3
Update soonnnnn!! ;)